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For questions about a book of long narrative in literary prose, in order to distinguish it from other types of story. Do NOT use this tag for every question which happens to be about a novel. Use to either identify the media on a [story-identification] question or disambiguate works where the tag covers the novel and its form in other media.

7 votes
1 answer

Weird West novel from the mid-90s

I'm trying to find a Weird West novel I read in the US in the mid-to-late '90s. I think it was new at the time and a stand-alone novel. …
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13 votes

Fantasy book where a female character travels through a tree and has become beautiful when s...

Sounds like Elizabeth Hayden’s Rhapsody The main character, Rhapsody, has magical Naming powers which she uses early on when being attacked by her stalker’s troops. Later, she and her companions escap …
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10 votes

Book series read in the 2010s about a woman, an assassin, and an orc who must cross lava

Same as Fantasy book where a female character travels through a tree and has become beautiful when she emerges from it: Elizabeth Hayden’s Rhapsody Early in the story Rhapsody works as a prostitute. …
Arcy's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Contemporary Fantasy w/ Magic Heroine and a Good Vampire boyfriend. Post-Buffy. Pre-Twilight

I believe it was a standalone novel and new at the time. The cover may have been primarily brown with gold lettering. …
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