Exploring Cutting-Edge Browser Security with Vivek Ramachandran – Founder of SquareX

In this special episode of the Shared Security Podcast, host Tom Eston interviews Vivek Ramachandran, the founder of SquareX. Vivek shares his journey in WiFi security, recounting his introduction of the Cafe ...
Menlo Security web domain browser SaaS credentials, attack, cybercriminals INKY web credentials Shodan EV certificates

Menlo Security Adds SaaS Platform to Manage Secure Browsers

Menlo Security's SaaS platform applies and manages cybersecurity policies to secure Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browsers ...
Security Boulevard
Menlo Security web domain browser SaaS credentials, attack, cybercriminals INKY web credentials Shodan EV certificates

5 Security Risks of Responsive Web Design

The very features that make responsive web design (RWD) so flexible can also introduce new security vulnerabilities if not properly managed ...
Security Boulevard
Menlo Security web domain browser SaaS credentials, attack, cybercriminals INKY web credentials Shodan EV certificates

CSC Report Highlights Cybersecurity Threats .AI Domains Pose

Almost half of of Forbes Global 2000 companies do not have control over their branded artificial intelligence (.AI) domain names ...
Security Boulevard
Menlo Security web domain browser SaaS credentials, attack, cybercriminals INKY web credentials Shodan EV certificates

2023 is the Year of the Enterprise Browser

The software-as-a-service (SaaS) revolution has transformed the way we think about and use software, but some big challenges remain if organizations are going to realize the full benefits of digital transformation. Enterprises ...
Security Boulevard
vulnerable, vulnerabilities, web app attacks, SaaS, SaaS app security, cybersecurity SaaS extension

How to Write A Website Privacy Policy

Data privacy attorneys are often called upon to draft a privacy policy for a company to link to their landing page. You know, the little link that says either “Privacy” or “Legal” ...
Security Boulevard
credential stuffing password

Do You Need an Enterprise Browser to Secure Your Organization?

Web browsers are a useful mechanism for handling many functions and types of media in one place, but they also present security risks and are common targets for hackers. Browser security refers ...
Security Boulevard
cybersecurity Sysdig internet, security, cloud internet, vulnerabilites, organizations, DNSSEC, GoDaddy cloud network, security

DNSSEC is the Key to a Healthy Future for the Internet

The future of internet connectivity could diverge into two very different outcomes—aggressive monopolization by a few providers or a more diverse landscape that fosters innovation. The latter possibility is the better outcome, ...
Security Boulevard