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For use on questions about Star Trek: Deep Space 9, the 1993 Star Trek TV Series. Use this tag in conjunction with the [star-trek] tag and other relevant tags (such as character tags).

2 votes
2 answers

How did humans get to the planet?

In Episode 15 of Season 2 of Deep Space Nine, "Paradise", how is it that humans got to the other side of the wormhole? The colonists say they were there for 10 years, and Yet, they are in the Gamma …
PiousVenom's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Who is the Magistrate?

Odo refers to the "Magistrate" a handful of a dozen times. But he's never shown, that I remember. So, who is he? Is he someone that is on the station, a character we know?
PiousVenom's user avatar
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9 votes
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Where was Verad Dax?

In the episode "Facets", Jadzia is able to communicate with all the previous Dax hosts. Verad is not represented among these. Is any reason given for this?
PiousVenom's user avatar
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30 votes
7 answers

How do people exit an airlock from the Defiant to DS9?

Okay, so this has been something that has bothered me for a long time. Whenever anyone enters or leaves the Defiant, they do so through an airlock. Yet, when you look at how the Defiant docks, it does …
PiousVenom's user avatar
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19 votes
1 answer

Why was Miles O'Brien never promoted?

So, I've been rewatching Star Trek:TNG, and Miles O'Brien is there occasionally. He's a Chief in TNG, and he's a Chief in DS9. Now, I was in the Navy, and I've always assumed that rankings in the St …
PiousVenom's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Klingon evolution of Koloth

I just realized yesterday that the actor who played Koloth in DS9 is the same actor who played him in TOS. Kudos to them for that. Now, my question is: When did Koloth start looking like a modern Klin …
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31 votes
2 answers

How do the Star Trek com badges stay attached?

Several times, in several episodes throughout all of the series, there's a time when someone just rips off their comm badge, or they put one on. There's no pin on it, and it's a seemingly flawless tra …
PiousVenom's user avatar
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27 votes
7 answers

Why didn't Star Trek: The Next Generation change their uniforms when Deep Space 9 came out?

DS9 came out during the 6th season of TNG. From the onset of the show, DS9 used uniforms that looked like this: However, TNG continued the use of this uniform(taken from episode 10 of season 7): …
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