So the (lone) server in a very small (2 person) office was activated with an evaluation key and configured (very extensively) - awaiting budget for the license. Only to find out that it must be demoted from DC and another machine take on the role just to enter a license.

So, effectively, stuck. Seems nuts given there surely must be literally millions of single server small offices. But here we are.

Please no "did you do your homework/RTFM" slams. That's why I'm asking: this did not come up in anything I did do.


2 Answers 2


Add another DC temporarily. Demote the current DC, activate it, then promote it to domain controller again.

  • As I said in the question - there's only one server. That was the whole point of this question - i.e. is there some hack or workaround known by somebody.
    – SKidd
    Commented Jan 18 at 12:42

You can't change it to retail as per Microsoft documentation

If the server is an Active Directory domain controller, you can't convert it to a retail version. See Upgrade Domain Controllers to Windows Server for important information.

Your best bet at this stage is to set up a new server, promote it, move all roles over and demote the old one.

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