Server running Ubuntu 12.04 lts

I installed munin the other day on a server. I decided later to remove it with apt-get.

I noticed that not everything was removed from the installation so manually removed the munin web directory and also removed the munin user-name and group from the sever.

However I have just now tried to run apt-get upgrade which is now returning an error:

dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting: syntax error: unknown user 'munin' in statoverride file E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)

I am now out of my depth. What does this mean? Google results have not really been helpful.

Can anyone help?

Thanks, John

3 Answers 3


Take a look in


if there is any line

root munin 750 /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d


dpkg-statoverride --remove /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d
  • There are quite a few: munin munin 755 /var/lib/munin root mlocate 2755 /usr/bin/mlocate root munin 750 /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d munin munin 755 /var/cache/munin/www root ssl-cert 710 /etc/ssl/private munin adm 750 /var/log/munin root crontab 2755 /usr/bin/crontab Do i just remove all the munin related ones i am guessing?
    – John
    Commented Oct 27, 2013 at 19:57
  • Remove only the munin related ones
    – Alex
    Commented Oct 27, 2013 at 20:05

I noticed that not everything was removed from the installation so manually removed the munin web directory and also removed the munin user-name and group from the sever.

Don't do that! Because you didn't purged properly the users stored in /etc/passwd file, which dpkg queries to compare with the statoverride file, do not match up and dpkg is throwing a warning. Instead purge the package and dpkg will remove all the directories and users the package created, without the user having to dirt their hands in it.

sudo apt-get purge package

This should do it.

  • For those Googling this, this answer is correct in that you should not manually delete package-created users/groups in the future. However, Alex's answer seems to work if you have made this mistake.
    – timelmer
    Commented Jan 26, 2018 at 17:59

I was trying to reinstall apache2 cause for some reason which I could not fix, it refused to start

$ sudo apt-get install apache2 dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting: syntax error:unknown group 'nagios' in statoverride file

Looking into: dpkg/statoverride

cat /var/lib/dpkg/statoverride root postdrop 2555 /usr/sbin/postdrop root postdrop 2555 /usr/sbin/postqueue root mlocate 2755 /usr/bin/mlocate postfix postdrop 2710 /var/spool/postfix/public root nagios 4750 /check_icmp root ssl-cert 710 /etc/ssl/private root crontab 2755 /usr/bin/crontab

The solution was to:
:/etc/php5/apache2/conf.d$ sudo sed -i '/nagios/d' /var/lib/dpkg/statoverride

And the result
:/etc/php5/apache2/conf.d$ cat /var/lib/dpkg/statoverride root postdrop 2555 /usr/sbin/postdrop root postdrop 2555 /usr/sbin/postqueue root mlocate 2755 /usr/bin/mlocate postfix postdrop 2710 /var/spool/postfix/public root ssl-cert 710 /etc/ssl/private root crontab 2755 /usr/bin/crontab

credit: Ubuntu unknown user in statoverride

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