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Post Reopened by ThePopMachine, Dr R Dizzle, FuzzyBoots, Jason Baker, Often Right
Rewrote the title to address the actual question (though the title was funny, it was also misleading)
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Andres F.
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Does Data run Android OS Is there software in Star Trek with a brand name?

Okay, the title is a bit of a joke, but I couldn't resist so go ahead and flame me.

What I'm really asking is, in the post-ENT era, are there references to any specific (named) software corporations, brands, packages, or projects? Are we really supposed to believe that everyone is so unified and committed to the betterment of humanity and the greater UFP culture that everyone uses the same perfect software which only has a generic name?

LCARS is excepted. It makes sense that there would be a standard OS used by Starfleet. What tools and OSes do civilians use? What do people use in their off time?

Does Data run Android OS?

Okay, the title is a bit of a joke, but I couldn't resist so go ahead and flame me.

What I'm really asking is, in the post-ENT era, are there references to any specific (named) software corporations, brands, packages, or projects? Are we really supposed to believe that everyone is so unified and committed to the betterment of humanity and the greater UFP culture that everyone uses the same perfect software which only has a generic name?

LCARS is excepted. It makes sense that there would be a standard OS used by Starfleet. What tools and OSes do civilians use? What do people use in their off time?

Is there software in Star Trek with a brand name?

What I'm really asking is, in the post-ENT era, are there references to any specific (named) software corporations, brands, packages, or projects? Are we really supposed to believe that everyone is so unified and committed to the betterment of humanity and the greater UFP culture that everyone uses the same perfect software which only has a generic name?

LCARS is excepted. It makes sense that there would be a standard OS used by Starfleet. What tools and OSes do civilians use? What do people use in their off time?

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Kyle Jones
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Post Closed as "not constructive" by user931, Monty129, NominSim, David Stratton, HorusKol
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Does Data run Android OS?

Okay, the title is a bit of a joke, but I couldn't resist so go ahead and flame me.

What I'm really asking is, in the post-ENT era, are there references to any specific (named) software corporations, brands, packages, or projects? Are we really supposed to believe that everyone is so unified and committed to the betterment of humanity and the greater UFP culture that everyone uses the same perfect software which only has a generic name?

LCARS is excepted. It makes sense that there would be a standard OS used by Starfleet. What tools and OSes do civilians use? What do people use in their off time?