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Marcel's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
86 votes

Why is a link in an email more dangerous than a link from a web search?

47 votes

Is it possible to provide Internet to prisoners without risks of them contacting victims or accomplices as a matter of policy?

31 votes

Is it common to allow local desktop and/or active directory admin access and rights for developers in organizations?

21 votes

Why do I need to hide my phone's IMEI

16 votes

How to securely dispose of a smartphone?

16 votes

Should I log users in if they enter valid login info in registration form?

12 votes

Why would a spammer try to get a (normal) image of mine?

9 votes

Surely I haven't won the lottery, but where's the scam?

8 votes

Password entry: are "paste from password manager" and "eyeball to view passwords" mutually-exclusive features?

7 votes

Can WhatsApp, Signal or Telegram be hacked through a SIM SWAP attack?

6 votes

Private messaging for protesters

6 votes

Is it secure to consume services over HTTPS which is not signed by a trusted CA?

5 votes

Can iterated hashes be used to create cryptographically secure random data from strong random seed?

4 votes

When choosing a numeric PIN, does it help or hurt to make each digit unique?

4 votes

What is the simplest safe way to convey a password to another person?

3 votes

Is it possible to force a browser to use http in an ssl enabled (https) website?

3 votes

How does neighbor know when WiFi/Internet is used?

2 votes

How to locally monitor outgoing internet traffic?

2 votes

Is it good practice to delete old accounts?

2 votes

How to respond to a user requesting deletion of their online account

2 votes

When a user tries to register with an unactivated email again, should I tell user that the emails has not been activated?

2 votes

How to verify server ownership by public IP (without associated domain)?

2 votes

What is a good way to authenticate a user to websites and applications with a smart phone?

2 votes

Is there something like a “Windows Sandbox software Wrapper”?

2 votes

Can my phone be located (e.g. by emergency personnel) when I use a VPN?

2 votes

Why do we even use passwords / passphrases next to biometrics?

2 votes

Is Array.Clear() in C# suitable for zeroing sensitive byte arrays?

1 vote

Malicious payload in raw media file content

1 vote

Is there any privacy- or security-relevant difference between FIDO2 and SQRL

1 vote

How should I store and distribute deployment configurations?