Throughout the episode, the figure of the old woman is looping a series of movements.

arms by side; left hand over chest, return; shrug; hands forward palms up; right hand over left, circle motion clasp hands under chin; shake head

Is this some sort of sign language, or have any other standard meaning, or has been explained by the production team?


1 Answer 1


From the imdb Trivia page for this episode:

In reality, the choreographed movements and words Hilary Hobson mouthed on camera - not the dialogue the 73 Yard Woman says to people to make them run, which Russell T. Davies is happy to leave to viewer's imaginations - went along the lines of "Bless you, thank you so much (shrug); that's so kind of you, when you gave me that little thing (circular hand movement), it was just so precious (hands to heart); how am I ever going to repay you? (big shrug) But we'll think of something."

Source -

  • 3
    Here it is straight from the actress herself: youtube.com/watch?v=ym3tKiq6O4U&t=80s
    – fez
    Commented May 30 at 10:25
  • 1
    @fez Thanks for the link - I've added this to my answer (didn't realise that the BBC uploads to YouTube as well as it's own platform).
    – Boots
    Commented May 30 at 10:31

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