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For all questions about the Star Trek universe. Including the television series, films, characters, events, and technology in the universe. For more specific questions, use in conjunction with the relevant tags, such as [star-trek-tos] or [star-trek-tng].

2 votes

What happened to the Doomsday Machine after the Enterprise destroyed it?

In canon, it's still floating lifelessly in space. There are , however, two instances in books (considered apocrypha) where the original machine makes it a return. A short story in Kevin Lauderdale's …
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-1 votes
2 answers

In Star Trek, why are there so many ships named Defiant?

Defiant. That's the disambiguation page. There's 4 on that page. 4. Why does the name keep cropping up? It seems to me rather odd that there's so many of these ships, considering the wealth of names …
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4 votes

Are the Tholians humanoid species?

No, Tholians are not humanoid. Since the TOS episode you mentioned left the remainder of the Tholian's body open to interpretation, the Enterprise episode filled in that gap, canonically, by making t …
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8 votes
1 answer

What did the Borg make of the Enterprise D just vanishing during the events of Q-Who?

I remember reading an article (which I can't find anymore) which states the following (much non-canon incoming). The Borg wondered how the heck the Enterprise D made it to system J-25. (After assim …
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19 votes
3 answers

What do the Borg do when they aren't assimilating?

When we were first introduced to the Borg in Q-Who, the cube was travelling somewhere when it notices Enterprise and decides to poke it. Worf: Captain. The cube has already changed course to inte …
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4 votes

Why didn't the Klingons simply switch to another planet when Qo'nos became uninhabitable?

They can't afford to. The Klingon Empire had a massive defense budget. Around them was the Federation (an entity they did not trust) and the Romulan Empire (an actively hostile state). They'd even be …
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2 votes
0 answers

Why didn't Starfleet ever check on Khan? [duplicate]

Starfleet... never bothered to check on our progress -Khan, Star Trek II, the Wrath of Khan I understand that the odds of the neighboring planet exploding and causing the other planet to shift i …
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2 votes

Do Vulcans blush green?

Vulcan blood is green when oxygenated and rust colored when de-oxygenated (source). According to the same, this results in Vulcan skin taking on a greenish or brown hue to it, which is on display duri …
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20 votes
1 answer

Are there examples of "liberated" Borg who, even after a long time away from the collective,...

There are several instances that I know of Borg who ended up free from the collective. Picard. Did not wish to return, which is understandable considering the brief time he was Borg. Seven. She di …
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10 votes
3 answers

Why haven't the Borg tried to assimilate the Talosians from Talos IV?

As this answer eloquently states, the Talosians have a lot to offer, both in terms of their leftover tech from before they were driven underground and in terms of their ability to project illusions li …
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5 votes

How does Picard recognize Seven of Nine?

In Voyager Infinite Regress, we see that Seven develops a form of dissociative identity disorder, with multiple personalities surfacing. We later learn that these are all people she's assimilated, whi …
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3 votes

Are the Borg defeated?

Since we now have another Star Trek series, I'll go ahead and add this answer: In Picard: After S1E7: Also, the Memory Alpha page for a spoiler ship states that
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11 votes
2 answers

How is this mild Picard spoiler possible?

In Picard a familiar character asserts to Soji that How is that possible? In TNG, Data says I'd buy the idea that this is a well-kept Tal-Shiar secret, except
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3 votes

How different biologically are Remans, Romulans, and Vulcans?

They're nearly identical In TOS Enterprise Incident, Chekov is tasked with locating Spock aboard a Klingon D7 staffed by Romulans. It takes Chekov several minutes to do this, commenting about how sim …
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5 votes
1 answer

Do Borg have different collectives depending on which reality they exist in, or are all Borg...

Similar, but not what I'm after. In TNG Parallels, one of the alternate Enterprises consists of a Riker who claims that: The Borg are everywhere! So there's Borg in at least two universes, probably …
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