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J Doe
  • Member for 9 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
71 votes

Did Peter's mother know that Ego was not human?

65 votes

Why was Luke surprised that Obi-Wan had fought in the Clone Wars?

46 votes

Was Mjolnir ever used for building something?

44 votes

What's the in-universe relevance for the name of Spider-Man: Homecoming?

34 votes

From which individuals did Thanos confiscate Infinity Gems?

27 votes

How does Ego know what a celestial is?

20 votes

What did Enterprise do while the away team was underground on Regula?

17 votes

Why did Gandalf chase the Balrog down?

12 votes

Why did Ego kill Peter's mother?

11 votes

Is Dr. Culber the Chief Medical Officer on Discovery?

10 votes

Why wasn't Poe told about Holdo's plan?

10 votes

Why do the Cromulons look like Rick?

10 votes

Is the Star Wars Universe just one galaxy?

9 votes

Is Jon Snow immune to fire?

8 votes

In Thor: Ragnarok , why doesn't Hela use a spaceship to get to other worlds instead of relying on the Bifrost

8 votes

Is this an easter egg to Sherlock in Thor Ragnarok?

7 votes

What is the approximate exchange rate of US Dollars against Units in MCU?

6 votes

Why do people stay in the Mad Max wasteland?

6 votes

Why aren't Muggles extinct?

6 votes

How did Sauron learn of the Three?

5 votes

How were they supposed to have a Wolverine cameo in Spider-Man 2?

5 votes

Back To The Future: moving in time but not in space?

5 votes

How do space-time rifts keep their position constant on Earth?

5 votes

Can Thanos pick up Mjolnir after wearing the infinity gauntlet?

5 votes

In Star Trek TOS, who is security chief, and how does the department function?

4 votes

Why did Ego's human form age normally?

4 votes

Why would Peter's celestial abilities be tied to the existence of Ego's planet?

4 votes

Back to the future: but exact same space? Which part of car computes?

3 votes

How big is Ego's brain?

2 votes

How do the Xindi fit in with the humanoid origin theory presented in “The Chase”?