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Questions tagged [star-trek-first-contact]

The eighth film set in the Star Trek universe, and the second to feature the cast of "Star Trek: The Next Generation". The plot of "First Contact" features the Borg travelling into the past to disrupt Earth's first contact with an alien species, and the Enterprise travelling back to stop them. Use this tag with the [star-trek] tag.

23 votes
4 answers

Why did Geordi have his visor replaced with ocular implants between Generations and First Contact?

In First Contact, Geordi is not wearing his VISOR and instead has ocular implants. In the previous movie, Generations, Geordi still has his VISOR for the whole movie. Why did he change?
Lucas Winslow's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

In Star Trek: First Contact, why didn't the Borg go back in time before they entered into Federation space? [duplicate]

In Star Trek: First Contact (1996), during the battle with Starfleet which takes place very near to Earth, a Borg Sphere comes out of the damaged Borg Cube and then it uses time travel to go back in ...
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-2 votes
2 answers

How can First Contact happen in 2024?

In the currently running season 2 of Star Trek: Picard, doesn’t that make First Contact year 2024 instead of 2063? Did Star Trek: Picard break the canon?
user931's user avatar
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How does the borg queen keep coming back to life? [duplicate]

How does the borg queen keep coming back to life? She is killed but always reappears later. When Picard asks her about this, she says Picard is thinking so 3-dimensionally.
sno's user avatar
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Why was Seven of Nine upset at Borg drones being ejected into space, when they can survive in a vacuum?

In Star Trek Picard season one Borg drones are ejected into space. Seven of Nine seems upset at this. But what's the big deal, as Star Trek First Contact has shown that Borg drones can survive in ...
sno's user avatar
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7 votes
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How far away from Earth did the Phoenix travel for its first warp flight?

At this point, Zefram Cochrane turned the ship around, and commented just how small Earth looked
ackmondual's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Why was the year 2063 chosen for First Contact?

Was the year 2063 chosen for 'First Contact' because it was previously cited in an earlier TOS or TNG (or even book or production materials) either directly or tangentially (ie: '200 years prior to ...
Bob's user avatar
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When was the first mention of 2053 as the end of the Third World War within the Star Trek franchise?

In any medium whatsoever — novels, interviews, movies, television episodes, etc. — what is the first mention of 2053 as the end of the Third World War?
Bob's user avatar
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what is the first mention of 2063 as year of First Contact?

In any medium whatsoever - novels, interviews, television episodes, movies, etc - what is the earliest mention of 2063 as year of First Contact?
Bob's user avatar
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Why did Data say Picard would be "an excellent drone" in Star Trek: First Contact?

I don't understand why Data said Picard will be "an excellent drone" in Star Trek: First Contact. Picard has already been assimilated, all his knowledge already absorbed by the collective, ...
tmtm123's user avatar
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1 answer

If the Phoenix had been destroyed, would the Enterprise have immediately disappeared? [closed]

In the movie Star Trek: First Contact, the Borg Queen orders Data to destroy Zefram Cochrane's ship The Phoenix and Data then fires three photon torpedoes at it which end up missing it. If Data would ...
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34 votes
6 answers

How did Cochrane obtain dilithium for the first warp flight?

In the Star Trek Illustrated Handbook (based on The Official Star Trek Fact Files 1997 - 2002) I read: Following the model established by Zefram Cochrane, Federation vessels' warp engines accomplish ...
drmanhattan's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

What did Picard not regret saying to Worf in Star Trek: First Contact?

In Star Trek: First Contact, Picard and Worf have an argument leading to Picard calling Worf a coward. After he comes to his senses, he says: Picard: Mr Worf, I regret some of the things I said... ...
Michael Stachowsky's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Was First Contact Day with First Warp a coincidence? [closed]

The Vulcan survey ship was passing by Earth on April 5, 2063 and detected a warp signature from Earth. But, there were also two warp signatures from Earth on April 4: The Enterprise E and a Borg ...
Vogon Poet's user avatar
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How did Picard's away team transport so far in First Contact and not be detected by the Vulcans?

The Enterprise E transporter has a range of 40,000 km, yet Picard's team beamed up at least 360,000 km from Earth to Enterprise hiding near the moon, and the Vulcan sensors never detected the ...
Vogon Poet's user avatar
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Where is the deflector array on the Phoenix?

In Star Trek: First Contact, the Phoenix reaches a speed of about 47,000,000 mph. When the ship is seen from the Enterprise, we see no deflector array. In fact, shields are never even mentioned at ...
Vogon Poet's user avatar
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Is Borg adaptation only temporary?

It seems like Borg adaptation, at least in terms of battle, is temporary. In every episode and movie I can think of, the initial attack against the Borg is effective. Unless the countless species ...
Sierra's user avatar
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1 answer

In the movie Star Trek: First Contact, could the Borg have been beamed off the Enterprise? [duplicate]

In Star Trek: First Contact, once the Enterprise's crew found out that the Borg were on board, could they have beamed the Borg off the Enterprise out into outer space, or do the Borg have the ...
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5 votes
0 answers

Why didn't the Enterprise-E crew just use holodeck machine guns against the Borg? [duplicate]

Picard is pursued by the Borg while they take over the Enterprise-E. He starts a chapter of some crime-drama holo-novel on the holodeck. The crime boss and his henchmen carry tommy guns, which Picard ...
RichS's user avatar
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Why did the Borg ignore these Enterprise crew members when they were assimilating other members of the crew?

During the movie, Star Trek: First Contact, the Borg were assimilating as many crew members as they could, as they took over the Enterprise-E. Picard watches a Borg drone lead a crew member away to ...
RichS's user avatar
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2 answers

Why didn't Picard destroy the Borg sphere before it went back in time?

I re-watched First Contact today, and as sort of a followup to my previous question, why didn't Picard destroy the Borg sphere before it went back in time? When they finally did go back in time, they ...
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8 votes
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Why didn't Picard use a tractor beam to stop the borg sphere from going back in time?

After the Enterprise engages with the Borg cube, it witnesses a Borg sphere heading towards Earth and then go back in time. Picard knows all too well the Borg are not allies and any Borg entering ...
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-3 votes
1 answer

What's with "killing you where you stand"? [closed]

I have noticed the recurring expression "I will kill you where you stand". The first is Worf in Star Trek: First Contact: We also have Te'alc in Stargate SG-1: ...
ThePopMachine's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

When does First Contact take place in relation to DS9? [duplicate]

Star Trek: First Contact was released while the television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine was still running. When does the film take place in conjunction with the series. I know that it should take ...
Donatello Swansino's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

When was the design for the "original" Enterprise (NX-01) created?

While watching Star Trek: First Contact, I noticed that Captain Picard keeps a case with models of all the previous Enterprises, including what seemed to me to be the Enterprise NX-01. This ship ...
Donatello Swansino's user avatar
54 votes
7 answers

Why do the Borg care so much about Earth?

So the Borg are introduced to the Federation by Q, but the fact remains the Federation lives on the other side of the Galaxy, and aside from more possible encounters with Q / Caretaker like beings, ...
komodosp's user avatar
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Why mute the countdown?

From Star Trek: First Contact: Picard: Initiate auto-destruct sequence. [snip various characters giving authorization codes] Picard: This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Destruct sequence: Alpha 1. ...
Kevin's user avatar
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How could the Vulcans in First Contact Speak English? [duplicate]

In Star Trek: First Contact, when the Vulcans come to Earth and meet Dr. Cochrane, the one very clearly says "Live long, and prosper." But how would the Vulcans know how to speak English? Up until ...
Him_Jalpert's user avatar
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What are the changes of the timeline made by "First Contact"?

When I watched "First Contact" my impression was, that in the end, our heroes repaired the damage the Borg did to the timeline. But there were so many subtle and not so subtle changes, one could ask ...
Hothie's user avatar
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Do the Borg not wonder why everybody hates them?

The Borg tend to justify their actions by claiming that they are "improving" species, bringing them closer to perfection. They are bringing order to chaos. Basically they reckon they're the good guys. ...
Lightness Races in Orbit's user avatar

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