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blobbymcblobby's user avatar
  • Member for 3 years, 2 months
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52 votes

What film are these medical beds from?

19 votes

What legal problems prevented T’Pau from being used in “Star Trek: Enterprise?”

18 votes

Which Stanislaw Lem works are being referenced in this quote?

13 votes

Is the forced labor prison in Andor human only?

13 votes

Which horror film has this basement?

12 votes

Recent film in which young male avoids detection of his thoughts by repeating his name and who he is. He searches for crashed spaceship to send SOS

7 votes

In About Time can Uncle Desmond travel through time?

7 votes

Starship Enterprise: Always flying left-to-right?

6 votes

Relationship between turning off cooling system and self destruct -- why was the cooling system involved?

6 votes

As the ship is preparing to wake the crew there seem to be helmet-like objects -- what are they?

5 votes

What kind of gun did Leon use to shoot Holden in Blade Runner?

5 votes

How were artificial boulders and rocky outcroppings & edifices constructed for the sets of the original Star Trek episodes?

4 votes

Why did Kora drop the energy sword like it was hot?

3 votes

Bridge lights dimming or changing color after "battle stations!" was declared on some ship in Star Trek TOS?

2 votes

Was Space 1999 influenced by 2001 A Space Odyssey?

2 votes

What is the significance of the pyramids?

1 vote

Where is a call for security initially directed aboard a Starfleet vessel?

1 vote

Are any of these ships from other movies?

1 vote

Why didn't the gun turrets work just before Lawrence entered the building?

1 vote

What shuttlecraft is used in SNW Season 2, Episode 4? I think the Cervantes?

0 votes

What happens to Teresa in The Death Cure?