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Questions tagged [parallel-universe]

For questions about a parallel universe or alternative reality, a hypothetical self-contained separate reality coexisting with one's own. A specific group of parallel universes is called a "multiverse", although this term can also be used to describe the possible parallel universes that constitute reality.

5 votes
1 answer

how to understand all multiverses in marvel universe?

I am new to Marvel Comics. I know there is a universe in which Yggdrasill connects 9 Realms. So is that it? Are there only 9 Realms in this universe? Or is Yggdrasill just a portion of this ...
thndrkiss's user avatar
  • 271
8 votes
1 answer

Looking for a novel I read about twenty years ago about a man who can change reality with his mind

This will probably be a long shot, but I read a novel about twenty years ago that I'm sure is from the late sixties. I can only really remember the main plot point: There's a man in it who can ...
user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Fantasy novel, magic sword and different worlds

I am looking for some help remembering this book series I listened to on audiobook many years ago. It was a good story I just for the life of me can't remember the name, author or any of the character ...
Alison Anne's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How can everyone have doubles if some people were never born?

I just finished watching Season 3 Episode 14, where an elderly man and woman had their respective spouses die in each Universe. Their elevated emotions created what was described as quantum ...
Goodies's user avatar
  • 143
22 votes
1 answer

Short story about a hole to another universe that pulls in metal

This question reminded me of a story I read in the 90s. A woman is caught shoplifting a bunch of metal items by throwing them into her purse. She has no memory, and the purse is empty. Anything metal ...
Robert's user avatar
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29 votes
1 answer

Story about machines generating energy with parallel universes, endangering ours

I suppose I read this story in a book in the nineties but I have no memory of actually reading it or the cover, I just remember a lot of the plot. Scientists find out they are being contacted by the ...
DeVadder's user avatar
  • 393
5 votes
3 answers

Young adult book about a girl pulled through a mirror by her soulmate

My daughter is looking for a young adult, or maybe kids, book that she read about a normal girl who one day notices a boy looking back at her through a mirror. Then he pulls her through into another ...
Tony Hammitt's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

A novel with 3 parallel universes and human sized Praying Mantises

Back around the mid-1980s to 1990s, I read a novel of the future when man was traveling the stars. The main character of the novel was a crewman aboard a starship. Other characters on board the ship ...
John Garland's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Are there only one septuplet of Endless that oversee all DC continuities?

Or are there, for instance, Qward-Dream and Qward-Death who are not the ones we read about in Sandman?
JCCyC's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Help ID Australian novel. Sci Fi (soft) / Magical Realist / Slipstream. Published 1976 – circa late 1980s [duplicate]

Asking for a friend. Length; Novel (possibly novella or novelette) Publication Notes; Australian/Melbourne author (likely but not certain. It shows a lot of familiarity with Melbourne). Australian ...
Ms.Millions's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Trying to find an older book where the main character gets pulled into a parallel universe where people fight with powered armor and energy swords

From what I remember it was a book series and I picked it up from a 2nd hand store in the 1990s. Not sure when it was published. In the first book a cop? gets pulled into a parallel universe where ...
user45695's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Book about a boy who travels to a parallel universe to get a book

I can't remember the gender of the main character. I remember bits and pieces from different books, but I think they're all part of the same series. The pieces may not be in order or from multiple ...
Will's user avatar
  • 103
10 votes
4 answers

Are all worlds at the same point in time?

In His Dark Materials, Lyra comes from a world where Catholicism and Protestantism apparently merged into one mega church that continues to exert great control over all aspects of life even into the ...
Torisuda's user avatar
  • 2,007
27 votes
1 answer

Complicated story identification from book cover

I really want to find this book again. I had it back in the seventies, the story was complex, surreal, competing realities type. The cover showed one figure (I think), anyway, their neck was a ...
Michael Doubet's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

An old book series about stones, teenagers, and parallel worlds

There was this book series I used to read at Waldenbooks back when I was a kid. I have been looking for this series FOREVER and I am yet to find it. The only thing I remember about the book cover ...
Luka Rick's user avatar
  • 101
5 votes
1 answer

90s book, may have "Sleeping Dragon" in title

The book is about random people being transported to an alternate world. In the instance of the book its a neighborhood that is transported. When the people come outside after they realize they been ...
Joshua Templeton's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

90s fantasy book: man can access a parallel medieval world while 'dreaming'

I read a book in my high school library back in the late 90s and pretty sure it was written in the mid 90s. I can't remember the author or title. The setting is current to the 90s mid-west. But it ...
Joshua Templeton's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Girl that can take shortcut through space by taking a 1/2 turn as she steps up

This was a pre-1970s YA book. I cannot recall much about the plot, but I was impressed by her entering an alternate universe where three parallel lines intersected to form a right angle. I think her ...
Marmy1954's user avatar
  • 191
9 votes
1 answer

What book has a man in a world on the brink of an ice age with a wizard mentor?

I'm trying to find the title of an old fantasy book I read at least 20 years ago, but I have very little to help identify it. Obviously I don't remember the author name, I think it was written in the ...
Andhaka's user avatar
  • 93
13 votes
3 answers

Looking for a book about a drug that causes habitual users to cross to another world that has an extra color

I've been trying to find a book that I read in the early 90's, but that judging from the cover was published in the late 60's/early 70's about a drug epidemic that was actually backed by the UN ...
Anna's user avatar
  • 133
10 votes
1 answer

Help Identify Youth novel about higher dimensions [duplicate]

I read this book about 10 years ago I think. It was probably published in the 90s but quite possibly the 80s. The main plot as I remember involved a high school girl who falls for the new student. He ...
Emory's user avatar
  • 103
47 votes
12 answers

What is the first instance of a portal to another world?

In ancient Greece, the gods lived up on a mountain, and Hades seems to have been a place that you could sail to. Personally, I think in modern times the concept of a portal or wormhole is so familiar,...
Questioner's user avatar
  • 2,656
6 votes
3 answers

Looking for a book featuring a soldier/marine travelling to a different time/universe

I picked up a book a year ago and read the summary at the back(part of a series maybe?) at a airport bookshop but had to stop because of my flight was about to depart. I can't remember the author or ...
BipoxG's user avatar
  • 71
4 votes
1 answer

What story features the day electricity vanished?

I think this short story was written in 50's or 60's. The premise is that all of a sudden, all forms of electricity stopped working, and people had to revert to a simpler way of life.
Santa Traugott's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Which 52 universes from the DC Multiverse survived Crisis on Infinite Earths?

In the comic Crisis on Infinite Earths, the DC multiverse is destroyed. But, in Infinite Crisis and subsequent comics, it was revealed that the multiverse had been restored/recreated/preserved into ...
Mathematician's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Teenage girl falls through portal into an alternate reality with only her backpack

Looking for a book I read as a kid, from the 80s/early 90s. Young teenage girl falls through portal of scientist she works for while cleaning up. Finds herself in alternate reality with only her ...
Kat's user avatar
  • 81
13 votes
1 answer

Help Identifying an Alternative History Novel

I read a novel when I was 12 or 13 (late 80's, early 90's) about two timelines combining on Earth. It was a full length novel for adults that I swiped from my mom (she doesn't remember it at all.) I'...
Jason Patterson's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

A gateway to a new world/future where things can be improved with use

This book is about an explorer (with robot companion) who walks through a "gateway" into the future/parallel world. In this world, things that are created do not fall into disrepair, instead things ...
Asks Questions's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Why isn't Zion broadcasting a movie like "The Matrix" inside the Matrix? [closed]

Is there a reason why inhabitants of Zion choose not to broadcast a documentary of their reality all over the Matrix either via hacked broadcasting channels or movie/internet outlets? A potential ...
Enigma's user avatar
  • 141
7 votes
1 answer

What movie is set at Hitler’s 80th birthday party in Berlin?

A long time ago I watched a movie in which Nazi Germany didn't lose WW2, but made some peace agreement with western allies. The movie was set in Berlin on Hitler's 80th (?) birthday. Does anyone have ...
frlan's user avatar
  • 217
12 votes
1 answer

Identifying fantasy story about a knight in another world

A knight wakes on a hill surrounded by the detritus of battle. He walks to a nearby city, where he finds employment selling 'hands of glory' in the market. A horribly scarred and mad princess meets ...
james's user avatar
  • 141
4 votes
2 answers

Short story about addictive games and virtual realities

This was a short story I read in the 80's but I think it was written earlier than this. It was about a man who was hit by a bus and thrown through a shop window. When he became aware he was in the ...
user24183's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Do alternate versions of Guinan's race exist, and how do they consider the state of their universe?

Guinan's race can see the 'correct' state of the universe. Succinctly, do others of Guinan's race race exist in alternate universes (such as the ones we see in Parallels), and do they hold that their ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
  • 81.7k
5 votes
1 answer

Children's novel about a boy who buys a device from an old man and travels to a parallel universe

I'm trying to remember a book I read in the late 1970s. It was about a boy who goes to this wild old man's shop and buys a device (I remember it being kind of like a transistor radio). When he uses ...
Phil's user avatar
  • 51
16 votes
3 answers

In the Star Trek Episode "The Alternative Factor", why did Lazarus have to be locked in the corridor between universes?

Wikipedia article on the episode. It is clear to me that the Lazarus from the normal universe wanted to meet the Lazarus from the anti-matter universe, and if that would happen both universes would be ...
Celeritas's user avatar
  • 3,306
7 votes
1 answer

Protagonist in mist/fog in a featureless place

Looking for title / author. A thin book I read in the early '60s. Maybe 100-125 pages. Protagonist alone in fog/mist in a featureless place. As the book progresses more people show up and are as ...
user19733's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Story about parallel dimension travelling with an artificial intelligence

I am trying to find a book I read recently (in the past year) about the main character being hired by an AI to take its robot along with him and travel the parallel dimensions to find the limit of the ...
sleo's user avatar
  • 199
10 votes
2 answers

TV show - prisoners get lethal injection but end up elsewhere afterwards

All I remember is in the show prisoners were given a lethal injection, then find themselves in a strange world, hell or an alien planet. Possibly part of an experiment? Further detail: It was on tv ...
Christian Burgess's user avatar
23 votes
1 answer

Novel in which the protagonist fades out is forgotten by, and can't interact with, the rest of the world

Trying to identify a novel I read years ago (probably in the '80s) in which the protagonist (late teens, early 20s?) is gradually forgotten by and ceases to be able to interact with the rest of the ...
CNB3's user avatar
  • 545
15 votes
3 answers

Book: Gen-manipulated intelligent squids explore space/planet

I'm looking for the author and title of a book. I believe it's (supposed to be) the first in a trilogy, all using the same characters, but taking place in different universes - with only humans, with ...
Baard Kopperud's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Does Doc Notice His Past/Future Self?

In Back To The Future Part 2, when Doc Brown is riding a bike and ends up coming upon himself (in the past) working on his "weather experiment" to get the old Marty back to 1985, is there any proof ...
SameOldNick's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Trying to find out the name/episode of b&w tv episode--1950's or 1960's science fiction/horror genre maybe

Three obese women are used for breeding while served and catered to by several little people, midgets, while a young, pretty, feminist career woman looks on in horror, soon to share same fate. Maybe ...
user13773's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Secret agent working for lizard overlords travels through parallel universes [duplicate]

The universe is made up a infinite parallel timelines where there are small differences between adjacent timelines but the differences get larger the farther from the base time line you travel. The ...
many books_little memory's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Children's book with "square triangles" in parallel universe?

In the 1960s I read book--an older children's book, I think--which I loved, and still remember, roughly. I have no idea what the title is or who the author is, and I'm wondering if anyone knows this ...
Mars's user avatar
  • 231
10 votes
1 answer

SF book where a boy loses an arm, moves from New York to Ireland

This book was written in the past 5 years I think. A kid who lost an arm went selectively mute for the longest time. He lived in New York. He moved to Ireland and somewhere along the way someone ...
Kj Collins's user avatar
20 votes
1 answer

Story about a multiverse theory of immortality

Please help me identify a short story I read about a guy who believed that the multiverse was true, but the one that we experienced was the one in which we lived the longest. He was also contemplating ...
Plutor's user avatar
  • 30.6k
5 votes
2 answers

Title of a world hopping book, with worlds ranging magic to science

I can't remember anything about the characters except they were all the same person of a different universe, with variations of the same name, who were the only ones who could hop between universes. ...
flamel93's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Title of a fantasy trilogy where a group of children is transported to different worlds?

In my early teens (in the late 90's) I borrowed a series of fantasy books from the public library. I remember getting annoyed when the next book in the series wasn't in, so this series has at least 3 ...
Dolor's user avatar
  • 101
15 votes
1 answer

Why would Quinn wait to Slide to a new reality?

In Sliders, the first trip they make they slide away from earth before their timer counts down. This means they can't get back to Earth-1 directly. Later in the series they're faced with many, many ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
  • 81.7k
8 votes
2 answers

What happened to the parallel universe in Fringe season 5?

It seems nobody cares about the parallel universe anymore, is it still there? What would happen if the observers took control over there, too? Or could humans in that world defeat the observers and ...
herman's user avatar
  • 81

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