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Questions tagged [magical-items]

Magical items can be anything that has been infused with some kind of spell or other magical power - quite popular in fantasy, and range from rare (the One Ring in Lord of the Rings) to common (portkeys in Harry Potter). Many magical items have considerable side effects to balance their use, and care needs to be taken to avoid injury.

18 votes
3 answers

What are all these Harry Potter objects?

The first three or four were especially confusing to me, I'm not sure what they are. What are all these Harry Potter objects? (it's apparently from this article, though I couldn't view the page).
RedCaio's user avatar
  • 35.5k
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2 answers

Why didn't Harry have to wait for the right time to use the portkey?

In GoF, Harry touches the port key and is immediately transported back to Hogwarts. But why did the port key function immediately? During the world cup they had to wait for a specific time that the ...
Armin's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Fantasy book series; Brother is jealous of sister's magical (sword) glove

I read a series of books a few years ago but I never finished the series. The main characters were a brother and sister. The brother was jealous of the sister having put on a glove that does not ...
Reilly DuHaime's user avatar
0 votes
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What is the first story with a magical Taco?

Being inspired by Cinco de Mayo and the recent in-flux of history-of questions... Are there any stories than involve a magical taco; or if there are numerous stories with magical tacos, What was the ...
Skooba's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

How many inventions did Fred and George have?

Fred and George Weasley are known for their trouble-making and general "solemnly swearing they are up to no good". Their antics/adventures give something to smile about and show us not all ...
Skooba's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Do Vanishing Cabinets come in pairs or singles?

After seeing this question and some of the discussion on it got me wondering if this pair of Vanishing Cabinets was common or rare... How did Dumbledore not know that the Vanishing Cabinet was one ...
Skooba's user avatar
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8 votes
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Why don't muggles use bezoars effectively?

While I can understand why most magical herbs and creatures go unnoticed by muggles, it really bugs me that bezoars are not a known medical technology. Bezoars appear naturally in goats, one of the ...
Ram's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How do the Hogwarts staircases move in the books?

When I read the Harry Potter books, I imagined the whole "the staircases change" thing to be more like the weeping angels from Doctor Who in that they change when you're not looking or without you ...
RedCaio's user avatar
  • 35.5k
7 votes
1 answer

In the Harry Potter universe, is there a difference between magical objects and enchanted objects?

In other words, does the Harry Potter universe have both enchanted things (a normal object with a spell on it) and magical things (objects that are innately magical)? For example, a magic fire-sword ...
CHEESE's user avatar
  • 18.6k
15 votes
1 answer

To whom does each of these wands belong?

To whom does each of these wands belong? Note: inspired by this meta question
ibid's user avatar
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26 votes
1 answer

Do muggles react the same way to potions in Harry Potter?

For example, if a muggle drank Felix Felicis and went to Las Vegas, would be win every game he played? How about the other potions such as the engorgement charm seen in Book 2, or the skelegrow? Would ...
user13267's user avatar
  • 23.4k
17 votes
2 answers

What would happen in a battle of Felix Felicises (?)

If two equally skilled and similar (in terms of physique and metabolic processes) wizards played against each other in a game of chance (dice, card games, whatever) after drinking the same amount of ...
user13267's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

What brooms do the Weasleys own?

I know the Weasleys all use older brooms, but do we know what brooms they own? I remember that over the summer Harry and the Weasleys all play pick up games of Quidditch in the woods near the ...
Himarm's user avatar
  • 66.3k
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How did they get away with making the Tri-Wizard Cup a Portkey?

I know there are many questions going on this very topic - like why the Triwizard Cup Portkey was two-way and why the Portkey didn't return Harry and Cedric to the center of the maze, where it was ...
Harsimrat's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, why can't the Order plant an unauthorized Portkey, if Dumbledore can with ease?

Related: Why in 'Deathly Hallows' was a Portkey not used in the beginning? I remember Lupin saying, when transporting Harry in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: "Brooms," said ...
Prakhar Londhe's user avatar

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