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MySQL is an open-source database owned by Oracle. ServerFault topics include how to run the server. For more MySQL specific questions like backup/restore/recovery/configuration, is probably a better home.

5 votes

Determining MySQL Settings

MaxClients and MaxRequestsPerChild are Apache settings, not MySQL. MySQL has max_connections, which resembles MaxClients, but no equivalent to MaxRequestsPerChild. What do you mean it 'goes down'? … If mysqld dies (what do you see in the mysql error log?), then you should turn something down (possibly the settings you're talking about, in Apache). …
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-1 votes

How to analyze space used by tables, indexes

ls -la /var/lib/mysql/* …
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0 votes

mysql administrator

You might be connected to localhost, but for purposes of that error message you probably also need to be connected via localhost, i.e. it sounds like you're talking to your mysql server via the local machine's …
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2 votes

MySQL replication of only one database

It's not that all db.table INSERTs won't work, it's that cross-database ones won't (see the example in the doc page you link to). Your replication probably works because you're not doing any cross-da …
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1 vote

Should I expect problems with a different version of the MySQL PHP extension vs the MySQL se...

Just because you don't do anything fancy with MySQL doesn't mean you're safe. It could be that nothing would go wrong, but I certainly wouldn't feel secure running with that mismatch. …
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1 vote

Installing and running MySql on FreeBSD

Try invoke-rc.d mysql start. …
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0 votes

How can I create a slave replica of a MySQL server without stopping the master?

FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK on the master, copy the data to the slave (possibly with periodic SELECT NULL operations on the client that's talking to the master to prevent the locks from being lost to …
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1 vote

MySQL Can't Create/Write To File

It's pretty obscure, but I think you might (just might) have a bunch of dead SQL temporary tables like that one hanging around, and eventually mysqld tries to reuse the same filename and fails because …
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17 votes

Remote connection to MySQL server takes very long

Probably you're lagging on an attempt to retrieve and verify reverse DNS of the connecting host. You can test this by turning on skip_name_resolve in the server's my.cnf, [mysqld] section. If it is …
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1 vote

Way to inexpensively temporarily increase storage on production servers?

If these are Linux/Unix boxes, this (or the equivalent for the filesystem in use, if applicable) is often a powerful magic incantation for 'give me more space': tune2fs -r 100 /dev/whatever
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