Evolution of Phishing Attacks

The Evolution of Phishing Attacks: Beyond Email and How to Protect Your Organization

The Evolution of Phishing Attacks: Beyond Email Phishing attacks have long been synonymous with email, but the landscape of cyberthreats has evolved dramatically. Today, phishing is not confined to email inboxes; it ...
campaigns, threat, HEAT, managed detection and response, Apache ActiveMQ, vulnerability, Aqua Cham, threat, elGang APT Meltdown Spectre Threat Detection

Three Nation-State Campaigns Targeting Healthcare, Banking Discovered

Researchers have identified three distinct nation-state campaigns leveraging advanced highly evasive and adaptive threat (HEAT) tactics ...
Security Boulevard
$50 Million in BEC Losses

$50 Million in BEC Losses

The Eastern District of New York has announced charges against four men for their roles in a Business Email Compromise (BEC) and romance scams. https://www.justice.gov/usao-edny/pr/four-individuals-charged-connection-business-email-compromise-schemes-and-related-0The US Attorney's Office press release states: Defendants Allegedly Participated ...
Multi-Channel Threat Blindspot Leaves Your Organization Vulnerable to Breach

Multi-Channel Threat Blindspot Will Leave Your Organization Vulnerable to Breach

In today’s hyper-connected world, modern workers rely on a multitude of communication and collaboration tools to get work done efficiently. Email, SMS, Slack, Microsoft Teams – the average employee juggles between 6-10 ...
Tolly Test Report 2024

The Tolly Group Report Highlights SlashNext’s Gen AI-Powered Email Security Prowess

In the ever-evolving landscape of cyberthreats, email remains a prime target for malicious actors, with zero-hour Business Email Compromise (BEC) and advanced phishing attacks posing significant risks to organizations. A recent independent ...
Business Email Compromise

Understanding Business Email Compromise (BEC)

What is Business Email Compromise? Business Email Compromise (BEC) is a sophisticated form of cybercrime where attackers use email to deceive and defraud organizations. Unlike typical phishing attacks that cast a wide ...

AI and Automation: A Double-Edged Sword in Cybersecurity

In recent years, the landscape of cybersecurity has undergone significant transformation, particularly with the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation by both defenders and attackers. The ReliaQuest Annual Cyber-Threat Report: 2024 ...

Human Error and AI Emerge as Key Challenges in Survey of CISOs

The 2024 Proofpoint “Voice of the CISO” report is a useful barometer for understanding the current cybersecurity landscape, providing valuable insights from 1,600 CISOs globally. This year’s findings reveal a complex picture ...
Clock Tower at Portleven, Cornwall during storm

Ransomware, BEC, GenAI Raise Security Challenges

According to a global Arctic Wolf survey of over 1,000 senior IT and cybersecurity decision-makers, seven in 10 organizations were targeted by BEC attacks in the past year ...
Security Boulevard

Key Insights from Coalition’s 2024 Cyber Claims Report

Coalition’s latest findings in their 2024 Cyber Claims Report shed critical light on the importance of robust email security practices. According to the report, a staggering 56% of all cyber insurance claims ...