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For questions about any works in J.R.R. Tolkien's Legendarium - The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, The Silmarillion, and other works set in the same universe - or about that universe as a whole. Questions about movies, games, or other media set in the same universe should also use this tag. Questions about Tolkien himself or works by him which are not part of the Middle-earth universe should NOT use this tag use [j-r-r-tolkien] instead.

24 votes

Does the German movie translation of Lord of the Rings intentionally use 'du' in this way?

Some people in the translation business certainly seem to think so (although I personally could not vouch for them, I just found this on the internet). First, there might not even a mystery to explain …
Eike Pierstorff's user avatar
8 votes

Does LOTR have a shattered glass type alternate reality

The closest I can think of is The Last Ringbearer (1999) by Kirill Yeskov, which is essentially LOTR fan fiction even if it was published and is apparently well known in Russia (and has been translate …
Eike Pierstorff's user avatar