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89 votes
8 answers

What is the true origin of the Orcs?

There are a bunch of theories about the true origin of the Orcs. Tolkien tried out a few different origins for his Orcs throughout his life but died before he could fully revise The Silmarillion with ...
rogcg's user avatar
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84 votes
7 answers

Are Tolkien's orcs immortal?

Orcs were the most commonplace villains serving the Dark Powers in all of Tolkien's Legendarium, a race of sentient beings bred by the evil Vala Melkor (Morgoth) during the time of the Great Darkness. ...
Kevin The Knight's user avatar
50 votes
6 answers

Can the Valar or Maiar die?

In The Lord of the Rings and the The Silmarillion some Maiar (Sauron, several Balrogs, Saruman) are defeated. But did these Maiar actually die and if they did, do they go to Halls of Mandos or what ...
Philipp's user avatar
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48 votes
5 answers

How were hobbits created?

How were hobbits created? I can't find any reference in The Silmarillion about this. Are they just men who have shrunken over generations or what?
jacen.garriss's user avatar
53 votes
3 answers

Were there two elves named Glorfindel?

In the Silmarillion, an elf named Glorfindel is killed in a duel with a Balrog at the battle for Gondolin. (He kills the Balrog as well.) Then in The Fellowship of the Ring, an elf named Glorfindel ...
Joe C's user avatar
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59 votes
13 answers

Who or what is the oldest sentient being in Tolkien's lore?

The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion, The Histories of Middle Earth, all lore related to this universe is acceptable fodder. Regardless of their power, susceptibility to The One Ring, ...
Meat Trademark's user avatar
50 votes
7 answers

Why aren't the Valar considered gods?

As an avid Tolkien fan and an increasingly active member of this site, I cannot count the number of times I've seen people refer to the Valar or Maiar as gods, only to be corrected by other members (...
Nerrolken's user avatar
  • 38.6k
47 votes
2 answers

What happened to Radagast The Brown?

The Maia Radagast The Brown disappeared from Arda after the first book The Fellowship of the Ring. What happened to him?
FrancoAngel's user avatar
61 votes
3 answers

Why do people say that Peter Jackson can not make LOTR/Hobbit sequels?

I was reading a couple of posts on forums where people said that "The Silmarillion" would make a great basis for an action movie, a sequel (or would that be prequel?) to LOTR and Hobbit. But someone ...
user21036's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Second prophecy of Mandos

Does anybody know anything about the mysterious "Second Prophecy of Mandos"? It seems to be about the end of the world.
MadTux's user avatar
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34 votes
2 answers

Why did Christopher Tolkien remove all references to England and Ælfwine from the published Silmarillion?

Reading through the History of Middle-Earth series, it's quite clear the Tolkien had England and Eriol/Ælfwine of England in his mind though most of the history of developing the legendarium. The idea ...
Maksim's user avatar
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34 votes
5 answers

How many Balrogs were there?

There are guesstimates of their numbers ranging from as little as three all the way up to hundreds. Still other accounts say there were actually a thousand strong. We know five were "killed" ...
Morgan's user avatar
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24 votes
4 answers

What happened to Huan the Wolfhound after he died?

I just finished reading the chapter of The Silmarillion devoted to Beren and Lúthien, which contains the greatest character in all of Tolkien's work, in my opinion: Huan, the Wolfhound of the Valar. ...
Wad Cheber's user avatar
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21 votes
2 answers

Other than Morgoth, were any of the Valar ever susceptible to physical injury?

Among Tolkien's mythology, Fingolfin's duel with Morgoth is well known. Morgoth suffered serious injury during the fight, and was left with permanent scars. He had also previously suffered burns from ...
Travis Christian's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

How many of the Ainur were unable to change their physical form?

The Ainur are spirits who do not need bodies, but they can assume them. From the Ainulindalë in the Silmarillion: Their shape comes of their knowledge of the visible World, rather than of the World ...
Molag Bal's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Did Ilúvatar anticipate Melkor?

Did Ilúvatar know that Melkor would 'turn bad'? Was it part of his vast design? Tolkien often hints that also Morgoth's evil is part of the grand plan, and that he does the will of Ilúvatar in the ...
MadTux's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

What is the nature of an Ainu's fair form?

When Númenor was sunk, Sauron was forced to flee the island by abandoning his physical body so that his spirit could return to Middle-earth. It was said that, henceforth, he could no longer assume a ...
thegreatjedi's user avatar
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52 votes
4 answers

Did Tolkien ever specify that Orodruin was a volcano?

It is incredibly clear that Orodruin (Mount Doom) was a volcano. It is a mountain with fire inside of it, and it periodically belches forth ash, smoke, and rock. This is what volcanoes do best (...
Wad Cheber's user avatar
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30 votes
3 answers

How large a form did Melkor take for his duel with Fingolfin?

After the Elves took many casualties in the Dagor Bragollach, Fingolfin, High King of the Noldor, rode up to the gates of Angband and challenged Melkor to single battle in such a way that he couldn't ...
Kevin's user avatar
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30 votes
2 answers

What is the parentage of Gil-galad?

In The Silmarillion, we're told that Gil-galad is the son of Fingon, son of Fingolfin: Great was the lamentation in Hithlum when the fall of Fingolfin became known, and Fingon in sorrow took the ...
Jason Baker's user avatar
24 votes
3 answers

The One Ring and Númenor

Did Sauron have his great Ring while in Númenor? How did he save it then, while in spirit form? He ... fell into the abyss. But Sauron was not of mortal flesh, and though he was robbed now of that ...
Francesco's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

Why did the Valar abandon the Moriquendi and Men?

There is plenty of discussion on this site about why the Valar didn't intervene in more obvious ways in the Second and Third Ages, but I'm asking about the First Age. Between the return of Melkor to ...
Sam Kauffman's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

What do the family relations between the Valar mean?

TL;DR: Some of the Valar are described in the Silmarillion as husband and wife, and others are described as siblings. But it seems that the Ainur don't procreate, and it's unclear what marriage means ...
Schmuddi's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Are any of the original elves that awoke at Cuiviénen named?

This came up because a friend told me he thought Glorfindel was an "original elf". As far as I know, the earliest mention of Glorfindel is at the Fall Of Gondolin, which is a far cry from Cuiviénen. ...
vivaldi7's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Are there any other planets besides Arda in Ea?

Did Tolkien mention anything about other planets in his mythology or did he invent just the one planet for his stories?
Fingolfin's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Who does Tolkien include in the category "The Wise"?

I know the wizards (Istari) are considered to be among "the Wise", and I believe the Elves (Eldar) are as well, but are all Elves among "the Wise", or only some of them? And does anyone else qualify ...
Wad Cheber's user avatar
  • 70.1k
7 votes
1 answer

What about the Vanyar?

In the Silmarillion, we learn much about the origins of the elves and of their leaders. There is a lot of info about the people of the Teleri and the main plots are woven around the fate of the Noldor,...
Joel's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Was Melkor/Morgoth a Vala or not?

I had always been under the impression that Melkor was a Vala. It seemed to be almost common knowledge among Tolkien fans, including the ones here on SE. Then I came across this line in The ...
Wad Cheber's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

What's the difference between the "spiritual" beings in Tolkien's universe?

I'm looking for a brief synopsis of the Maiar, Valar, Ainur, and whatever Eru Ilúvatar is, and what the distinguishing characteristics of each group are. The specific information I am looking for is ...
Wad Cheber's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Is there anything in Lord of the Rings that could have survived into our age? [duplicate]

If The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion took place in different ages than us, but on Earth, is there any suggestion in those works that some elements would or could have been immortal or ...
Meat Trademark's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Sauron's sight details?

I am aware that the "Eye of Sauron" in Peter Jackson's movies was not Sauron's actual physical form. What the answers at 'Was the "Eye of Sauron" Sauron's actual physical form?' don't ...
IamVeryCuriousIndeed's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What do we know about the Ainur who stayed in the Timeless Halls?

This is my understanding: Before Ilúvatar created Eä, he created the Ainur, who were with him in his Timeless Halls. At Eä’s creation, some of the Ainur chose to enter the world and be bound to it. ...
Molag Bal's user avatar
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116 votes
7 answers

Tolkien calls Sauron Morgoth's Greatest Servant - But does he ever really earn that with his actions?

Alright, so there is a great, incredibly well informed community here so let me ask a question that's been bothering me since I finished the Silmarillion. I'll lay out my reasoning for why it's a ...
BubbleRobble's user avatar
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91 votes
6 answers

Is there a hidden significance behind the fact Galadriel gave 3 hairs to Gimli instead of one?

I just saw an interesting interpretation of Galadriel's gift to Gimli on Reddit today, I retraced the source of the image to this tumblr post: If you’ve read the Silmarillion, you know who Fëanor was....
DavRob60's user avatar
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60 votes
3 answers

Did Mandos make any decisions that didn't prove to be disastrous?

Mandos is the great judge of the Valar, and his decisions are widely respected by all the other Valar. But most of his judgements have disastrous consequences for the Valar, the Elves, and all of ...
Wad Cheber's user avatar
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57 votes
10 answers

How on (middle) earth did Eärendil kill a dragon as huge as Ancalagon?

We know that Ancalagon was killed by Earendil, but how exactly was he killed? Ancalagon was so incredibly massive and Earendil was just a dude in a ship with some Eagles. This image ↓ isn't canon but ...
LCIII's user avatar
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32 votes
1 answer

What would've happened had Melkor won?

I'm interested to know if there were any notes on what would've happened has Melkor successfully overthrown the other Valar and assumed complete control of Arda. Obvious answers like "He'd kill ...
John Bell's user avatar
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3 answers

If the Arkenstone isn't a Silmaril, then what is it?

It is discussed at great length, whether or not the Arkenstone is one of the Silmarils1, and the most accepted answer is that it is not2. The Arkenstone however, has undeniable 'powers' or properties ...
Möoz's user avatar
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29 votes
4 answers

Why was Ondolindë always referred to as Gondolin?

Did Tolkien ever say why Gondolin was so-called by its Sindarin name, instead of the Quenya: Ondolindë? Thingol forbade his people from using Quenya or responding to people who used it, as a response ...
David Roberts's user avatar
25 votes
4 answers

Who was the oldest Elf left in Middle Earth at the start of the War of the Ring at the end of the third age?

Some of the remaining notable and named Elves' birthdates are either known, or through association can be reasonably guessed at. They are: Galadriel - birthdate YT 1362, Elrond - birthdate FA 532, ...
Morgan's user avatar
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23 votes
2 answers

When did Gandalf become a Maia?

Obviously in the final legendarium, Gandalf was always a Maia as he is Olórin, one of the Ainur who was present at the singing of the Music. What I want to know is: did Tolkien always consider ...
ecthelion's user avatar
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23 votes
2 answers

Why, in The Silmarillion, does Melkor disappear forever and leave Sauron to reign as some kind of "Melkor copy"?

Melkor is many times driven back and trapped and whatnot after being defeated. At some point, the Valar/gods banish him to some kind of existence from which he cannot come back. Or can he? Why not? I ...
Woody's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

Who were the seven forefathers of the Dwarves, besides Durin?

It is told in the Silmarillion that Aule created the seven fathers of the dwarves. The most prominent of course being Durin, the ancestor of most (all?) dwarves that feature in LotR and The Hobbit. ...
mort's user avatar
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4 answers

How has Galadriel acquired evil mode?

One thing that intrigues me, is the berserk / evil / turbo-charged mode of Galadriel in face of danger (in Dol Guldur, during The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies) or during a possible temptation (in ...
RicoRicochet's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

How old did Gandalf appear to be when he came to Middle Earth?

Gandalf (as with all the Istari) did not have a corporeal form before coming to Middle-earth and was essentially ageless. We also know that Gandalf did age, albeit very slowly, while on Middle Earth. ...
iMerchant's user avatar
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15 votes
6 answers

What ever happened to the last of the sons of Fëanor?

In The Silmarillion we learn that all of Fëanor's sons, like himself and his father Finwë, were killed because of the Silmarils. All, except one: Maglor, who threw "his" Silmaril into the ...
Mickey's user avatar
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15 votes
5 answers

What does Morgoth look like?

Is Morgoth, the original enemy in J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth ever visually described? I envisage him as a bigger, meaner version of the physical Sauron, but I cannot find any reference in The ...
Christopher's user avatar
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6 answers

Why did Fëanor refuse to give even one of the Silmarils to Yavanna to revive the trees?

Right near the beginning Of the Flight of the Noldor: Yavanna spoke before the Valar, saying: "The Light of the Trees has passed away, and lives now only in the Silmarils of Fëanor. Foresighted was ...
please delete me's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Have the inhabitants of Middle-earth ever used siege engines?

When Fingolfin faced the Thangorodrim, apparently he didn't really know what to do, other than noticing that it would not fall from the voices of trumpets. Did anyone (other than Morgoth, Sauron, ...
b.Lorenz's user avatar
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2 answers

How could Orcs survive in subterranean settings?

In J.R.R. Tolkien's The Fellowship of the Ring the Fellowship encounters many Orcs (or goblins) living in the Mines of Moria. In The Hobbit our heroes encounter a tribe of goblins inhabiting caves ...
RobertF's user avatar
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