How to Add Additional Text to Category Pages on Shopify.

Enhancing your Shopify store’s collection pages with additional, unique text can significantly improve your site’s SEO and provide valuable information to your customers. Follow this comprehensive guide to add unique text to the bottom of your collection pages, making your store more engaging and search-engine friendly.

Why Add Unique Text to Collection Pages?

  1. SEO Benefits: Unique content can help improve your search engine rankings by providing search engines with more context about the products in your collection.
  2. Enhanced User Experience: Additional information can help customers make informed decisions, increasing their satisfaction and likelihood of purchase.
  3. Brand Authority: Well-written content can establish your brand as an authority in your niche.

Step-by-Step Guide to Adding SEO Content to the Bottom.

Method 1: Using the Shopify Admin

Step 1: Log in to Shopify Admin

Log in to your Shopify admin panel using your credentials.

Step 2: Navigate to Themes

From the Shopify admin dashboard, go to Online Store > Themes.

Step 3: Edit Code

Find your current theme and click on Actions > Edit code.

Step 4: Locate the Collection Template

In the code editor, look for the collection template file. This is typically named collection.liquid and can be found in the templates folder.

Step 5: Edit the Collection Template

Open the collection.liquid file and scroll to the bottom where you want to add your unique text.

Step 6: Add Your Custom Text

Insert your custom HTML code for the unique text. For example:

<div class="custom-collection-footer">
<p>Your unique text goes here. Include any relevant information that enhances the collection page.</p>

Step 7: Save Changes

Click Save to apply the changes to your collection template.

Method 2: Using a Custom Section

Step 1: Create a New Section

In the code editor, click on Add a new section. Name it collection-footer.

Step 2: Add HTML Content to the Section

In the newly created collection-footer.liquid file, add your HTML content. For example:

<div class="custom-collection-footer">
<p>Your unique text goes here. You can add detailed product information, brand stories, or promotional messages.</p>

Step 3: Include the Section in the Collection Template

Open the collection.liquid template file and include the new section at the bottom:

{% section 'collection-footer' %}

Step 4: Save Changes

Save both the section and the collection template files.

Method 3: Using Shopify’s Page Editor

Step 1: Navigate to Products > Collections

From the Shopify admin dashboard, go to Products > Collections.

Step 2: Select a Collection

Click on the collection where you want to add the unique text.

Step 3: Add Description

In the collection’s settings, add a description. This description will appear at the top of the collection page by default. If you want it at the bottom, you will need to adjust it using CSS.

Step 4: Custom CSS

Add custom CSS to move the description to the bottom. You can do this in the theme.scss.liquid file:

.collection-description {
position: relative;
bottom: -50px; /* Adjust this value as needed */

Step 5: Save Changes

Save your changes.

Tips for Creating SEO-Friendly Content

  1. Keyword Optimization: Include relevant keywords naturally within your text to help search engines understand the content of your page.
  2. Quality Content: Ensure your content is valuable, informative, and relevant to your audience.
  3. Readability: Use short paragraphs, bullet points, and subheadings to make your content easy to read.
  4. Internal Linking: Link to other relevant pages within your site to improve navigation and SEO.


Adding unique text to your Shopify collection pages is a simple yet effective way to boost SEO and enhance the customer experience. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily implement this change and reap the benefits of improved search engine rankings and increased customer engagement.


If you need to create such SEO-friendly content or sample write-ups, please contact us.


In today’s digital era, where smartphones have become indispensable companions for many, ensuring that websites are optimized for mobile devices is no longer just a luxury—it’s a necessity. Mobile optimization ensures website visitors have an experience tailored to their device, making navigation smoother, content more readable, and interactions effortless. Recently, major search engines have emphasized this aspect more, introducing significant mobile-friendly updates. These updates, aimed at prioritizing mobile-optimized sites, underscore the evolving nature of web browsing and the increasing importance of the mobile user experience. As more users turn to their phones and tablets for information, entertainment, and shopping, businesses and web developers must stay abreast of these changes to remain competitive in the digital landscape.

Historical Perspective

The history of the internet is relatively young, but it has witnessed rapid transformations in just a few decades. In the early days, the World Wide Web was primarily accessed via bulky desktop computers with large monitors. Web pages were designed with these machines in mind, leading to layouts and designs best suited for larger screens. However, as technology advanced, the rise of the smartphone ushered in a new era for web browsing.

By the mid-2010s, smartphones had not only become more affordable and accessible but also technologically advanced, capable of handling complex web tasks with ease. This shift resulted in a significant surge in mobile web browsing. Today, mobile devices account for a significant chunk, if not the majority, of global web traffic. This transition from desktop dominance to a mobile-majority landscape has reshaped how websites are designed, leading to the birth of mobile-responsive design and, ultimately, the emphasis on mobile optimization.

What is the Mobile-Friendly Update?

In recognition of the paradigm shift towards mobile web browsing, major search engines took decisive action. The Mobile-Friendly Update, often dubbed ‘Mobilegeddon’ in the SEO community, was introduced as a response to this change in user behavior. This update was not merely a recommendation; it was a clear indication of the direction the digital world was moving.

At its core, the Mobile-Friendly Update was designed to prioritize websites that offered a seamless experience on mobile devices. Sites that were optimized for mobile browsers, ensuring easy navigation, readable text without the need for zooming, and quick loading times, received a favorable nod in search engine rankings. The primary objective behind this update was straightforward: to enhance the user experience for the growing number of mobile web users, ensuring they find relevant and easily accessible content tailored to their devices.

Why the Update Matters

In the vast expanse of the internet, visibility is everything. Websites that don’t appear on the first page of search results often find themselves in digital oblivion, making search engine rankings paramount. The Mobile-Friendly Update directly influences these rankings. Sites not optimized for mobile browsing risked falling in rank, potentially missing out on significant traffic.

Moreover, today’s digital consumers are discerning. They anticipate fast-loading, intuitive websites regardless of the device they’re using. When their expectations aren’t met, the outcomes are immediate: increased bounce rates as visitors quickly leave, reduced engagement with the content, and, crucially, lower conversion rates. These factors have direct implications for a business’s bottom line. For businesses and website owners, this underscores the critical importance of keeping pace with the mobile evolution. Ignoring the shift can lead not only to decreased online visibility but also potential revenue loss.

Core Features and Changes Introduced

As search engines rolled out the Mobile-Friendly Update, several key features and changes were at the forefront of this revolution:

How to Check if Your Website is Mobile-Friendly

In the age of mobile prominence, determining the mobile compatibility of your website is more than just a tick on a checklist; it’s an imperative step. Thankfully, there are straightforward ways to assess this:

Best Practices Post-Update

Adapting to the Mobile-Friendly Update is more than just a one-time action. It requires continuous efforts and adherence to best practices to ensure consistent user satisfaction:

Common Mistakes to Avoid

While the journey towards mobile optimization is clear, there are pitfalls along the way that can derail efforts. Being aware of these can save time, and resources, and ensure the best user experience:

The Future of Mobile Web

As pivotal as the Mobile-Friendly Update was, it’s just a chapter in the ongoing evolution of the mobile web. So, what lies ahead?

Understanding Mobile SEO Post-Update

Mobile SEO has transformed post-update, necessitating a fresh approach to ensure optimal visibility in mobile search results:

The Role of AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) in the Mobile-Friendly Landscape

AMP, or Accelerated Mobile Pages, has emerged as a significant player in the mobile web ecosystem, particularly post-update:

Mobile-First Indexing vs. Mobile-Friendly

As the digital landscape evolves, terms like “Mobile-First Indexing” and “Mobile-Friendly” often surface, sometimes interchangeably. However, they signify distinct concepts:

Importance of Schema Markup in the Mobile Context

Schema markup, a form of microdata, has grown in importance, particularly in enhancing the mobile search experience:

The Interplay Between Mobile Apps and Mobile Websites Post-Update

In today’s digital age, businesses and content creators find themselves at a crossroads: should they invest in a mobile app, a mobile website, or both? Understanding their interplay, especially after significant updates, is crucial:

Case Studies: Winners and Losers of the Mobile-Friendly Update

Studying real-world scenarios can provide invaluable insights into the impact of the Mobile-Friendly Update:

The Relationship Between Mobile-Friendly Design and Conversion Rates


In the digital marketplace, attracting visitors is only half the battle; converting them into customers is the real challenge. Here’s how mobile optimization plays a pivotal role:

Impact on E-commerce Sites and Mobile Shopping Behavior

The Mobile-Friendly Update had profound implications for online retailers:

The Global Perspective: Mobile-Friendly Adaptation Around the World

While the trend toward mobile optimization is global, nuances in adoption and execution can be seen across different regions:

Feedback Loop: Gathering User Insights to Continuously Improve Mobile UX

The Mobile-Friendly Update was a step forward, but maintaining an optimal mobile user experience (UX) is an ongoing journey:


In an era where mobile devices are not just conveniences but essential tools for daily life, ensuring a seamless mobile web experience is paramount. From the historical shift away from desktop-centric designs to the globally felt impacts of mobile-friendly adaptations, it’s clear that the digital realm is in constant evolution. The Mobile-Friendly Update was not just a technical tweak; it was a clarion call to all digital stakeholders, emphasizing the user’s experience above all.

But the journey doesn’t end with one update. As technology advances, with the rise of 5G, progressive web apps, and a myriad of other innovations, businesses and web developers must remain vigilant. Regular feedback loops, understanding cultural nuances, and the willingness to adapt are essential.

In this dynamic landscape, adaptation isn’t just about staying relevant—it’s about thriving. Embrace the mobile-first mindset, invest in continuous learning, and ensure that no matter where technology takes us, you’re always ready to provide the best experience for your users.



Want to know the one thing that every successful digital marketer does first to ensure they get the biggest return on their marketing budget? It’s simple: goal-setting. This is an absolutely essential practice for any digital marketer who knows how to execute their campaigns in a productive, cost-effective way. With a few. With a few simple tips, you can be doing the same in no time! In this blog, we’ll walk you through the first steps every savvy digital marketer takes to ensure that they’re on target to hit all their marketing objectives. Get ready for revenue! 

Remember: even if the channel you’re considering is all the rage right now, it might not fit your brand. Always make informed decisions that directly relate to your company. Otherwise, your message won’t be delivered to its intended audience and you’ll have wasted time, effort and money.

Know Your Digital Goals

The first step is clearly identifying which goals you want to achieve. Get specific. Do you want to increase brand awareness? Are you all about locking in leads? Do you want to establish a strong network of influencers that can help you be discovered? How about pushing engagement on social media?

Get Specific

A useful tool for narrowing down your goals to ensure they’re viable is the SMART mnemonic. It’s important to get specific to understand exactly what you’re working towards, and help you break down the process of hitting your targets. This is exactly what this mnemonic helps you to achieve.

  • Does the channel reach my intended audience?
  • Is the channel sustainable and affordable within my company’s marketing budget?
  • Will I be able to measure the success of the channel?
  • Does the channel allow me to express my brand’s intended message?
  • Do the channels I’m considering work together to convey my message?

Always Remember Your Goals!

Establishing a solid vision for your business is the first step to planning your digital marketing budget. Always keep your final goals in sight when organising anything for your company. When deciding which steps to take next in your business, ask yourself how they will help you achieve the goals you outlined in Step #1. This will ensure that you stay on track and prevent you from spending your budget on anything that won’t help you achieve.

Cum et essent similique. Inani propriae menandri sed in. Pericula expetendis has no,
quo populo forensibus contentiones et, nibh error in per.

Denis Robinson

As your budget progresses and evolves, continue referring to your SMART objectives. Stay focused and remember your goals – they will always inform what your next step will be!

Want to know the one thing that every successful digital marketer does first to ensure they get the biggest return on their marketing budget? It’s simple: goal-setting. This is an absolutely essential practice for any digital marketer who knows how to execute their campaigns in a productive, cost-effective way. With a few. With a few simple tips, you can be doing the same in no time! In this blog, we’ll walk you through the first steps every savvy digital marketer takes to ensure that they’re on target to hit all their marketing objectives. Get ready for revenue! 

Remember: even if the channel you’re considering is all the rage right now, it might not fit your brand. Always make informed decisions that directly relate to your company. Otherwise, your message won’t be delivered to its intended audience and you’ll have wasted time, effort and money.

Know Your Digital Goals

The first step is clearly identifying which goals you want to achieve. Get specific. Do you want to increase brand awareness? Are you all about locking in leads? Do you want to establish a strong network of influencers that can help you be discovered? How about pushing engagement on social media?

Get Specific

A useful tool for narrowing down your goals to ensure they’re viable is the SMART mnemonic. It’s important to get specific to understand exactly what you’re working towards, and help you break down the process of hitting your targets. This is exactly what this mnemonic helps you to achieve.

  • Does the channel reach my intended audience?
  • Is the channel sustainable and affordable within my company’s marketing budget?
  • Will I be able to measure the success of the channel?
  • Does the channel allow me to express my brand’s intended message?
  • Do the channels I’m considering work together to convey my message?

Always Remember Your Goals!

Establishing a solid vision for your business is the first step to planning your digital marketing budget. Always keep your final goals in sight when organising anything for your company. When deciding which steps to take next in your business, ask yourself how they will help you achieve the goals you outlined in Step #1. This will ensure that you stay on track and prevent you from spending your budget on anything that won’t help you achieve.

Cum et essent similique. Inani propriae menandri sed in. Pericula expetendis has no,
quo populo forensibus contentiones et, nibh error in per.

Denis Robinson

As your budget progresses and evolves, continue referring to your SMART objectives. Stay focused and remember your goals – they will always inform what your next step will be!

Want to know the one thing that every successful digital marketer does first to ensure they get the biggest return on their marketing budget? It’s simple: goal-setting. This is an absolutely essential practice for any digital marketer who knows how to execute their campaigns in a productive, cost-effective way. With a few. With a few simple tips, you can be doing the same in no time! In this blog, we’ll walk you through the first steps every savvy digital marketer takes to ensure that they’re on target to hit all their marketing objectives. Get ready for revenue! 

Remember: even if the channel you’re considering is all the rage right now, it might not fit your brand. Always make informed decisions that directly relate to your company. Otherwise, your message won’t be delivered to its intended audience and you’ll have wasted time, effort and money.

Know Your Digital Goals

The first step is clearly identifying which goals you want to achieve. Get specific. Do you want to increase brand awareness? Are you all about locking in leads? Do you want to establish a strong network of influencers that can help you be discovered? How about pushing engagement on social media?

Get Specific

A useful tool for narrowing down your goals to ensure they’re viable is the SMART mnemonic. It’s important to get specific to understand exactly what you’re working towards, and help you break down the process of hitting your targets. This is exactly what this mnemonic helps you to achieve.

  • Does the channel reach my intended audience?
  • Is the channel sustainable and affordable within my company’s marketing budget?
  • Will I be able to measure the success of the channel?
  • Does the channel allow me to express my brand’s intended message?
  • Do the channels I’m considering work together to convey my message?

Always Remember Your Goals!

Establishing a solid vision for your business is the first step to planning your digital marketing budget. Always keep your final goals in sight when organising anything for your company. When deciding which steps to take next in your business, ask yourself how they will help you achieve the goals you outlined in Step #1. This will ensure that you stay on track and prevent you from spending your budget on anything that won’t help you achieve.

Cum et essent similique. Inani propriae menandri sed in. Pericula expetendis has no,
quo populo forensibus contentiones et, nibh error in per.

Denis Robinson

As your budget progresses and evolves, continue referring to your SMART objectives. Stay focused and remember your goals – they will always inform what your next step will be!