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3 votes
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Where is a call for security initially directed aboard a Starfleet vessel?

Throughout the Star Trek franchise, we see someone call out for security. It may be Kirk punching those ubiquitous hallway buttons, someone tapping their combadge, or simply someone shouting at the ...
DrSheldon's user avatar
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Starship Enterprise: Always flying left-to-right?

I am watching Star Trek together with my wife. We just finished the three seasons of The Original Series1, and are now mid-way into Star Trek Next Generation. I don't think I have seen the Enterprise ...
fgysin's user avatar
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Do Borg have different collectives depending on which reality they exist in, or are all Borg across all realities part of the same collective?

Similar, but not what I'm after. In TNG Parallels, one of the alternate Enterprises consists of a Riker who claims that: The Borg are everywhere! So there's Borg in at least two universes, probably ...
GridAlien's user avatar
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Do they still use days of the week or months in the era of Stardates?

I understand how the stardate system works in Star Trek and it doesn't really lend itself to casual conversation ("see you on star date 41645", as opposed to "see you on Monday") or recurring events ...
Darren's user avatar
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How different biologically are Remans, Romulans, and Vulcans?

How different biologically are Remans, Romulans, and Vulcans? According to the question How are Vulcans and Romulans different from each other?, when Beverly Crusher tried to heal a Romulan with a ...
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Why are Remans telepathic when Romulans are not?

Are Romulans, Vulcans and Remans the same race? I know that around the 4th century Vulcans who rejected the teachings of Surak (whom they call The Dissembler) left Vulcan to go to Romulus, but who are ...
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What species in the Star Trek universe actually independently developed their own warp (FTL) drives? [closed]

There are a few Q&As here that lightly touch on aspects of this subject but are woefully incomplete. Some answers and comments mention the timing (in relation to some other species) of the ...
Morgan's user avatar
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Can the transporter reposition you?

In Tomorrow is Yesterday USAF Captain John Christopher was sitting in his pilot seat when he dematerialized, but materialized standing with his back to Captain Kirk. This happened when the Enterprise ...
Vogon Poet's user avatar
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Is there a canon reason why Klingon and Romulan vessels are so similar in shape?

Not counting shuttles, transport vessels or bases, Klingon and Romulan ships have a very similar basis in their shapes. They also share the same colors. Is there any canon reason as to why so many ...
Kasper's user avatar
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Did Soran succeed?

According to the canon movie Star Trek Generations, the Nexus is an extra-dimensional realm in which time and space have no meaning. The main antagonist of the film, Tolian Soran, wants to enter the ...
Donatello Swansino's user avatar
1 vote
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Star Trek - Weapon of Peace [duplicate]

This piece of Star Trek has been eating me for a while. Many years ago, I saw an episode of Star Trek - it was either the original or TNG. The Enterprise crew comes across a strange device which ...
Maybach57's user avatar
7 votes
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Why did TNG's creators change "where no man" to "where no-one"?

In the intro text of TNG it isn't where no MAN has gone before anymore, but where no ONE has gone before Has there ever been an official explanation why the text was changed? My initial ...
glahn's user avatar
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What was the first 3D CGI used in Star Trek?

This means I'm seeking the first three-dimensionally computer-modeled and rendered imagery used in Star Trek. We know there was extensive 3D CGI used in DS9 (Odo) and Voyager (USS Voyager). But ...
ThePopMachine's user avatar
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Does same-species racism exist in Star Trek?

Like it or not, racism has been a major part of Earth's history. It still plagues the planet today. However, in the future that Star Trek presents, same-species racism has been practically eliminated, ...
Donatello Swansino's user avatar
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Star trek Borg origins [duplicate]

could the origin of the borg be tied in somehow (creatively) with the original series episode "The Lights of Zetar"? Were they 100% certain they destroyed them in the compression chamber or just drove ...
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