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Questions tagged [star-trek-tng]

For questions concerning the "Star Trek: The Next Generation" (TNG) TV series and its four feature films. Always use this tag in conjunction with the [star-trek] tag and any other relevant character tags.

23 votes
4 answers

Why did Geordi have his visor replaced with ocular implants between Generations and First Contact?

In First Contact, Geordi is not wearing his VISOR and instead has ocular implants. In the previous movie, Generations, Geordi still has his VISOR for the whole movie. Why did he change?
Lucas Winslow's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Was Jeremy Aster using male pronouns in reference to his cat, Patches, a blooper?

In Star Trek: TNG S03E05, "The Bonding," Jeremy Aster expresses affection for his cat, Patches: He knows me. It's him. It's real. It's all real. But Patches was a calico, which is almost ...
leek's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Which episode of "Star Trek: The Next Generation" has a discussion about the shape of a glass?

In which episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation do Picard, Data, and La Forge discuss the strange shape of a glass with a replicated drink? I believe it happened in the meeting room and they ...
Jiří Pešík's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Star Trek TNG: Did we ever actually see the Enterprise's computer?

Is there a HAL 9000 room somewhere on the Enterprise-D? It's probably Majel Barrett sitting in a chair on the holodeck with the Barclay intelligence hat on.
Jess Fuckett's user avatar
30 votes
5 answers

How can holodeck characters be cool, slick and self-aware, while Mr. Data acts like a bewildered geek?

Computer generated behavior of holodeck characters is so smooth and subtle and perfect that it fools everybody. Data, on the other hand, could barely pass Alan Turing's original test on a model 33 ...
Jess Fuckett's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Why did no one call Starfleet to report the Dyson sphere?

In the TNG episode "Relics," the Enterprise follows a distress beacon from the Jenolan, a Federation ship that disappeared around 80 years ago, and finds it crashed on the surface of a Dyson ...
Mason Wheeler's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Did the Romulans make any major concessions in the Treaty of Algeron?

In TNG's the Pegasus, it was revealed the Federation agreed not to equip spacecraft with cloaking devices in the Treaty of Algeron, an in-universe reason the writers came up with to explain why ...
Nu'Daq's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Why do the Borg want to assimilate every planet in the universe?

This is a question that I was wondering about since I was introduced to the Borg in Star Trek: The Next Generation. Why do the Borg want to assimilate every planet in the universe?
GAP's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

In “Star Trek: The Next Generation” The Pegasus, which responsibilities/authority did Picard give up to Pressman when he took command of the mission?

In the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode “The Pegasus” (S07E12), Pressman clarifies that he is in charge of the overall mission while Picard remains in command of the Enterprise. What were the ...
Michael Stachowsky's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

How were the still characters in "Timescape" filmed

In the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, Timescape, the crew find the Enterprise frozen in time (actually moving imperceptibly slowly but that's beside the point). They then board the ship and ...
komodosp's user avatar
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28 votes
3 answers

Is replicated meat in “Star Trek” considered to be vegetarian/vegan?

I was watching a clip from the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, “Sins of The Father” (S03E17) where Kurn (Worf’s younger brother) says: “I shall try some of your burned replicated bird meat.” ...
Giacomo1968's user avatar
  • 17.1k
2 votes
1 answer

Which Shakespearean play is Data rehearsing for the opening scene of S03E010, "The Defector"?

If you can identify the act and scene as well, bonus! Also, it looks like Jonathan Frakes and Patrick Stewart might be playing the parts of the other two characters in the scene. Can anyone verify ...
phil1008's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

What was the in-universe explanation for Tom Paris looking exactly like Nick Locarno in “Star Trek: Voyager?”

Okay, let’s forget about the backstory of Tom Paris in Star Trek: Voyager being supposedly more “redeemable” than that of Nick Locarno in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode “The First Duty” (...
Giacomo1968's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Are Picard’s badge pops genuine behind-the-scenes bloopers?

I just encountered a funny video on X: The video shows Picard’s badge popping, and is so realistic with sound effects that it doesn’t look fan-...
user931's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

What was the explanation for the existence of the Klingon sleeper ship in the “Star Trek: The Next Generation” episode “The Emissary?”

In the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode “The Emissary” (S02E20), the plot revolves around the following: “In this episode, the Enterprise is sent a half-Klingon, half-human emissary to help ...
Giacomo1968's user avatar
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0 answers

How much energy can an adapted Borg shield absorb?

We see in several episodes of several series that the Borg can adapt their shield frequencies and apparently become completely impervious to attack. However, I'm wondering if there is a limit to this ...
Michael Stachowsky's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Why do (Federation) starships need Bussard collectors in front of their warp nacelles?

Ever since Zephram Cochrane's first human-built warp-capable vessel, the Phoenix, Human ships with warp drives have had Bussard collectors placed in front of their warp nacelles. Why are the Bussard ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

What kind of Romulan warbirds was the Enterprise-C fighting?

In the Star Trek: TNG episode "Yesterday's Enterprise," Captain Garrett tells Captain Picard that the Enterprise-C was attacked by four Romulan warbirds. However, she never specified what ...
Sovereign Inquiry's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Which Star Trek TNG episode involves a planet fighting over territory and thus being unable to join the Federation?

I think the premise was that the planet was technologically advanced enough to join the Federation, but with people fighting over territory, they weren't allowed to join until that was resolved. I ...
user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Would Nova Squadron have been punished if their stunt succeeded?

In the TNG episode "The First Duty," an inquiry is made into a shuttle crash that resulted in the death of a member of Nova Squadron, a group of elite Starfleet cadets. Eventually it is ...
Nu'Daq's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Why did impact with the Bozeman cause a warp core breach in TNG: Cause and Effect?

Something always bothered me about that episode. The Bozeman didn't hit the Enterprise anywhere near the warp core, it hit in one of the nacelles. How did that collision cause a warp core breach?
Michael Stachowsky's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

What is the timeline of the parasite invasion in ST:TNG's "Conspiracy"

In the episode Coming of Age, Picard's Enterprise is thoroughly investigated by Lt Cmdr Remmick at the direction of Admiral Quinn. Remmick gives Picard a good report, and afterwards, Quinn and Picard ...
Andrew's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Is there something about Starfleet which makes them particularly susceptible to infiltration?

Spoilers for Picard and TNG in this question. On several occasions we've seen the Starfleet command structure be compromised at an extremely high level. A few notable instances being: Is there ...
user165868's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Did Worf actually return to his original universe in 'Parallels'?

At the start of the episode, we see Worf return from the competition to an unwelcome surprise party and Troi replaces a wall mounted shield near the door to his quarters with Data's painting. Worf ...
HorusKol's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Has anyone tried to make 3-D chess in real life?

In addition to seeing it played on TOS and TNG, I saw Sheldon and Leonard play three-dimensional chess on an episode of the Big Bang Theory and it got me curious. Has anyone ever tried to make or ...
Nu'Daq's user avatar
  • 26.6k
5 votes
2 answers

Are joined Trill effectively pansexual and gender fluid?

We are first introduced to the Trill in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "The Host" and learn that joined Trill are a combination of a humanoid host and a intelligent worm like ...
Ryan Taylor's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Was Captain Picard's interest in Shakespeare a result of Patrick Stewart being cast in the role?

Was Picard always intended to have an interest in Shakespeare, or did this come along with (classically trained Shakespearean actor) Patrick Stewart? It's a huge part of his character, but was it ...
ThruGog's user avatar
  • 13k
7 votes
1 answer

What happened to the Enterprise-E?

Star Trek: Picard Season 3 rather notably never showed the Enterprise-E. There was a line tossed in as to why, but it seemed to imply the audience should know the reference. GEORDI: And obviously, we ...
Machavity's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How accurately can Federation ships detect a vessel fleeing at warp speed?

Suppose I'm on a Starfleet ship, between TNG-era and Picard era. I'm near another vessel that enters warp and I wish to pursue it. What are the limits of my ship's ability to detect the position and ...
einpoklum's user avatar
  • 10.1k
9 votes
1 answer

In Star Trek: TNG S06E20, "The Chase", why is Ocett outraged by Nu'Daq's comment regarding biscuits?

In "The Chase," the Cardassian commander, Ocett, says that the thing they are chasing "might just be a recipe for biscuits." The Klingon commander, Nu'Daq, tells her she can go ...
Michael Stachowsky's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How can deflector arrays block weapons fire?

This question is based on this exchange from the TNG episode The Outrageous Okona Worf: "Captain, they are now locking lasers on us." Riker: "Lasers?" Worf: "Yes, sir." ...
Mahmoud Salaheddine's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is there a canonical example in the Star Trek TNG/Voyager/DS9 era of a junior officer giving a mistake order that a senior must correct?

I know that there are lot of examples of senior officers doing something and then a junior dramatically shouts "Belay that order!". What I'm talking about is a situation in which a junior ...
Michael Stachowsky's user avatar
23 votes
3 answers

In the TNG episode "Disaster", could Worf have given an order to a higher ranking officer?

In "Disaster", Worf is put in charge of ten-forward by Commander Riker. However, there are higher ranking officers on board (for instance a department head like Dr. Crusher). If one of those ...
Michael Stachowsky's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Can the navigation shields resist lasers of any strength?

In The Outrageous Okana, it is described that lasers are ineffective against the Enterprise: WORF: Still no response. Captain, they are now locking lasers on us. RIKER: Lasers? WORF: Yes, sir. PICARD:...
forest's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

If you exit a timeline, are there some remnants left in your memory? [closed]

If you exit a timeline, is it as if nothing happened, or are there some remnants left in your memory, etc.? As in ST:TNG S3 E15, "Yesterday's Enterprise," Cpt. Picard would not let another ...
James Richmond's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Did the Star Trek TNG font originate in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom?

I was watching Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984), and the font in the opening credits looked remarkably familiar: Is that the font of Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)? Or at least ...
DrSheldon's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Star Trek: TNG episode where Mr. Data struggles to master a piece of music

I'm looking for the Star Trek: TNG episode (or rather the scene) where Mr. Data practices playing a musical instrument, possibly the violin. He complains about being unable to get the performance ...
Simppa's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Where is a call for security initially directed aboard a Starfleet vessel?

Throughout the Star Trek franchise, we see someone call out for security. It may be Kirk punching those ubiquitous hallway buttons, someone tapping their combadge, or simply someone shouting at the ...
DrSheldon's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How many times was a member of TNG's Enterprise crew "not themselves"?

I've seen many episodes of The Next Generation. One plot point seems to consistently occur. A crew member is "not themselves" in one of the following ways: Telepathically controlled (often ...
J. Mini's user avatar
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Are there any full commanders in yellow shirts through ST:Voyager?

Are there any characters who carry the rank of full commander who served in the yellow-shirt era for security, engineering, or tactical? Did these positions max out at Lieutenant Commander?
Paul B's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

In the Conspiracy episode of The Next Generation, the admiral beams up to the Enterprise and the system does not detect the parasite. Mistake?

Watching the "Conspiracy" episode again (S1:E25 of The Next Generation), I noticed that one of the Admiral beams up to the Enterprise in an attempt to infect number one with one of the ...
Alexis Wilke's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Is there a canonical definition of "emotion" that spells out what Data can and cannot feel?

Data, pre- "Generations", famously claims that he cannot feel emotion. However, the exact definition of "emotion" is not made clear in the series, as far as I know. Clearly he ...
Michael Stachowsky's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How powerful are the Douwd compared to the Q Continuum? [duplicate]

In TNG episode The Survivors, we meet a member of the Douwd race. This alien, and assuming his entire race, has the ability to manipulate matter to create illusions or constructs capable of crippling ...
SDH's user avatar
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Is there any acknowledged connection between the departure of security officers in The Orville and ST:TNG?

The Orville is quite obviously a take off/spoof of Star Trek (As I described it to my son "as M•A•S•H is to war, The Orville is to Star Trek" - got him interested for about half an episode). ...
FreeMan's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Star Trek novel where Riker becomes ill after drinking water aboard a Cardassian Vessel?

Plot Details/Summary I recall very little of this particular Trek novel. I'm not even sure what the main story arc was. The part I remember is that Riker is sent aboard a Cardassian vessel for some ...
Helbent IV's user avatar
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25 votes
7 answers

In which (if any) Star Trek episodes does that show’s captain not appear?

I’m curious as to how many, if any, episodes of the original five broadcast Trek series did not include a single appearance by that show’s lead actor, the Captain for that particular show. I.E., TOS ...
LessPop_MoreFizz's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why are subsequent Enterprises designated NCC?

I seem to recall that in TOS the 'NCC' designation referred to "Constitution Class" yet all Federation starships seem to have that designation, regardless. Shouldn't the Enterprise-D be NGC-...
Woody Quinn's user avatar
19 votes
5 answers

Why did the Federation struggle so hard to understand the Tamarians?

In the beginning of Star Trek TNG Season 5 Episode 2 "Darmok", Data says: Federation vessels have encountered Tamarian ships seven times over the past one hundred years. Each meeting went ...
spacetyper's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

At what point was it decided that Data was built by a human?

In the final draft of the series bible for Star Trek: TNG from September 8, 1987, Lt. Cmdr. Data is described as An android so perfectly fabricated (by unknown aliens) We know that at latest by ...
O. R. Mapper's user avatar
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21 votes
2 answers

Is Data from Star Trek able to swim?

Is Data from Star Trek able to swim?
sno's user avatar
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