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Jump-Oriented Programming: Why is it better/easier to jump to the dispatcher gadget than to jump from one functional gadget directly to another?

Jump-oriented Programming: Why is it better/easier to jump to the dispatcher gadget than to jump from one functional gadget directly to another functional gadget? My understanding of JOP: In jump-...
user25100341's user avatar
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Jump-Oriented Programming: Harder than ROP because the registers need to be prepared individually? + Turing complete, but large overhead/slow?

Full title: Jump-Oriented Programming: Is it harder than traditional return-oriented programming because you need to manually prepare all the addresses and registers or is there a different reason? ...
user25100341's user avatar
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push /bin/sh to get a shell

I usually use a different method to push /bin/sh in rdi to get a shell, but I wanted to try this one : Put in case that I can control the RIP and there are no limitations or filters. So I can execute ...
tpau's user avatar
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64-bit ROP-based Buffer Overflow Attack

I am facing a CTF challenge in which I have to conduct an attack using a ROP chain on this program below: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <sys/...
justsobad's user avatar
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Buffer Overflow with ROP Chain Output Problem

I have the following problem: I have this C program and I have done buffer overflow using ROP gadgets. I have a problem with the output. I want to stop the printf() call in the vuln function to get ...
Flowless Man's user avatar
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ROP executes system("/bin/sh") but does not attach to it

Here is the code: import struct buf = "" buf += "A" * 552 buf += struct.pack('<Q', 0x401493) # pop rdi; ret buf += struct.pack('<Q', 0x7ffff7f79152) # /bin/sh buf += ...
Toma's user avatar
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Segfault after reaching system

I'm doing a pretty bog-standard return-to-libc attack and I'm in a bit of a pickle. I first got the entire attack working with my local version of libc, then I used the version of libc provided by the ...
nickelpro's user avatar
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Understanding ret2libc return address location

I recently was studying x86 buffer overflows + ret2libc attacks from and I noticed the order is as follows: bytes to fill buffer + address of system ...
asd_665's user avatar
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ROP on MIPS Doesn't Land Where Calculated

I am working on exploiting an application on MIPS to further my knowledge of ROP chaining. The library I am trying to build a ROP chain is I found a gadget that I want to use ...
joshu's user avatar
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segmentation fault at strcpy while perforforming a buffer overflow

I have this code that I need to use to perform a ret2libc #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char buf[256]; printf("buff is at:%p\n",buf); ...
Luigi 's user avatar
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Cannot build a ROP chain

My ROP exploit crashes with segmentation fault for unknown reason. This is a vulnerable code (compiled via command gcc h2.c -no-pie -fno-stack-protector -m32 -o h2): #include <stdio.h> #include &...
Asm .'s user avatar
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4 votes
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Where in a binary can '/bin/sh' be written to get a shell?

I've come across some behaviour in a CTF challenge that seems very strange and I was wondering if someone could help me understand it. The CTF challenge was the can-you-gets-me challenge in ...
Zack's user avatar
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Return-oriented programming: Address of system() contains NULL byte

Disclaimer: I am asking this question solely for educational purposes. I am trying to chain some function calls using return-oriented programming, exploiting a vulnerable binary which uses strcpy(). ...
foobar's user avatar
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Why ret2libc is not working in the below code on x86_64?

I am trying to bypass DEP in x86_64 (64 bit - ASLR OFF). I have my own vulnerable code and I have also written an exploit code with a basic ROP to jump into system() with parameter "/bin/sh",...
bsdboy's user avatar
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Dealing with NULL byte (0x00) in offsets

I'm trying to exploit a strcpy() buffer overflow vulnerability to test ROP attack. I found a very useful gadget at address 0x0000f26c so I am obliged to insert null bytes to the stack to override the ...
Ahmed's user avatar
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