Why Data-Centric Security Is a Critical Foundation for AI-Powered Analytics

Why Data-Centric Security Is a Critical Foundation for AI-Powered Analytics

Data analytics have been used for decades to enhance business insight and drive efficiency, growth and innovation. But the addition of intelligent algorithms and cloud computing power offers potentially game-changing opportunities to push these benefits even further. The challenge, as ever, is to ensure the underlying data itself is kept ... Read More
It’s All About Data: How to Drive Secure Use of AI

It’s All About Data: How to Drive Secure Use of AI

| | AI, data protection
Although artificial intelligence (AI) has been with us for some time, the technology seems to be everywhere these days, as vendors and end users get more vocal about its benefits. They’re right to be enthused. McKinsey estimates that AI could unlock trillions of dollars’ worth of value globally across functions ... Read More
Unleashing the Power of AI in Data Security and Compliance Through Advanced Data Discovery

Unleashing the Power of AI in Data Security and Compliance Through Advanced Data Discovery

Data protection is the bedrock of good cybersecurity posture. But the foundation of data protection is discovery and classification. As the old adage goes: You can’t protect what you can’t see. Only with true visibility comes the knowledge and context required to apply the right type of protection to the ... Read More
Preparing for PCI DSS 4.0: Five Steps to Get Financial Institutions Ready

Preparing for PCI DSS 4.0: Five Steps to Get Financial Institutions Ready

For two decades, payments security industry body the PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) has demanded compliance with an ever-growing set of rigorous technical and operational requirements in order to protect cardholder data. PCI DSS 4.0 is the biggest update to its payment card industry data security standard since its ... Read More
Cybersecurity in AI-Powered Banking: Challenges and Solutions

Cybersecurity in AI-Powered Banking: Challenges and Solutions

AI is changing the way businesses operate across the globe. But one sector with arguably the biggest potential for AI-powered digital transformation is financial services. In fact, it is already one of the most prolific users of the technology, accounting for nearly a fifth of market use. But greater use ... Read More
From Defense to Growth: How Effective Security Can Power Business Success

From Defense to Growth: How Effective Security Can Power Business Success

We’ve come a long way in a relatively short space of time. Cybersecurity was long viewed as a business cost, rather than an enabler. Boards dismissed it as a matter purely for the IT department—a black box with little or no strategic value. But in recent years there has been ... Read More
Beyond Risk Mitigation: The Business Benefits of Strong Cybersecurity

Beyond Risk Mitigation: The Business Benefits of Strong Cybersecurity

In the first half of 2022 in the US there were nearly 1,400 publicly reported data breaches impacting an estimated 157 million victims. That in itself would seem to be a pretty effective advert for revisiting and enhancing data security strategy. But it’s not the only one. Security should be ... Read More
Sustainable Growth Demands Strong Cybersecurity: Here’s Why

Sustainable Growth Demands Strong Cybersecurity: Here’s Why

These are challenging times to run a business. From SMBs up to the largest enterprises, no organization has been untouched by profound changes in the global economy. In a world characterized by geopolitical and economic uncertainty, everyone is looking to make the right decisions for sustainable growth. More often than ... Read More
As Breach Costs Soar, Organizations Need Data Protection Across the Multi-Cloud

As Breach Costs Soar, Organizations Need Data Protection Across the Multi-Cloud

In a world where vendor marketing is all-pervasive, trustworthy industry data can be a godsend for the time-poor IT buyer. Now in its 18th year, the IBM Cost of a Data Breach Report offers a useful snapshot of industry trends to put the claims of some tech players into perspective ... Read More
With Security Analytics Tools Failing, It’s Better to Focus on Data Protection

With Security Analytics Tools Failing, It’s Better to Focus on Data Protection

| | data protection
Cybersecurity is an arms race, pure and simple. As one side enhances its offensive capabilities, the other must respond in kind by improving their defenses. Thus, as threat actors became increasingly skilled at circumventing perimeter security through phished or brute-forced credentials, or vulnerability exploitation, network defenders responded by focusing more ... Read More