David Willetts Can't Do Maths

Photo of David Willets.

Last week I attended Google's Big Tent event. I may write about some of the panels later, but I want to focus on how I flummoxed the Minister for Universities and Science - David "Two Brains" Willetts (Photo by Paul Clarke) I posited to the Rt Hon Gentleman, that student loans were crippling the high-tech […]

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Valkee's Website Was Misleading

A pseudo-scientific piece of equipment designed to shine lights in people's ears.

Regular readers may know that I'm not a big fan of Valkee - the magic light you shine in your ears to improve your mood. Back in September, I complained to the ASA about the Valkee website. I felt that it was making unfounded claims, was confusing testimonial with science, and was generally misleading. In […]

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Choc In To Joyville - Cadbury's Hackday

Before Cadbury's inaugural hackday began there were a number of rumblings on the blogs about the extact nature of Cadbury's intentions. See Thayer Prime's and Emma Mulqueeny's thoughts on the subject. As it happens, after a bit of gentle poking, some of the terms were clarified. The event itself went rather well, but I'd like […]

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The SIM-less Phone Is Coming. And It Should Scare The Shit Out Of You

Photo of a nano SIM card and its plastic housing.

The argument over the nano-SIM is a distraction. It's a sleight of hand designed to catch the industry off guard and fool it into doing something really stupid. The SIM is designed to do a number of things; encryption, address storage, hold SMS, etc. Most importantly, it's designed to be swappable. With GSM, you can […]

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Crowdsourcing Leveson

I've already blogged about the Leveson Inquiry's disturbing habit of releasing evidence as scanned in PDFs. I had a suggestion from digital journalist Kevin Anderson @edent Put the Leveson docs up on Google Docs. I'd be curious how their OCR could handle them. Then click 'make public' — Mr Anderson (@kevglobal) May 11, 2012 Google […]

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Senseg Feelable Touchscreen Video

Photo of a man demoing the Senseg technology.

I had a chance to play with Senseg's feelable technology today - here's a quick video showing it off. The guys are (naturally) cagey about their product launch, but here's what I was able to glean. It will be multi-touch compatible. The tablet appeared to be Android - that's just the demo unit though. Developer […]

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Why Can't Red Dwarf Predict The Future?

The entire premise of Red Dwarf rests on this one scene: Lister's cat is discovered because he takes a photo of the two of them and has it developed in the ship's photo lab. In 1988 - when Red Dwarf was first aired - nothing in the world seemed more natural than to get a […]

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Interesting Twitter Hashbang Bug

Did you know that you can to link to a specific Tweet on Twitter? The URL looks like this: https://twitter.com/#!/edent/status/197967209459499008 Pretty obviously, that's the user's name and the ID of their tweet. Simple, right? Not really, click on that link and you'll see this: That's my name in the URL bar - but the Number […]

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YQL and The Pirate Bay

Logo of The Pirate Bay. A pirate ship.

For reasons best known to themselves, certain sections of the entertainment industries seem to believe that bolting the stable door shutting down The Pirate Bay will stop all piracy. It's as though they think that people won't be able to use a proxy, circumvent the Cleanfeed block, or simply use a search engine to find […]

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Windows Phone 7 vs Android

A Windows 7 phone.

Last week, I posted this tongue-in-cheek suggestion. Prediction*: iPhone5 & Samsung Galaxy S 3 to have IDENTICAL hardware. Battle of the OS / ecosystems! *Well, wishful thinking! — Terence Eden is on Mastodon (@edent) April 26, 2012 Wouldn't it be great if there was a proper show-down between the two major players? You could really […]

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