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TheIronCheek's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 7 months
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72 votes

Why is everyone surprised that Jack-Jack has powers?

67 votes

Why does Lex want to discredit Superman?

66 votes

Why did the Jedi serve a corrupt Republic?

62 votes

In The Incredibles 2, why does Screenslaver's name use a pun on something that doesn't exist in the 1950s pastiche?

59 votes

Is Palpatine's execution of Order 66 legally justified?

57 votes

Did Vader ever learn that Sidious controlled both sides in the Clone Wars?

46 votes

Why are stormtroopers' legs asymmetrical?

38 votes

How are Stormtroopers uniquely identified in the field?

32 votes

Why would the Emperor groom an apprentice if he had other plans?

30 votes

Why did Sidious apprentice Maul?

28 votes

Is Kylo Ren really this emotionally strange?

23 votes

Why does the real identity of the Joker matter?

20 votes

Why are the officers on DS9 also assigned to the Defiant?

15 votes

Why did the stormtrooper helmets change from the t-visor to the curved eye-sockets?

11 votes

How does Bruce Wayne justify his Batman expenses?

10 votes

How does killing He Who Remains in the future change the past?

10 votes

Why does no one seem to hit any of Mando's vulnerable spots?

10 votes

Has this spider been seen before?

9 votes

Who is this bounty hunter?

9 votes

Why do the First Order stormtroopers have better aim than Empire Stormtroopers?

9 votes

Why doesn't Superman make his own Flashpoint paradox to save Krypton?

8 votes

Is the Alderaanian population Rebel-aligned in general?

8 votes

How does Amanda Waller watch the Suicide Squad?

8 votes

How was Palpatine able to rise through the Senate so quickly to become chancellor?

8 votes

Why did the Sith need the Clone Army at all?

8 votes

Why isn't the staff of the TVA better armed?

7 votes

Would Anakin still have needed the suit after Mustafar if he had not been burned?

7 votes

Captain Cold. What is so special about the cold gun?

7 votes

Why doesn't Supergirl make a time-paradox to save Krypton?

6 votes

How much did stormtrooper armor used by Lucasfilm cost to manufacture?