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Questions tagged [space-colonization]

Space colonization is the permanent human habitation outside of Earth.

22 votes
2 answers

SciFi book, about a human colony on the moon. A central computer becomes sentient and forms an alliance or teams up with the main character

SciFi book, about a human colony on the moon. A central computer becomes sentient and forms an alliance or teams up with the main character. Read 40-50 yr ago. Maybe school suggested it for general ...
Paul Walker's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Science fiction story about settling a planet with Adam and Eve

I read the story in a science fiction anthology in the early 80s. Two human forms, one male and one female were put on a planet by an advanced technology starship. A plot of the planet was made ...
BK Dhar's user avatar
  • 141
8 votes
1 answer

A touching short story about two women leaving Earth forever, one of them to join her husband

I know with some precision when I read this story: while I was a student in the US, between September 75 and June 79. I read it in a collection, but there were so many in that library I cannot ...
Alfred's user avatar
  • 19.5k
17 votes
2 answers

Old sci-fi episode/movie: man on a spaceship replaced his dead wife and kids with robot replicas

A man is in a spaceship with only his family (wife and kids) on another planet. I believe it was for some sort of mission, or maybe Earth was dying and they were trying to recolonize or something. One ...
Christie's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Planet is settled by people who want to recreate their ancestors' African society. A very intelligent girl is not allowed to learn to read and write

I read this short story in about 2010. A planet has been settled by people from an African society. They want to live the way their ancient ancestors long ago on Earth used to live. The people on the ...
Judith Jones's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Sci-fi short story about a human ship discovering a lost colony of genetically modified humans who find pleasure in self-sacrifice

I'm searching for a sci-fi short story I read years ago (I think in an anthology) about a human ship discovering a lost colony, possibly on a death world or asteroid. The harsh conditions forced the ...
Bob Johnson's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

SF book with alien planet, whose plant life lacks chlorophyll / is not green and is being outcompeted by Earth plants

Does anyone happen to recall the title or author of a science fiction novel with the following major plot elements? My recollection, not a quote: On an alien planet, whose plants are not green (...
Panderssen's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Sci fi short story where an American mother on her mid-western farm realises she is the male co-pilot of a crashed ship on an alien world

The short story is seemingly a domestic drama, set in a Mid Western farm, narrated by a dissatisfied, hard-working woman. She has a difficult life looking after her white-picket homestead, trying to ...
Dickie's user avatar
  • 109
7 votes
1 answer

Sci-Fi About Colonizing Planet With Dumb Humans [duplicate]

The beginning of the book is a little fuzzy to me but here goes. Humanity is intergalactic sometime far in the future. The main character from what I can remember isn't one of the rich elite, but he ...
Papa Lincoln's user avatar
9 votes
0 answers

Sci-fi novel about a war between humans and bipedal alien deer

I read this maybe 30 years ago. but to be safe let's say somewhere between 1986 and 1995, but probably right in the middle of that span. Science fiction paperback, average length. I don't recall ...
Slapinions's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Military commander tries to sabotage nascent asteroid belt colony

I'm looking for a short story written before 2018, probably a few decades before. It has strong Randall Garrett vibes, but I've drawn a blank searching his works in Gutenberg and my collection. Niven ...
Pastychomper thanks Monica's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Sci-fi book from 90's-ish about aliens and apathy and weird souls

I couldn't tell you quite when I read this.. I would guess somewhere mid-late 90s. (Possibly as late as the early '00s, but I'm pretty sure it was the 90s.) I think it had a blue cover on it, and it's ...
SomeRando's user avatar
  • 231
10 votes
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Young adult science fiction book about unique children born on a new colony

I read this book back in early 1980's. Can't remember the title or author. Colonists to a new planet. Unable to have children until 6 children were mysteriously born. 3 males and 2 females. 1 child ...
Jennifer's user avatar
  • 111
14 votes
1 answer

Looking for a coffee table book with speculative essay by Isaac Asimov about asteroid settlements dispersing slowly through the universe

In the 1970s (or possibly early 1980s), some relatives had a coffee table book about space science, which (if I recall correctly) ended with an essay by Isaac Asimov which speculated about asteroid ...
Andrew's user avatar
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10 votes
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Book about a boy on a colony planet who flees the male-only village he was raised in and meets a girl who arrived in a scout ship

Read around 2012-2016, written probably within ten years before that - likely less. First in a series, I believe. The book is set on a planet where every animal that lives on or lands on the planet (...
Jennn's user avatar
  • 103
7 votes
1 answer

Story ID: AI colony ship forgets its mission [duplicate]

I've just read John Scalzi's newly-published story "Slow Time Between Stars", and I was reminded of a similar story which I read 30 or more years ago but I can't now remember the title. The ...
Daniel Roseman's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Looking for the title to very old SciFi book about space colonists who live in a tree and have to spit in the tree's flowers to get access

My dad gave me this book and my husband left it on a plane by accident. A group of space colonists have adapted and evolved to fit into the planet where they live. The planet is largely trees. The ...
Rhonda Levinson's user avatar
8 votes
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Novel about a human visiting a colonised planet where the natives are like humans with tails

There is a human from another long-colonized planet, visiting. He sees only female natives, who are being exploited. He finds the hidden males and discovers that they are human, descendants of a ...
Judith Jones's user avatar
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3 votes
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Is most of the Star Wars galaxy colonized?

I watch all Star Wars TV shows and read all Star Wars literature. In these stories, characters go to tons and tons of new (relative to the audience) planets and it seems a majority of them have been ...
Sam's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

Brain ship decides to restart the human race

This is a short story I read on the Internet, probably Project Gutenberg, in the last 15 years. It's likely to be much older - '60s maybe. Humanity was at war with an alien race. The aliens had self-...
Pastychomper thanks Monica's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

'80s science fiction novel involving dangerous crystal towers and weird little animals, both of which turn out to be sapient

I want to recommend this book to someone else but I can't remember the title or the author. Searching for it on the internet appears to be nearly impossible because it wasn't very successful and ...
Andy Jones's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

Book or series about a group of teens in a space colony who discover telepathic creatures

I have been trying to find this series that I read in grade school. Some of the info I remember is: They have hover technology, hover bikes that the kids hack to remove safety restraints, and hover ...
Robert Blenkin's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Sci-fi youth novel with a young female protagonist who is watching over the development of another planet [duplicate]

It's a lovely romantic youth novel that I read many years ago in German. It's about a girl who is part of a crew that is observing the development of other planets. They are from a very well-evolved ...
Paul's user avatar
  • 81
23 votes
1 answer

Old sci fi short story about weird acting rulers in a decrepit outpost and a lone bounty hunter that uncovers the truth, they are controlled by fungi

I think it is a classic 50's story because I think at the time I was reading a series of compilation books... Something like "50's greatest Science Fiction Stories" or maybe Award Winning ...
Eligio Zavala's user avatar
28 votes
1 answer

Story-id: “Lost in Space” novel (posted on USENET in 87-88) with an engineer and an AI trapped on a interstellar freighter and the other crew dead

This is an incredible long shot, because I read this in the late 80’s in a USENET newsgroup and I have no idea if it ever appeared in print. In schoolyear 87-88 I had newsgroup access via my ...
Tonny's user avatar
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14 votes
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Novel with a modified space shuttle seeding a colony on another planet

I would have read this novel in the mid to late 1990s to the early 2000s. I believe it would have been before 2003 and the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster. The story revolves around a space shuttle (I ...
A.Steer's user avatar
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10 votes
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Book series about a group of humans who colonise another planet after the Earth is destroyed by the Sun going nova

Trying to find a series - two books from memory - in which the Earth was destroyed by the Sun going nova. A smallish group fled to a science base to make it a colony. The world was not really suitable ...
betchern0t's user avatar
20 votes
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Ship's captain wakes colonist, turns out to be a convict working his sentence as a brain in a jar

I read this in the 90s. Probably older, probably a short story. The main character was the captain and sole crew-member of a starship delivering a cargo of colonists in suspended animation to a remote ...
Pastychomper thanks Monica's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Could Buzz Lightyear's crew ever have returned to the world before their accident?

In Lightyear, Buzz's primary motivation is to help the crew of the Turnip return to their lives before the crash. However, it's unclear if the crew ever could have gone back to "life as normal&...
vastra360's user avatar
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24 votes
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Story where humans use aliens as machinery

Humans settle on a planet and use alien beasts instead of machinery. The beasts are in fact sentient and a contract is negotiated to allow the humans to use the aliens. I vaguely remember that there ...
user108131's user avatar
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