Mastering Efficient Data Processing for LLMs, Generative AI, and Semantic Search

Mastering Efficient Data Processing for LLMs, Generative AI, and Semantic Search

Discover cutting-edge techniques for optimizing data processing in LLMs, generative AI, and semantic search. Learn to leverage vector databases, implement data compression, utilize parallelization, and employ strategic caching ...
Article from MIT Technology Review -- How existential risk became the biggest meme in AI

Paperclip Maximizers, Artificial Intelligence and Natural Stupidity

Existential risk from AISome believe an existential risk accompanies the development or emergence of artificial general intelligence (AGI). Quantifying the probability of this risk is a hard problem, to say nothing of ...

Upcoming Book on AI and Democracy

If you’ve been reading my blog, you’ve noticed that I have written a lot about AI and democracy, mostly with my co-author Nathan Sanders. I am pleased to announce that we’re writing ...
Balancing AI Performance and Safety: Lessons from PyData Berlin

Balancing AI Performance and Safety: Lessons from PyData Berlin

Would you trust AI to call 911? GitGuardian's ML engineer Nicolas posed this question at PyData Berlin, sparking a discussion on integrating ML into critical systems, debunking AI myths, and balancing innovation ...
ML-powered feature FP Remover cuts 50% of False Positives

ML-powered feature FP Remover cuts 50% of False Positives

GitGuardian is pushing its secrets detection engine precision to new heights. We enhanced our detection capabilities with Machine Learning to cut the number of false positives by half. Security and engineering teams ...
The Impending Identity Crisis Of Machines: Why We Need To Secure All Non-Human Identities, From Genai To Microservices And IOT

The Impending Identity Crisis Of Machines: Why We Need To Secure All Non-Human Identities, From Genai To Microservices And IOT

The digital landscape is no longer solely populated by human actors. Lurking beneath the surface is a silent legion – non-human or machine identities . These non-human identities encompass computers, mobile devices, ...

Rethinking Democracy for the Age of AI

There is a lot written about technology’s threats to democracy. Polarization. Artificial intelligence. The concentration of wealth and power. I have a more general story: The political and economic systems of governance ...

Building Digital Trust in an AI-Powered World

In today’s digitally connected world, the business landscape is constantly evolving, and the rise in AI usage is further fueling this rapid enterprise transformation. But, at the same time, the technology is ...

Using LLMs to Exploit Vulnerabilities

Interesting research: “Teams of LLM Agents can Exploit Zero-Day Vulnerabilities.” Abstract: LLM agents have become increasingly sophisticated, especially in the realm of cybersecurity. Researchers have shown that LLM agents can exploit real-world ...