🛒 Mauro Boffardi

Stockholm, Stockholms lÀn, Sverige Kontaktinformation
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Erfarenhet och utbildning

  • Intershop Communications AG

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Licenser och certifikat


  • AGESCI-bild

    Scout Leader


    – 14 Ă„r


    Had the role of Scout leader for children between 12 and 16 first, and then legal Responsible of the Leaders of the same Group, and eventually responsible for training and methodology for the chief in my Province, and helped at Regional level as well

  • Volounteer

    Croce Blu Soliera

    – 3 Ă„r


    Ambulance driver and delegate to Disaster Relief workgroup.


  • Atlassian JIRA


  • Gradle in-depth Training


  • IBM DB2




  • JAVA Language


  • Oracle Performance Tuning



  • Alko B2C

    Alko is the national alcoholic beverage retailing monopoly in Finland. They had a project with Brightstep for a full rewrite of their existing B2C to the Intershop 7 platform.
    I collaborated with the development team, for automated deploy procedures and auto scaling of the solution, hosted in the Amazon Web Service cloud.

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  • ÅhlĂ©ns B2C

    I collaborated in the Åhlens project as System Architect and as solution designer.

    The project is a OmniChannel solution for the ÅhlĂ©ns retail brand in Sweden, with full responsive design, and integration with the Sorl search engine.

    The development was done in collaboration with Intershop resources.

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  • Stadium B2C (SE, FI, DK, DE, Outlet)


    I worked with requirement gathering, solution and architecture design, project manager and Scrum Master for the re-implementation of the Stadium B2C platform on Intershop 7.5, in a team of about 10 people.

    The project was the first one in the Nordics based on the Intershop Continuous integration platform. The team included collaboration with the subcontractor SMC Consulting in Italy.

    Key feature of the project was the complete redesign of the solution, integration with inRiver

    I worked with requirement gathering, solution and architecture design, project manager and Scrum Master for the re-implementation of the Stadium B2C platform on Intershop 7.5, in a team of about 10 people.

    The project was the first one in the Nordics based on the Intershop Continuous integration platform. The team included collaboration with the subcontractor SMC Consulting in Italy.

    Key feature of the project was the complete redesign of the solution, integration with inRiver PIM, complete responsive and innovative design for desktop/tabled/mobile, OmniChannel integration with brick stores (including Bonus and Gift Card programs), integration with Solr search engine, advanced CMS solutions, and one of the first rollout of the SWISH payment system for e-commerce in Sweden.

    The project delivered far beyond the expectations, and together with a seamless rollout of the existing Swedish, Finnish and Danish store, included the opening of brand new online channels in Germany and for the Stadium Outlet brand.

    At beginning of 2017, new channels based on Stadium store concepts are in development, and the platform is kept up-to date with the latest Intershop versions.

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  • Vattenfall Sweden

    I helped during the roll-out fase of our first Intershop Full Service project in Sweden, for Vattenfall "Energy store". I worked as a bridge between the Intershop development team and the Ecom project management.

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  • Venue Retail (Accent, Morris, RIzzo)

    I worked as System Architect in the first Intershop 7 project in the Nordics.
    Together with the team, we developed a Multi-Channel solution for 2 swedish Venue Retail brands, Accent and Rizzo, and a Norwegian one, Morris.

    The project featured the integration of the Intershop 7 CMS platform, the integration with the backend and store management system, including gift card and membership programs, and integration with the Solr search engine.
    The sites were designed as fully

    I worked as System Architect in the first Intershop 7 project in the Nordics.
    Together with the team, we developed a Multi-Channel solution for 2 swedish Venue Retail brands, Accent and Rizzo, and a Norwegian one, Morris.

    The project featured the integration of the Intershop 7 CMS platform, the integration with the backend and store management system, including gift card and membership programs, and integration with the Solr search engine.
    The sites were designed as fully responsive and usable on desktop, tablet and mobile.

    www.accent.se - www.rizzo.se - www.morris.no

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  • Consultant for Intershop

    The Intershop Full Service Department needed resources for one of their customer, the fashion retailer MEXX.
    I joined the Full Service development team in the Intershop headquarters in Jena (Germany), and worked as developer and solution designer for the launch of the MEXX Canada store and for some improvements to the Full Service platform.
    Shortly after, Intershop Hamburg commissioned me a proof of concept for a presale activity

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  • Elkjöp B2C


    In 2009 i was called to evaluate an existing Intershop Enfinity solution of Elkjöp company, the biggest retailer in electronics in Scandinavia. In the evaluation i made several suggestions to improve stability, performance and better maintenance. This led to a new project were Elkjöp left its previous implementing partner, and assigned to Brightstep a complete redesign of the solution. The project lasted 14 months of work with a development team of 6 person, and review/redesign of most of the

    In 2009 i was called to evaluate an existing Intershop Enfinity solution of Elkjöp company, the biggest retailer in electronics in Scandinavia. In the evaluation i made several suggestions to improve stability, performance and better maintenance. This led to a new project were Elkjöp left its previous implementing partner, and assigned to Brightstep a complete redesign of the solution. The project lasted 14 months of work with a development team of 6 person, and review/redesign of most of the functionalities and integrations. The new sites were serving 9 different brands in 5 countries. Just after the launch, the sites traffic and turnover more than doubled.
    In Q1 of 2011 i worked in performance optimization project, introducing several architectural changes that decrease the response time of about 50%.

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  • Stadium B2C


    I joined an existing team as technical referent for Enfinity develpments for Stadium company, one of the biggest sport retailers of Scandinavia. The project was based on Intershop Enfninity, and consisted in the upgrade to version 6.2 and development of new functionalities (amongst them, SEO optimization using a 6.2 functionality) coordinating work of two different teams / subprojects.

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  • Unieuro B2C


    I managed the pick-winning presale activity for the replacement of a B2C site of UniEuro S.p.A., the second Italian electronic goods retailer, then part of UK DSG Group (former Dixons Group). I was then technical referent for the whole project, including collaboration with the London Web Agency "Complete", all analysis activities, and integration with many third parties, including CartaSì (banking services), C-Net (content provider for products), and UniEuro legacy systems. In tight

    I managed the pick-winning presale activity for the replacement of a B2C site of UniEuro S.p.A., the second Italian electronic goods retailer, then part of UK DSG Group (former Dixons Group). I was then technical referent for the whole project, including collaboration with the London Web Agency "Complete", all analysis activities, and integration with many third parties, including CartaSĂŹ (banking services), C-Net (content provider for products), and UniEuro legacy systems. In tight collaboration with Project Manager, i coordinated the internal and external developers (up to 6 resources), for both technical and delivery aspects, also when part of the development was parallelized in two sub-projects. The project had a really short time to market, going online in less than three months after contract signature. In the first year, UniEuro site performed a remarkable +800% sales increase, and a further doubled income for being the first Italian player to introduce "Reserve and collect" multichannel retail formula in its market. The whole project communication (meetings, conference calls, documents) was in english language.

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  • K-Sales


    In a 6 people team i implemented an e-commerce Saas platform based on Intershop Enfinity Multisite / Enfinity Suite software, called K-Sales. It provided B2B, B2C and CMS applications for a dozen of customers including Figurine Panini, Poliform S.p.A., and a B2C branded Nokia. Besides being a developer, my other tasks where presales activities, requirements gathering and analysis, and coordination of the development team.

  • 9to5 B2B


    In team with one SAP consultant, i realized an Enfinity 2.0 B2B application, for a stationery retailer startup called 9to5, subsidiary of one of the Italian biggest stationery distributors, KARNAK S.p.A., in San Marino Republic. Enfinity was integrated via Actional Soapswitch (realtime SOAP messages) with the SAP R/3 backend System, and with a KNAPP Warehouse Automation software. Orders where collected and immediately sent to SAP, that then forwarded it to Karnak COBOL legacy. The warehouse

    In team with one SAP consultant, i realized an Enfinity 2.0 B2B application, for a stationery retailer startup called 9to5, subsidiary of one of the Italian biggest stationery distributors, KARNAK S.p.A., in San Marino Republic. Enfinity was integrated via Actional Soapswitch (realtime SOAP messages) with the SAP R/3 backend System, and with a KNAPP Warehouse Automation software. Orders where collected and immediately sent to SAP, that then forwarded it to Karnak COBOL legacy. The warehouse then fulfilled the order. All order steps where displayed in real-time on the web site. Later on, the platform was ported to Enfinity Multisite platform, to open a second sale channel called Direkta. The whole project was really interesting because i was fully involved in business process design. It was the first Intershop Enfinity project in Italy.

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  • Cooperativa Bilanciai


    i gathered requirements and designed the architecture of a custom PHP e-procurement application for SocietĂ  Cooperativa Bilanciai, an important weight measurement instrument manufacturer. This system manages every year from 4 to 5 Mio EUR worth of supplier orders.

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  • VM Motori extranet


    In a two-person team, i realized a sparepart B2B application for VM Motori S.p.A., a diesel engine manufacturing company. This project was really interesting for many reasons: Intershop 4 was pushed to its maximum capabilities (and a big part was rewritten in customized PERL modules); AS/400 based JDEdwards ERP lacked of a proper sparepart management, so i wrote a middleware Access application to import product, prices and customers from AS/400, allow draftsman to manage spareparts list

    In a two-person team, i realized a sparepart B2B application for VM Motori S.p.A., a diesel engine manufacturing company. This project was really interesting for many reasons: Intershop 4 was pushed to its maximum capabilities (and a big part was rewritten in customized PERL modules); AS/400 based JDEdwards ERP lacked of a proper sparepart management, so i wrote a middleware Access application to import product, prices and customers from AS/400, allow draftsman to manage spareparts list (including images and PDF files), and export it to the web site. This project has been constantly evolved up to 2008.

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  • Integration of proprietary FAX server


    During my short experience in Varvit, i integrated a proprietary FAX server with the Informix / 4GL ERP legacy, and helped to improve production management software (MRP)

  • Conversion of COBOL ERP from terminal-baed to Windows GUI


    I was assigned to the task of porting current Unix-only version of ERP software to the Windows 3.11 platform. This was possible because ACU Cobol released a Windows version with basic graphic capabilities. I rewrote the environment and menu program to work with NFS/SMB shared files, and to display window controls around the main application content. The solution allowed reusability of the same compiled code for both Windows and Unix paltforms. This environment was used for new customer

    I was assigned to the task of porting current Unix-only version of ERP software to the Windows 3.11 platform. This was possible because ACU Cobol released a Windows version with basic graphic capabilities. I rewrote the environment and menu program to work with NFS/SMB shared files, and to display window controls around the main application content. The solution allowed reusability of the same compiled code for both Windows and Unix paltforms. This environment was used for new customer installations up to the 2008, the end-of life year of the ACU Cobol version of the ERP. During the same period i had experience in integration of first Microsoft Office application, using Word, Excel and Access for reporting purposes, also with an a ACU Cobol ODBC bridge.

  • Informatica 80 R&D


    I participated to the evolution of Informatica 80 ERP software, realizing in team some modules for production, commercial and accounting areas. At the same time, i was assigned to installation of ERP on customers servers (ranged from T.I. BS1500 to MIPS, Silicon Graphics Indy and O2, Siemens Nixdorf RM-Series, AIX, SCO Unix on Intel platform), and to development of extra-cobol activities like modem / printers installations, integrations with FAX servers, barcode readers and printers, automated

    I participated to the evolution of Informatica 80 ERP software, realizing in team some modules for production, commercial and accounting areas. At the same time, i was assigned to installation of ERP on customers servers (ranged from T.I. BS1500 to MIPS, Silicon Graphics Indy and O2, Siemens Nixdorf RM-Series, AIX, SCO Unix on Intel platform), and to development of extra-cobol activities like modem / printers installations, integrations with FAX servers, barcode readers and printers, automated conversion programs from Micro Focus to ACU Cobol sources, and backup / development tools. Most of these activities were realized with C and Unix shell.

  • Merloni Presence Surveying System


    For Merloni S.p.A., one of the biggest italian household electrical appliances manufacturer, i realized an integration solution between Intermec 9134 barcode/magnetic readers and a timesheet software. The application was written in C and collected data in a complex environment, consisting in 5 MIPS server serving 8 manufacturing plants in a 80km wide area. The software managed many concentrators, and collected data through different communication systems, including radio bridges, modem

    For Merloni S.p.A., one of the biggest italian household electrical appliances manufacturer, i realized an integration solution between Intermec 9134 barcode/magnetic readers and a timesheet software. The application was written in C and collected data in a complex environment, consisting in 5 MIPS server serving 8 manufacturing plants in a 80km wide area. The software managed many concentrators, and collected data through different communication systems, including radio bridges, modem call-back connections, and nfs shared file system on dedicated network. All data was transferred to the central system, where it was processed through a MicroFocus COBOL program to feed the payroll database. During that experience i learnt my bases of Unix operating systems, including management of nfs volumes, rsh, crontab and init functionalities. Same software was later on used for different customers, enhanced with production monitoring functionalities, and up to 2008 some installations were still operating.


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    ModersmÄls- eller tvÄsprÄkig nivÄ

  • Swedish

    FullstÀndig professionell nivÄ

  • Italian

    ModersmÄls- eller tvÄsprÄkig nivÄ

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