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Post Closed as "Duplicate" by Otis, FuzzyBoots, Rand al'Thor
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I vaguely remember reading a novel with a similar setting to "The Giver,"The Giver", but the nothingness was delivered via injection rather than a daily pill. About all I can recall is that the hero is given the advice "leaves keep you dry from the rain,"leaves keep you dry from the rain" which he interprets correctly as instruction to place a few layers of cloth on his arm so the injection doesn't reach his skin. The story then has him going on a trek to try to find and destroy the master computer-ish thing which runs the pseudo-utopian society. Can someone name this book for me?

I vaguely remember reading a novel with a similar setting to "The Giver," but the nothingness was delivered via injection rather than a daily pill. About all I can recall is that the hero is given the advice "leaves keep you dry from the rain," which he interprets correctly as instruction to place a few layers of cloth on his arm so the injection doesn't reach his skin. The story then has him going on a trek to try to find and destroy the master computer-ish thing which runs the pseudo-utopian society. Can someone name this book for me?

I vaguely remember reading a novel with a similar setting to "The Giver", but the nothingness was delivered via injection rather than a daily pill. About all I can recall is that the hero is given the advice "leaves keep you dry from the rain" which he interprets correctly as instruction to place a few layers of cloth on his arm so the injection doesn't reach his skin. The story then has him going on a trek to try to find and destroy the master computer-ish thing which runs the pseudo-utopian society.

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I vaguely remember reading a novel with a similar setting to "The Giver," but the nothingness was delivered via injection rather than a daily pill. About all I can recall is that the hero is given the advice "leaves keep you dry from the rain," which he interprets correctly as instruction to place a few layers of cloth on his arm so the injection doesn't reach his skin. The story then has him going on a trek to try to find and destroy the master computer-ish thing which runs the pseudoutopianpseudo-utopian society. Can someone name this book for me?

I vaguely remember reading a novel with a similar setting to "The Giver," but the nothingness was delivered via injection rather than a daily pill. About all I can recall is that the hero is given the advice "leaves keep you dry from the rain," which he interprets correctly as instruction to place a few layers of cloth on his arm so the injection doesn't reach his skin. The story then has him going on a trek to try to find and destroy the master computer-ish thing which runs the pseudoutopian society. Can someone name this book for me?

I vaguely remember reading a novel with a similar setting to "The Giver," but the nothingness was delivered via injection rather than a daily pill. About all I can recall is that the hero is given the advice "leaves keep you dry from the rain," which he interprets correctly as instruction to place a few layers of cloth on his arm so the injection doesn't reach his skin. The story then has him going on a trek to try to find and destroy the master computer-ish thing which runs the pseudo-utopian society. Can someone name this book for me?

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Searching for Giver--like novel

I vaguely remember reading a novel with a similar setting to "The Giver," but the nothingness was delivered via injection rather than a daily pill. About all I can recall is that the hero is given the advice "leaves keep you dry from the rain," which he interprets correctly as instruction to place a few layers of cloth on his arm so the injection doesn't reach his skin. The story then has him going on a trek to try to find and destroy the master computer-ish thing which runs the pseudoutopian society. Can someone name this book for me?