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Chris H
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Password management for kids - what's a good way to start?

Consider a young (primary-school age) child who is starting to collect passwords for online services. How can a parent (or equivalent) help them manage their passwords?

An example to make things clearer: My daughter might want to log on to from several locations/devices to show her projects to the family. She also has a couple of email addresses, one of which she's likely to be using herself soon (under supervision). While her own device will be logged in, she may need access from others.

So far I take care of it for her: I know her password and (pseudonymous) user ID, and store them in my KeePass. That's appropriate at this stage, but it's not much help if she needs them without me (short of sending login details in plaintext to her grandparents, for example). There should also be a solution that doesn't require me to possess these details, from the point of view of sticking to the general rule of keeping your login details secret. Memorising a really strong master password is probably a bit much to ask, and she's likely to mislay any physical storage.

I like to plan ahead, so moving forwards: What's the best approach to take for a young, fairly bright child, to keep logins safe and train good practice in advance of more important accounts?

Password management for kids?

Consider a young child who is starting to collect passwords for online services. How can a parent (or equivalent) help them manage their passwords?

An example to make things clearer: My daughter might want to log on to from several locations/devices to show her projects to the family. She also has a couple of email addresses, one of which she's likely to be using herself soon (under supervision). While her own device will be logged in, she may need access from others.

So far I take care of it for her: I know her password and (pseudonymous) user ID, and store them in my KeePass. That's appropriate at this stage, but it's not much help if she needs them without me (short of sending login details in plaintext to her grandparents, for example). There should also be a solution that doesn't require me to possess these details, from the point of view of sticking to the general rule of keeping your login details secret. Memorising a really strong master password is probably a bit much to ask, and she's likely to mislay any physical storage.

I like to plan ahead, so moving forwards: What's the best approach to take for a young, fairly bright child, to keep logins safe and train good practice in advance of more important accounts?

Password management for kids - what's a good way to start?

Consider a young (primary-school age) child who is starting to collect passwords for online services. How can a parent (or equivalent) help them manage their passwords?

An example to make things clearer: My daughter might want to log on to from several locations/devices to show her projects to the family. She also has a couple of email addresses, one of which she's likely to be using herself soon (under supervision). While her own device will be logged in, she may need access from others.

So far I take care of it for her: I know her password and (pseudonymous) user ID, and store them in my KeePass. That's appropriate at this stage, but it's not much help if she needs them without me (short of sending login details in plaintext to her grandparents, for example). There should also be a solution that doesn't require me to possess these details, from the point of view of sticking to the general rule of keeping your login details secret. Memorising a really strong master password is probably a bit much to ask, and she's likely to mislay any physical storage.

I like to plan ahead, so moving forwards: What's the best approach to take for a young, fairly bright child, to keep logins safe and train good practice in advance of more important accounts?

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password Password management for kids?

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Chris H
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password management for kids

Consider a young child who is starting to collect passwords for online services. How can a parent (or equivalent) help them manage their passwords?

An example to make things clearer: My daughter might want to log on to from several locations/devices to show her projects to the family. She also has a couple of email addresses, one of which she's likely to be using herself soon (under supervision). While her own device will be logged in, she may need access from others.

So far I take care of it for her: I know her password and (pseudonymous) user ID, and store them in my KeePass. That's appropriate at this stage, but it's not much help if she needs them without me (short of sending login details in plaintext to her grandparents, for example). There should also be a solution that doesn't require me to possess these details, from the point of view of sticking to the general rule of keeping your login details secret. Memorising a really strong master password is probably a bit much to ask, and she's likely to mislay any physical storage.

I like to plan ahead, so moving forwards: What's the best approach to take for a young, fairly bright child, to keep logins safe and train good practice in advance of more important accounts?