Knowit Connectivity

Knowit Connectivity

IT-tjänster och IT-konsulttjänster

We connect, digitalize, and secure what you value for a more humane and sustainable business.

Om oss

We connect, digitalize, and secure what you value by high-tech software engineering in agile teams on embedded, cloud, and applications for a more humane and sustainable business.

IT-tjänster och IT-konsulttjänster
501–1 000 anställda
Embedded Software, Embedded Development, Cloud Engineering, DevOps, Cloud Architecture, HIL/SIL, Automotive, Defence, Life Science, Telecommunication, Sustainability och Test Automation


  • Visa organisationssidan för Knowit Connectivity, grafik

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    🚀 Are you passionate about creating smart and connected solutions that drive digitalization forward? At Knowit Connectivity, we are at the forefront of innovation in IoT, 5G, and advanced network technology. 🌐 We are looking for talented individuals who are eager to help businesses realize their visions and reach new heights. If you're ready to take on exciting challenges and be a part of shaping the connected society of the future, we want to hear from you!

    Lediga jobb på Knowit inom management, it och kommunikation

    Lediga jobb på Knowit inom management, it och kommunikation

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    Visa organisationssidan för Knowit, grafik

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    Summer lovin', happened so fast 🎶 Don't let it melt in your hand, eat it, ease into it, and enjoy it! ☀️ It's that time of the year when the skies share daylight late into the night in the Nordics, and vacation is here or just waiting around the corner. Take the time to recharge with your loved ones, on your own, or with strangers in an ice cream bar. 🍦 Whatever suits you best! 🫶 We want to send a big thank you to all our clients, partners, and colleagues for this first half of the year. We're looking forward to the next part and thrilled to continue the journey of digital transformation! Have a nice summer! 😎   #WeAreKnowit

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    Visa profilen för Mikael Holm, grafik

    Konsultchef & Coach @Knowit Connectivity | Bygger och utvecklar team och individer

    Vila i frid Zilog Z80! En era har tagit slut... En av världens mest kända 8-bitars processor tillverkas inte längre.  I mitten på juni nådde den sitt End-of-life. Jag blir rätt nostaglisk när jag tänker tillbaka på tiden när Z80:n var en av de mest använda processorerna. Det tar mig tillbaka till tiden då datorer var långt ifrån vad de är idag, men ändå så fascinerande att utforska och lära sig mer om. Utan den hade min datorresa börjat annorlunda. Z80:n kommer alltid att vara början på min teknikresa i datasvängen och jag är glad över de erfarenheter den gett mig. Även om den kanske inte längre är lika vanlig idag som den var förr, kommer den och de hemdatorer den var hjärnan i alltid att ha en speciell plats i mitt hjärta och i historien för dess bidrag till dagens datorvärld. Från ABC 80 och Sinclair ZX80/81 till Amstrad CPC och ZX Spectrum var Z80:n hjärnan i många ikoniska 70- och 80-talsdatorer. Man kan lätt se dess arv i den mängd av programmerare, ingenjörer och gamers som, liksom jag själv, inspirerats av den lilla silikonbiten. Så höj ett glas för en era som tar slut, men vi retrofantaster kommer hålla minnet och silikonet levande. Har du nåt minne av Z80:n? Dela med dig här! Vilken var din första Z80-baserade dator? Vad gjorde du med den? Vad för spel spelade du? Vad för magiska spel och program skapade du på den? #Z80 #EndOfAnEra #ZilogZ80 #MicroprocessorLegend

    • A Z80 CPU on a breadborad with blinkenlights.
  • Visa organisationssidan för Knowit Connectivity, grafik

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    ☀️ Summer is here, and it's awesome! The longer days, the warm sunshine, and the vibrant energy in the air make this season truly special. Whether it's planning a getaway, enjoying a local adventure, or simply soaking up the sun, summer brings a sense of joy and relaxation. As we embrace this wonderful time of year: What are you looking forward to doing during your vacation?

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Knowit Connectivity, grafik

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    Did you know that Midsommar, one of Sweden's most cherished holidays, was celebrated this past weekend? Here’s a fun tech fact: Embedded systems are increasingly being used to enhance Midsommar celebrations. For instance, IoT devices monitor weather conditions to ensure optimal setup for outdoor events, and drones capture aerial footage of the maypole dances, adding a modern twist to the festivities If you could celebrate Midsommar anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Share your ideas in the comments section! #Midsommar #SwedishTraditions #FunFacts #KnowitConnectivity Photo credits: By Bengt Nyman from Vaxholm, Sweden

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Knowit Connectivity, grafik

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    🌸 Fun Fact Friday: Midsommar Meets Embedded Technology 🌸   Happy Midsommarafton and Midsommardagen, tech enthusiasts! 🌞✨ This Nordic celebration is about embracing the longest day of the year with dancing, feasting, and... embedded systems? Why not add a modern twist to the traditional festivities?   Imagine a Midsommar pole with smart LED lights synced to your favorite playlist, and IoT-enabled grills and coolers ensuring your food and drinks are perfect—all controlled from your smartphone. 🍖🍻   Who knew tech could make Midsommar even more fun? But hey, sometimes traditions are best enjoyed in their rustic charm. Are you blending tech into your celebrations or keeping it old school? Share your ideas below! 🌼🔧 #WeAreKnowit #KnowitConnectivity #Midsommar

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Knowit Connectivity, grafik

    2 698 följare

    Tired of letting in the wrong visitors? Meet Snipdoo HOME! 🚪🏠 Developed in collaboration with TCS, Snipdoo HOME brings smart building technology to your fingertips. Here's how Snipdoo HOME transforms your experience: 👁️ See who's at your door before you open it – no more unwanted surprises! 🤳 Allow guests in with a tap on your phone – say goodbye to carrying keys! 💬 Communicate with your neighbors effortlessly – or not, your choice! Why Snipdoo HOME is a game-changer: Configuring your in-apartment intercom is now a breeze with your iPhone or iPad – no tech expertise is needed. Simplify life for residents and electricians alike with Snipdoo HOME. No more shouting "Who's there" through the door! #WeAreKnowit #KnowitConnectivity #TCS #SnipdooHOME

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