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  • Member for 9 years, 6 months
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47 votes

Why is Picard *requested* and required to give up command to Jellico?

43 votes

How did the machines take over the "real world" in the Matrix?

24 votes

Why no automated warfare in Herbert’s Dune?

22 votes

Is there any significance to red or green rays in "Mars Attacks!"?

21 votes

In Dune, why do noblemen keep marrying Bene Gesserits even though they are suspicious of their ways?

17 votes

Novel. A small child walked out of destroyed city alone

13 votes

Why would Professor Moriarty "cease to exist" if he tried to exit the holodeck via the arch?

13 votes

Why was Emil Blonsky wearing a U.S. Army uniform?

12 votes

Why do ships in Star Trek ToS not have seat belts?

12 votes

How does the baby changeling transfer itself into Odo?

11 votes

What was the origin of the idea that dragons can take human form?

11 votes

Are the knife/sword fights too fast in Dune (2021)?

10 votes

Is there canonical evidence in the first 6 books that Dune takes place in 10191?

10 votes

How did Duncan Idaho lead the Harkonnen to Paul

10 votes

In Edge of Tomorrow, is everyone on the European Mainland dead?

9 votes

How did Saruman's army reach Helm's Deep so quickly?

9 votes

Did the big smuggling outfits operate interstellar vessels that were not controlled by the Spacing Guild?

9 votes

Why was the colour of Luke's lightsaber changed from blue to green between the trailer and the release of Return of the Jedi?

8 votes

Is Kaer Morhen the place where witchers originated?

8 votes

How did Yueh's betrayal influence the outcome of the attack against the Atreides?

8 votes

Has Andrzej Sapkowski ever mentioned anything about writing more stories about the universe, but not necessarily about Geralt or Witchers?

8 votes

Is the supposedly fake prophecy of Mahdi that the Bene Gesserit implanted on Arrakis actually a real prophecy?

7 votes

Is Dune intended as an allegory of the Middle East?

7 votes

Show where an episode ends with a man levitating, imprisoned in a top secret facility?

7 votes

In Dune, was Leto Atreides plotting a coup?

7 votes

How does Leeloo know Vito Cornelius' name?

6 votes

Why are witchers trained to never work for free?

6 votes

What "sad thing" did Aramina hear?

6 votes

Was The Hobbit meant to be an adaptation of There and Back Again by Bilbo?

6 votes

Why is steam power acceptable to the ruling Catholic Church in Pavane, but not electricity?

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