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Saruman is a fictional character in J.R.R. Tolkiens' middle-earth. He is a wizard, an Istari, and lived in Isengard in the Tower of Orthanc. He was the leader of the White Council until he was corrupted by his quest for power. Use this tag for questions about this character, not those that merely mention him. Always use in conjunction with the [tolkiens-legendarium] and [lord-of-the-rings] tags.

40 votes
3 answers

Saruman in the Shire: how long had he been planning it?

Now "Saruman turns toward the Shire" and will arrive there on Bilbo's 129 birthday, 22 September 3019. … Saruman has been scourging the Shire. Then the revolution begins and all's well that ends well (ok, almost...). Saruman is surely powerful enough, given time enough, to arrange such a plot. …
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