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This particular sequence is just holding down andSHIFT and typing 1234567890. So I am assuming that they are disallowing this particular sequence because it is simple for a hacker and a lot of people do this. For example, I have seen people use QWERASDFZXCV for a password which is insecure because you are just holding shift and moving down the left side of the keyboard.

This particular sequence is just holding down and typing 1234567890. So I am assuming that they are disallowing this particular sequence because it is simple for a hacker and a lot of people do this. For example, I have seen people use QWERASDFZXCV for a password which is insecure because you are just holding shift and moving down the left side of the keyboard.

This particular sequence is just holding down SHIFT and typing 1234567890. So I am assuming that they are disallowing this particular sequence because it is simple for a hacker and a lot of people do this. For example, I have seen people use QWERASDFZXCV for a password which is insecure because you are just holding shift and moving down the left side of the keyboard.

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This particular sequence is just holding down and typing 1234567890. So I am assuming that they are disallowing this particular sequence because it is simple for a hacker and a lot of people do this. For example, I have seen people use QWERASDFZXCV for a password which is insecure because you are just holding shift and moving down the left side of the keyboard.