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For questions about the trilogy of movies or books, 'The Fellowship of the Ring', 'The Two Towers' and 'The Return of the King'. Always use in conjunction with the [tolkiens-legendarium] tag and, for movie questions, the relevant movie tag, e.g. [fellowship-of-the-ring].

68 votes
5 answers

When Frodo offers her the ring, is Galadriel really tempted, or just making a point?

(Question sparked by discussion on Why does Frodo follow Galadriel and offer her the ring?) When Frodo suggests that Galadriel should take the ring, she appears tempted: she gives a vision of the pow …
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24 votes

What does it mean when Faramir says "I would not snare even an orc with a falsehood"?

Just as a point of English usage, a falsehood specifically means a lie — it doesn’t usually include other kinds of trickery or deception such as ambushes or camouflage. (Wiktionary confirms this.) So …
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