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For questions about all Marvel Comics' and Marvel Studios' properties or the company as a whole, including decisions made by the studio regarding those properties. Use with [comics] tag if limiting answers to comics; use with the [marvel-cinematic-universe] tag if asking about the cinematic continuity. Otherwise add relevant media, character or series tags.

6 votes

Do adamantium or vibranium smell; and if so, what do they smell like?

Smelling Metal Let's dig out our knowledge about smell first: Metals don't smell in themselves. They smell because of what sticks to them: The compounds people smell are actually aldehydes and ketone …
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3 votes
1 answer

Who are the blond boys in Marvel Meow Infinity Comic #10?

Marvel Meow is all about cat hijinx, and the Infinity run stars Loki as a cat starting around the middle of the 12-issue run. …
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