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38 votes
5 answers

Is the "Space, The Final Frontier" quote "in universe"?

Probably everyone reading this recognises the most famous split-infinitive in (science) fiction: From Star Trek TOS: Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. ...
24 votes
4 answers

What are the chase lights under Star Trek viewscreens for?

Under the viewscreen on many Federation starships, there are a series of lights that constantly run through a chase or 'marching ants' pattern. What's the reason for these lights? Are they status ...
17 votes
2 answers

Could Captain Kirk have lived long enough to meet Picard?

I guess I should say SPOILER ALERT if you haven't seen Star Trek Generations or the reboot films. In the movie Star Trek Generations, Captain Kirk and Captain Picard meet to defeat Soran. According ...
32 votes
6 answers

What political system does Star Trek's Federation operate under?

I've watched all of the Original Series and The Next Generation, and bits of Deep Space 9 and Voyager, all of the movies, but none of the more recent series, or the books. In all of the material I've ...
5 votes
2 answers

How can ship crew walk in USS Enterprise?

Has there been a scientific explanation for ship crew walking in spaceships in Star Trek? I know rotating stations can create artifical gravity but USS Enterprise does not rotate, at least not enough ...
3 votes
2 answers

Do energy creatures come in various sexes?

Other than the Q (who can change their appearance at will, so it's hardly convincing), it seems that "male" and "female" only appear to be functions of physical beings in the Star ...
8 votes
2 answers

Why are Remans telepathic when Romulans are not?

Are Romulans, Vulcans and Remans the same race? I know that around the 4th century Vulcans who rejected the teachings of Surak (whom they call The Dissembler) left Vulcan to go to Romulus, but who are ...
29 votes
11 answers

Why Did Scotty Not Go Insane?

On the question about the transporters in Star Trek on whether the original person dies in the transporter, I provided this answer based on the text of the Writer's Guide for the series Star Trek: The ...
3 votes
2 answers

Where is a call for security initially directed aboard a Starfleet vessel?

Throughout the Star Trek franchise, we see someone call out for security. It may be Kirk punching those ubiquitous hallway buttons, someone tapping their combadge, or simply someone shouting at the ...
15 votes
1 answer

How does a sonic shower work?

What is the mechanism behind a sonic shower in the STU? A shower with water does various things, namely; get rid of odors, raise body temperature, acts as a disinfectant, has a soothing massage ...
7 votes
5 answers

How many sentient bio-ships have been shown in the Star Trek universe?

We're introduced to an amazing creature, a living bio-ship named Gomtuu (called 'Tin Man' by Starfleet) who was observed while orbiting Beta Stromgren in TNG 3x20, 'Tin Man'. Through first contact ...
43 votes
14 answers

Is Starfleet a military or civilian organization?

If they are civilian in the common sense, why then do they wear military style uniforms, have a military hierarchical command and military rank structures; have a Starfleet Command and a Starfleet ...
27 votes
7 answers

Why was Enterprise on a five-year mission in TOS?

There is a small difference between intro texts in TOS: Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek ...
6 votes
1 answer

Which TOS characters do we see in TNG-era canon?

I recall seeing Spock and McCoy on TNG, but which other TOS regular bridge crew do we see in TNG-era canon i.e. TNG, DS9, VOY and the TNG movies.
5 votes
1 answer

Do Borg have different collectives depending on which reality they exist in, or are all Borg across all realities part of the same collective?

Similar, but not what I'm after. In TNG Parallels, one of the alternate Enterprises consists of a Riker who claims that: The Borg are everywhere! So there's Borg in at least two universes, probably ...
6 votes
1 answer

What's the most money actors earned for Star Trek in each era? [closed]

This means: most per episode in the TOS era? most per episode in the TNG era (incl. DS9, Voyager and Enterprise)? most for a TOS film? most for a TNG film? most for an Abrams-verse film? most in the ...
54 votes
5 answers

Starship Enterprise: Always flying left-to-right?

I am watching Star Trek together with my wife. We just finished the three seasons of The Original Series1, and are now mid-way into Star Trek Next Generation. I don't think I have seen the Enterprise ...
65 votes
4 answers

When did the red shirt careers change to yellow shirts in Star Trek and why?

In the original Star Trek engineers and security officers wore red shirts but in ST:TNG engineers and security officers wore yellow shirts and command officers wore red shirts. Was it ever explained ...
9 votes
3 answers

Star Trek TOS-TNG crossover novel

I have been searching for the title of a TOS-TNG crossover novel for some time. I believe it was published in the early 1990s, as I do not remember Voyager or DS9 being on TV. It was also before ST:...
18 votes
2 answers

Which TNG actors were TOS fans?

Were any of the The Next Generation actors self-professed fans of The Original Series before being cast as characters in TNG? (Or did they all think it was just fairy tale rubbish?) I'm only ...
7 votes
1 answer

Can the strength of photon torpedoes be adjusted?

The strength of a phaser blast can be adjusted, at least on the Enterprise-D (and probably the other ships with which we're familiar). In "Galaxy's Child," for example, the space entity is shot with a ...
3 votes
1 answer

Was Riker based on Kirk?

I have noticed that, regarding character, both Kirk and Riker have some similarities - both are womanizers and can be cheeky. There are certainly differences, such as Kirk being much less formal than ...
16 votes
9 answers

What year is ‘Star Trek: The Original Series’ set in?

Wikipedia notes that ‘Star Trek: The Next Generation’ was set in 2364 (and beyond), and that that’s “about 100 years after the original series timeframe”. However, the Wikipedia article on The ...
9 votes
4 answers

Why does the USS Enterprise always have the same registry number?

Is there any in universe explanation as to why the Enterprise always gets to keep its 1701 registry number? Also I don't recall any other starships from the TNG, DS9, Voyager time period that had ...
11 votes
2 answers

Helm vs. Engineering (changing of speed)

The vast majority of the time, the helm officer plots the new course and speed (Warp 7 at heading 141 mark 11). Sometimes, though, Engineering is asked to change speed/put the ship into warp. Such a ...
8 votes
1 answer

What produces the sound of transportation? (Out-of-Universe)

This question asks what in-universe phenomena produces a sound when transportation occurs. This is interesting, but it brings up another interesting question - what produces the sound, out-of-...
29 votes
3 answers

Do they still use days of the week or months in the era of Stardates?

I understand how the stardate system works in Star Trek and it doesn't really lend itself to casual conversation ("see you on star date 41645", as opposed to "see you on Monday") or recurring events ...
8 votes
4 answers

How different biologically are Remans, Romulans, and Vulcans?

How different biologically are Remans, Romulans, and Vulcans? According to the question How are Vulcans and Romulans different from each other?, when Beverly Crusher tried to heal a Romulan with a ...
9 votes
2 answers

Star Trek Shield Shape, inconsistencies?

According to the answer on Why do shields in Star Trek "wear out"? the TNG technical manual says the Defense Shields are basically form fitting. And this aligns with what I remember of TOS, ...
24 votes
5 answers

When did our universe and the Star Trek universe diverge?

Note that my question assumes as a given that Star Trek is in an alternate universe which diverged from ours at some point in history. That seems really, really obvious and undeniable to me. So the ...
5 votes
0 answers

What species in the Star Trek universe actually independently developed their own warp (FTL) drives? [closed]

There are a few Q&As here that lightly touch on aspects of this subject but are woefully incomplete. Some answers and comments mention the timing (in relation to some other species) of the ...
22 votes
7 answers

In Star Trek, what are all the low-ranking Command Division officers doing?

There are three division in Starfleet as evidenced by the three uniform colors: Command Red (Gold in TOS era): Command decides what to do Operations Gold (Red in TOS era): includes security, ...
4 votes
2 answers

Can the transporter reposition you?

In Tomorrow is Yesterday USAF Captain John Christopher was sitting in his pilot seat when he dematerialized, but materialized standing with his back to Captain Kirk. This happened when the Enterprise ...
3 votes
3 answers

Do certain energy beings not have to "eat" (take in energy somehow)?

It has been shown in Star Trek that some energy beings need to take in some sort of energy in order to survive. For example, in "Day of the Dove," the Beta XII-A entity apparently was required to "...
33 votes
4 answers

Was Dr. Noonian Soong's name inspired by Khan Noonien Singh?

I just recently realized that "Dr. Noonian Soong" and "Khan Noonien Singh" sound familiar. Is there documented confirmation that the TNG writers were inspired by Star Trek II? Or is this purely a ...
27 votes
1 answer

Is there a canon reason why Klingon and Romulan vessels are so similar in shape?

Not counting shuttles, transport vessels or bases, Klingon and Romulan ships have a very similar basis in their shapes. They also share the same colors. Is there any canon reason as to why so many ...
16 votes
3 answers

What genuine references are there in Voltaire’s "U.S.S. Make Shit Up" song?

Since Voltaire claims the quotes were mostly based on fan input and his own recollection of the series, I was wondering if it would be possible to get all the episodes together that contain the scenes ...
14 votes
3 answers

What is the canonicity of the appearance of USS Enterprise NCC-1701-B?

This question arises from the answer to In which ways did scanning Nero's ship enhance/change Starfleet technology? which shows this image I believe all the USS Enterprises appeared on-screen ...
4 votes
2 answers

In anything Star Trek, what does it mean to be in or out of phase?

In many Star Trek episodes term/concept in phase, out of phase, phase variance, etc. are used many times. What does phase mean exactly? Please give as detailed and technical an answer as you can ...
22 votes
2 answers

What are all the types of colored alerts in Star Trek and what do they do?

What technically happens on a ship when a colored alert is called? For example, I recall hearing/seeing long ago (TNG Tech Manual?) that shields are automatically raised under both red and yellow ...
23 votes
7 answers

Why was there a 20-year gap between Enterprises C and D?

As can be confirmed via Memory Alpha, the service years of the ships named "USS Enterprise" in the original timeline beginning at 2245 are: NCC-1701 (Captains April, Pike, Kirk, Decker, Kirk, Spock), ...
42 votes
3 answers

What was the first 3D CGI used in Star Trek?

This means I'm seeking the first three-dimensionally computer-modeled and rendered imagery used in Star Trek. We know there was extensive 3D CGI used in DS9 (Odo) and Voyager (USS Voyager). But ...
9 votes
1 answer

Did Soran succeed?

According to the canon movie Star Trek Generations, the Nexus is an extra-dimensional realm in which time and space have no meaning. The main antagonist of the film, Tolian Soran, wants to enter the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Star Trek - Weapon of Peace [duplicate]

This piece of Star Trek has been eating me for a while. Many years ago, I saw an episode of Star Trek - it was either the original or TNG. The Enterprise crew comes across a strange device which ...
38 votes
4 answers

Have Star Trek actors commented on why they didn't work more after Star Trek?

Among the few dozen main characters in the Star Trek series, very few take any successful main roles in subsequent series. Exceptions: Patrick Stewart in the X-Men movies William Shatner in Boston ...
7 votes
1 answer

Why did TNG's creators change "where no man" to "where no-one"?

In the intro text of TNG it isn't where no MAN has gone before anymore, but where no ONE has gone before Has there ever been an official explanation why the text was changed? My initial ...
24 votes
8 answers

Are any regular bridge crew on TNG actually members of the next generation?

So, the sequel (if we ignore TAS) to the original Star Trek is Star Trek: The Next Generation. My question simply is: are any of the regular bridge crew actually from the generation following that of ...
7 votes
4 answers

What technological concepts did Star Trek invent?

There are a lot of technologies which we would consider to be 'iconic' to the Star Trek franchise, such as the Warp Drive and transporters. When I consider these though, they are merely mechanisms ...
7 votes
3 answers

How was the Star Trek timeline officially established?

The Original Series is set from 2265 to 2269, but as far as I can remember, the year was never given until much later, in The Next Generation, which arbitrarily started 100 years later. Somehow, ...
6 votes
3 answers

What species or individuals can restore life?

The two I can think of at the moment are Q and Nomad. Q's power is pretty much unlimited, and Nomad restored Scotty's life. I guess maybe you could argue that Seven of Nine, or any Borg Drone, can ...

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