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Virtualbox Shared folder problems on Fedora guest

I install vbox guest additions on fedora for using linux guest as server and my Win7 host for working. So, directory on my win (c:\web) mapped to linux /web and my apache server serve from this directory. I working on win and changing and renaming files, that causes errors on guest.

Some times i has something like 'ls: cannot access Environment.php: No such file or directory'

[root@web application]# ls -l
ls: cannot access _Environment.php: No such file or directory
total 28
-rwxrwx--- 1 root vboxsf 5325 Nov 21 03:01 Bootstrap.php
drwxrwx--- 1 root vboxsf 4096 Nov 21 02:52 configs
?????????? ? ?    ?         ?            ? _Environment.php
-rwxrwx--- 1 root vboxsf  943 Nov 21 02:32 Environment.temp.php
drwxrwx--- 1 root vboxsf 4096 Nov 20 13:52 forms
-rwxrwx--- 1 root vboxsf 1458 Nov 21 13:04 Init.php

Also i made a little test on php. I create file with check file_exists(). Then i make test file and has true. Then i remove file and has true again :
I check local folder and test was passed (true, false).

I can't found what a problem. I tried to reinstall vboxadd, recreate shared folder. Mount it from /etc/fstab, by mount -t vboxsf, by automount. And always has same issue. If i change file contents all works as expected. But if remove/add/rename files i has errors with ls: cannot access or with php can't determine removed file or not.

Please, where i can found error? I think problem in vboxsf file system, but where.

For info: guest - fedora 16 (upgraded by yum) host - win7 vm - virtualbox 4.1.6 vbox additions updated on guest and on version 4.1.6