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Security of network infrastructure and network traffic. For questions about security of network equipment, topology, protocols, traffic, administration, and configuration. Related tags: [packet], [firewall], [network-scanners], [network-access-control].

0 votes

If I join a war zone using an Ubuntu VM, can others on the war zone breach my network?

Once the VM is compromised, it can trivially be used to attack the rest of your network. …
multithr3at3d's user avatar
1 vote

Why is it possible for all programs / apps to see all network traffic?

Sniffing network traffic is typically a privileged action. An unprivileged user does not have the ability to perform a packet capture by default. …
multithr3at3d's user avatar
3 votes

Determine what is making outgoing connections

In addition to tracking the process down with netstat or lsof, on the affected system, instead of blocking the traffic, you could use iptables to redirect the traffic to services running on ports 80 a …
multithr3at3d's user avatar
4 votes

What is externalip?

Did you try going to in a browser? It appears to be an innocuous website that shows your external IP address. However, the reason it is being flagged could be due to the fac …
multithr3at3d's user avatar
2 votes

Is there any chance of local PC getting infected when you analyse PCAP malware file on a clo...

Since you are doing it remotely, it is very unlikely to affect your local system unless you either expose your local system's services via tunneling or there is a previously unknown vulnerability in t …
multithr3at3d's user avatar
0 votes

Is a vulnerable router less of an issue when placed "behind" a secure one?

However, internet traffic is only half the battle; what about traffic originating on your local network? … If you visited a malicious webpage from a device on your internal network, the attacker could remotely take over the device. …
multithr3at3d's user avatar
1 vote

Is promiscuous mode sufficient to sniff packets in a wifi network?

No, promiscuous mode is not sufficient to sniff packets on a wireless network, and will have very little effect. See this answer for the low-level details. What you need instead is monitor mode. … Monitor mode allows your network card to receive all wireless frames on the current channel. …
multithr3at3d's user avatar
1 vote

Deauth not working on a certain network and I want to understand why

If the target network and devices are on 5GHz, you will not be able to see or touch them without obtaining different hardware. 802.11w is not used very widely, and even where it is used, it does a relatively …
multithr3at3d's user avatar
2 votes

Speed issues with VPN to cooperate network in Europe from Asia - is it possible to attach a ...

Yes, this is definitely possible and is likely a good solution to your problem, assuming it is set up properly. Firewall rules and routing should solve most of the usability and security issues. I do …
multithr3at3d's user avatar
1 vote

Question regarding arp spoofing

I don't know of any kernel implementation that identifies any ARPs as "suspicious", since it's hard for the kernel to know the state of other devices on the network that are trying to ARP. …
multithr3at3d's user avatar
5 votes

Does turning off my modem before leaving home significantly improve security?

Generally speaking, a vulnerable device/network doesn't become less vulnerable if it is turned off some of the time. … Or if you have infected devices on the network, this won't make them any less infected. …
multithr3at3d's user avatar
0 votes

Can cellphone packets be read by someone who only has your phone number?

Simply no, unless "someone" is your phone provider. But, knowing your phone number allows them to communicate with you, potentially social engineering their way into getting access. I'm only this …
multithr3at3d's user avatar
1 vote

IPv4, IPv6 and firewall

I completely agree with the general concepts in schroeder's answer. However, I would like to answer with respect to IPv6 specifically. IPv6 address, when delegated by an ISP, are globally routable. …
multithr3at3d's user avatar
0 votes

Is it possible to spy on Tor browser within local network?

If it is truly your personal device and is not running any work software, and if the Tor Browser and network behave as designed and you are following best practices, then other parties on the network will …
multithr3at3d's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Is a router without inbound firewall a security issue across the internet?

Mallory's computer is also connected to network B and knows about Alice's configuration. … Dave is on a remote network (one or more hops away) and knows about Alice's configuration. …
multithr3at3d's user avatar

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