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Bruno Rohée's user avatar
Bruno Rohée
  • Member for 13 years, 3 months
  • Last seen this week
74 votes

Is there ever a good reason _not_ to use TLS/SSL?

36 votes

Why doesn't a TLS certificate with a domain name mask that doesn't match the site name trigger a warning in the browser?

29 votes

How is OpenSSL related to OpenSSH?

27 votes

Should I worry about compromised firmware when reinstalling an OS?

22 votes

What is the benefit of having FIPS hardware-level encryption on a drive when you can use Veracrypt instead?

18 votes

OpenBSD vs. NetBSD security

15 votes

How secure is aSSL (javascript)? Does it effectively mimic SSL?

14 votes

Why is the code CVE-2010-5298 used for a vulnerability discovered in 2014?

13 votes

What is the "openssh-blacklist" package? Is it related to the Debian OpenSSL bug?

13 votes

Is Schneier's "Applied Cryptography" current?

13 votes

Why is there a "des-ede3-cbc" in my rsa private key?

12 votes

How can the NSA remotely turn on your iPhone?

11 votes

Advantages and disadvantages of Stream versus Block Ciphers

9 votes

If you could have only one book on web security, what would it be?

8 votes

Why is "something you know" the weakest factor of authentication?

8 votes

Question of importance of FIPS in security implementations

8 votes

Spam fighting idea

8 votes

Getting rid of a large quantity of paper

6 votes

What are the chances to generate the same ssh key?

6 votes

Can 'cracked' product keys harm the user in any way?

5 votes

The use of DES-CBC3 for TLS

5 votes

What are the realistic, and most secure crypto for Symmetric, Asymmetric, Hash, Message Authentication Code ciphers?

5 votes

Can you provide loss values on security breaches?

5 votes

Looking for example of well-known app using unsalted hashes

4 votes

Is it legal to log passwords from failed logins?

4 votes

What might be the legal and policy consequences of traffic sniffing?

4 votes

Sniffing 2400bps v22bis modem traffic

4 votes

Java support for TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CCM

4 votes

Can DDNS provider perform a MITM attack?

4 votes

What software commonly generates RSA keys with public exponent 0x23 (35)?