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3 votes
2 answers

Where is a call for security initially directed aboard a Starfleet vessel?

Throughout the Star Trek franchise, we see someone call out for security. It may be Kirk punching those ubiquitous hallway buttons, someone tapping their combadge, or simply someone shouting at the ...
DrSheldon's user avatar
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Do they still use days of the week or months in the era of Stardates?

I understand how the stardate system works in Star Trek and it doesn't really lend itself to casual conversation ("see you on star date 41645", as opposed to "see you on Monday") or recurring events ...
Darren's user avatar
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What species in the Star Trek universe actually independently developed their own warp (FTL) drives? [closed]

There are a few Q&As here that lightly touch on aspects of this subject but are woefully incomplete. Some answers and comments mention the timing (in relation to some other species) of the ...
Morgan's user avatar
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Does same-species racism exist in Star Trek?

Like it or not, racism has been a major part of Earth's history. It still plagues the planet today. However, in the future that Star Trek presents, same-species racism has been practically eliminated, ...
Donatello Swansino's user avatar
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Do any countries in Star Trek no longer exist? [duplicate]

In the future that Star Trek depicts, many nations have changed, such as Africa becoming the United States of Africa. Have any countries fallen victim to this? Options include assimilation into other ...
Donatello Swansino's user avatar
22 votes
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What are all the types of colored alerts in Star Trek and what do they do?

What technically happens on a ship when a colored alert is called? For example, I recall hearing/seeing long ago (TNG Tech Manual?) that shields are automatically raised under both red and yellow ...
iMerchant's user avatar
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Has there been any instance in Star Trek of beaming in a tricorder/probe into an unknown environment as a safety check?

I'm wondering if there has ever been an instance of someone beaming in some sort of probe/tricorder/robot/etc into an environment (e.g. derelict ship, unknown planet, etc) to determine if it is safe ...
iMerchant's user avatar
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Can the strength of photon torpedoes be adjusted?

The strength of a phaser blast can be adjusted, at least on the Enterprise-D (and probably the other ships with which we're familiar). In "Galaxy's Child," for example, the space entity is shot with a ...
Ham Sandwich's user avatar
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Are Starfleet officers allowed to drink on duty?

In Voyager In the Flesh, Chakotay is in a Starfleet Headquarters bar getting hit on by Valerie Archer while she is drinks a "Klingon Martini". It doesn't take long for her to ask him out. ...
1252748's user avatar
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Helm vs. Engineering (changing of speed)

The vast majority of the time, the helm officer plots the new course and speed (Warp 7 at heading 141 mark 11). Sometimes, though, Engineering is asked to change speed/put the ship into warp. Such a ...
Ham Sandwich's user avatar
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What species or individuals can restore life?

The two I can think of at the moment are Q and Nomad. Q's power is pretty much unlimited, and Nomad restored Scotty's life. I guess maybe you could argue that Seven of Nine, or any Borg Drone, can ...
Ham Sandwich's user avatar
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Which ship has made the most first contacts?

From what we see in Star Trek, first contacts are very important dealings. So, my question is which ship 1 has made the most number of first contacts? Allow me to define 'first contacts'. For the ...
Often Right's user avatar
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Which TOS characters do we see in TNG-era canon?

I recall seeing Spock and McCoy on TNG, but which other TOS regular bridge crew do we see in TNG-era canon i.e. TNG, DS9, VOY and the TNG movies.
Often Right's user avatar
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What ships have gone missing or their status is unknown in Star Trek? [closed]

What ships in Star Trek have gone missing by Starfleet/NASA/etc (USS Voyager doesn't count) and considered lost to the cosmos? These can include ships that were later discovered, such as NASA's 21st ...
iMerchant's user avatar
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Has the autodestruct sequence ever not been aborted on a Starfleet vessel?

I remember the autodestruct being initiated many times, but always being aborted at almost the last possible second. Obviously, Captains Kirk, Picard, Janeway never went all the way to destruct, but ...
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5 votes
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What were the major wars of the Star Trek universe?

We have seen many wars in Star Trek, but which were the major ones? For the purposes of this question, consider "major" to be something similar to WWI or WWII — conlicts between superpowers that ...
vap78's user avatar
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How extensive is the artificial sunlight technology on starships?

How do they prevent everyone on starships from being "pasty white"? How do people get Vitamin D? What about getting a tan? Different people have different sunlight tolerances. How do they ensure that ...
Splitting Adam's user avatar
10 votes
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How is longer life span explained in Star Trek?

Characters in the star trek future live a lot longer than people live today. For example, Jonathan Archer is still working at age 140 in the 2250s when Star Trek 2009 was set. How is the increase ...
CodeMed's user avatar
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How did Non-Federation powers view environmentalism?

Given that the Federation is generally described as a paradise, it's safe to say it's pollution free. We also got a general view of Ferengi views of environmentalism in the Deep Space Nine finale. How ...
Nate Watson's user avatar
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Has Starfleet ever sent ships on extra-galactic missions?

There have been incidents in both TOS and TNG where their respective Enterprises have been flung outside the galaxy against their will, due to alien intervention. For example, "By Any Other Name", "...
Praxis's user avatar
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When did our universe and the Star Trek universe diverge?

Note that my question assumes as a given that Star Trek is in an alternate universe which diverged from ours at some point in history. That seems really, really obvious and undeniable to me. So the ...
M. A. Golding's user avatar
15 votes
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How does a sonic shower work?

What is the mechanism behind a sonic shower in the STU? A shower with water does various things, namely; get rid of odors, raise body temperature, acts as a disinfectant, has a soothing massage ...
JMFB's user avatar
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Why does a phaser sometimes vaporize organic matter and sometimes not on a maximum setting of kill?

It appears that a phaser vaporizes organic matter on maximum setting. Remember that in this episode several lower settings barely phase Yuta but the maximum setting completely vaporizes her with no ...
JMFB's user avatar
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Do we know all of the guarantees in the Constitution of the United Federation of Planets?

In Star Trek we know of the 7th and 12th guarantees: The Seventh Guarantee against self-incrimination during legal proceedings was considered by Captain Picard in 2367 to be "one of the most ...
JMFB's user avatar
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What did it cost to make an episode of Star Trek?

I am curious about the cost to make an episode of Star Trek and the comparative cost between the various series. What did it cost on average to do a single episode of Star Trek TOS, TNG, VOY, DS9, ...
JMFB's user avatar
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Do any of the known species besides the Srivani in Star Trek use a phase shift as a cloaking device?

Please keep in mind "TNG: The Pegasus." It would appear that this would be a superior cloaking device as a ship could pass through objects.
JMFB's user avatar
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In anything Star Trek, what does it mean to be in or out of phase?

In many Star Trek episodes term/concept in phase, out of phase, phase variance, etc. are used many times. What does phase mean exactly? Please give as detailed and technical an answer as you can ...
JMFB's user avatar
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What genuine references are there in Voltaire’s "U.S.S. Make Shit Up" song?

Since Voltaire claims the quotes were mostly based on fan input and his own recollection of the series, I was wondering if it would be possible to get all the episodes together that contain the scenes ...
fgwaller's user avatar
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What do Vulcans do to counter the smell of humans?

In ENT "The Andorian Incident" T'Pol says that she uses a nasal numbing agent to help her cope with the odor of humans. Later that episode she only reluctantly agrees to share a blanket with Archer ...
Einer's user avatar
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How many sentient bio-ships have been shown in the Star Trek universe?

We're introduced to an amazing creature, a living bio-ship named Gomtuu (called 'Tin Man' by Starfleet) who was observed while orbiting Beta Stromgren in TNG 3x20, 'Tin Man'. Through first contact ...
Morgan's user avatar
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What are the chase lights under Star Trek viewscreens for?

Under the viewscreen on many Federation starships, there are a series of lights that constantly run through a chase or 'marching ants' pattern. What's the reason for these lights? Are they status ...
Bob Warwick's user avatar
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What is the penalty for violating the "Prime Directive" without Federation sanctioned justification?

I previously asked about the circumstances that allowed forgoing the "Prime Directive". The answer stated "All these people have violated the Prime Directive more than once: Kirk, Picard, Riker, Worf, ...
Major Stackings's user avatar