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Questions tagged [smtp]

SMTP is the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, the most recent standard of which is defined in RFC 5321. It's the Internet standard for sending and receiving email.

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2 answers

554 5.7.1 Relay access denied - cant send mails

I tried to upgrade debian from 10 to 11 and the everything got messed up. Im trying to fix postfix. I can receive emails but cant send. I get the error "554 5.7.1 Relay access denied" My ...
Anarkie's user avatar
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How to add your own private keys to postfix configuration for DKIM without opendkim or the likes of it?

I have generated the keys locally through openssl added to the DKIM DNS txt Record but how to add it to postfix withouth any other tool.Is there any connfiguration parameter where the file ...
Abu Shahrin's user avatar
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Cant restrict SMTP connection by IP in Amazon SES

I use Amazon SES to send transactional emails (using SMTP connection) from my app and I wanna improve the credentials security by restricting access from specific IPs. I've created an IAM Policy for ...
Arivan Bastos's user avatar
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Even though I got full score in mail-tester, gmail still gives an error of IP address not being authorized when using sendmail

I'm using sendmail and I passed the DMARC, SPF and DKIM but when I send an email to [email protected], I get this below error: 50-5.7.1 The IP you're using to send mail is not 550-5.7.1 authorized to ...
John Sall's user avatar
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SMTP Server: Postfix w/ Dovecot - how to configure the allowed username + password?

I seek a Linux-based SMTP server. I've read tutorials and specs regarding Postfix SASL with Dovecot, though I can't find how to configure the list of username and password which are allowed to send ...
Dor's user avatar
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How can I make MIAB automatically copy all mail sent via SMTP into the sent folder of the sender's account?

I run Mail-In-A-Box on my mail server and one of my clients is using a specialized application to send messages via SMTP from their account on my server. When they used their own Gmail account to send ...
Del tree's user avatar
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All containers on a server fail to send SMTP requests, the rest works fine

We have a VPS with several services in Docker containers, on top of which, another Docker container runs a Traefik reverse proxy. Last Monday morning, all the services running on that server failed to ...
Arpenn Sardin's user avatar
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Postfix sending duplicate emails under different userid's, how to fix?

I can't find a reason for it in the postfix settings, but duplicate emails are being sent, under different uid's. Looking at the email headers, they have unique ids, and each with a different Postfix, ...
jamminjames's user avatar
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Postfix - can't limit active queue

One of the destinations I send email to has unusual performance characteristics. The active queue can fill up with messages for this domain, blocking sending to other domains. I want to limit the ...
symcbean's user avatar
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Cannot get Exim to verify DANE for remote smtp

I am trying to configure Exim to try DANE before deciding to deliver unencrypted mail to remote hosts. My general Exim configuration has: dns_dnssec_ok = 1. For the dnslookup router: ...
triatic's user avatar
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authenticate users in smtp relay server exim4

I'm configuring relay SMTP server for sending email alerts from my local network. I need to send emails alerts from services witch run on my servers. And I need to authenticate it: each service should ...
mirolz's user avatar
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postfix MTA seemingly benign I/O Error : postqueue fatal: output write error: Input/output error

I am getting the following message in my syslog exactly every 30 seconds. Everything is working but words like "Fatal" and "Input/output error" cause me an inordinate amount of ...
Paul Lemmons's user avatar
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VM behind nat on Proxmox cannot reach port from internal network

The issue is that I am able to reach port 25 from outside (public internet) to the specific machine in the local network behind NAT, but cannot reach to port 25 on public machine e.g. hotmail-com.olc....
EAK TEAM's user avatar
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How to install sendmail client only, without the MTA?

Is there any way to install the sendmail client, only, without installing the sendmail MTA at all? What I mean by this is the sendmail -t command that is frequently used by processes such as cron to ...
InterLinked's user avatar
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Email Sender Identities / Single Sender Verification

I have a self-hosted web service and one of its features is allowing customers to send emails to their customers. Currently we send these emails on behalf of our customers by setting: from: mailer@...
mwarble's user avatar
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