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For questions about the 'Star Wars' universe created by George Lucas. By default, this tag is for questions about canon works in the 'Star Wars' universe. Indicate that works in the Legends continuity are acceptable and/or desired by using the [star-wars-legends] tag.

1 vote

Have any alien species introduced outside the films been later used in the films?

On the contrary, the films have borrowed extensively from the EU/Legends over the years. Regarding alien species: The Toong were introduced in the 1983 Lando Calrissian Adventures book series, and …
Jason Baker's user avatar
66 votes

What happened between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope that made Vader believe he was more...

Obi-Wan is comparatively feeble. We don't know exactly how old Obi-Wan is, but he's got at least ten years on Vader. Vader himself notes Obi-Wan's advancing years in A New Hope, and after they initia …
Jason Baker's user avatar
2 votes

Who was / How old was the youngest queen ever elected in Naboo?

This is unknown, either in canon or legends. Canon As mentioned in my answer to a related question, there are only 4 Queens identified in canon, of whom Padmé is the earliest. We have no knowledge o …
Jason Baker's user avatar
9 votes

Did Mon Mothma know who Leia's parents were?

She probably already knew about Padmé In her follow-up speech to the Senate, Leia mentions that her birth mother had been known for some time: As many have known for a long time, and as you heard …
Jason Baker's user avatar
13 votes

Was Yoda correct about the "Chosen One" and the prophecy?

Why did Anakin need to destroy the Sith if Mace Windu was literally just about to? In the Revenge of the Sith special feature "The Chosen One", George Lucas says this about Anakin and the prophecy (i …
Jason Baker's user avatar
28 votes

Why would Obi-Wan Kenobi say this?

This is actually a very reasonable thing for Obi-Wan to say. He's clearly calling back to an earlier statement, regarding Jar-Jar: Obi-Wan: Master, why do you keep dragging these pathetic life for …
Jason Baker's user avatar
8 votes

Is there evidence in current canon of hand writing in the Star Wars universe?

On wealthy worlds (like Hosnian Prime), it's practically unheard of, according to the canon novel Bloodline: Leia settled into her chair, picked up her napkin - and stopped. Something was written on …
Jason Baker's user avatar
9 votes

Who ruled "Hutt Space"?

Per the Databank, the Hutt Clan is governed by a five-Hutt council (emphasis mine): The Hutt Clan was one of the most powerful crime families in the galaxy, making riches through smuggling and myriad …
Jason Baker's user avatar
11 votes

Does Han Solo have twins?

You're probably hearing mention of Jacen and Jaina Solo, introduced in Timothy Zahn's Thrawn trilogy (Leia was pregnant through the first two books, and the twins were born in the last). The Solo twi …
Jason Baker's user avatar
5 votes

What did Sidious ever teach Vader?

In fairness to Palpatine1, he did intend to continue Plagueis' research with Vader; it's just that the business of Empire-building kept getting in his way; this is discussed in the canon novel Tarkin …
Jason Baker's user avatar
19 votes

What movie is Asajj Ventress in, if any?

Her sole feature film appearance is The Clone Wars CG-animated film, where she was voiced by Nika Futterman. She also appeared in some of the LEGO Star Wars TV movies. She has not appeared in any live …
Jason Baker's user avatar
19 votes

Why did Obi-Wan not know about Kamino and Kaminoans?

Because Master Poof is not Kaminoan. Per the Star Wars Databank, he is Quermian: A gaunt, long-necked Quermian, Yarael Poof had two brains and four arms, which he kept hidden beneath his Jedi robe …
Jason Baker's user avatar
12 votes

What Star Destroyer classes exist in Disney canon?

Venator-class These are the Star Destroyers used in the Clone Wars, seen in the Clone Wars animated series and Revenge of the Sith. Victory-class Mentioned in the canon novel Tarkin: Originally a cr …
Jason Baker's user avatar
11 votes

Was Cad Bane a Chiss?

Cad Bane is a Duros This is confirmed on his entry in the official Databank (emphasis mine): A ruthless bounty hunter from the planet Duro, Cad Bane was the preeminent blaster-for-hire in the gal …
Jason Baker's user avatar
27 votes

Does Naboo only have female rulers?

As with everything Star Wars, this answer comes to you in two parts: Canon No, it is possible for Naboo to be ruled by a male; at least one King of Naboo has been identified in canon sources: King Ver …
Jason Baker's user avatar

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