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would aA dementor might be able to suck the soul out of an inanimate object like the locket, or nagini, but remeberremember during the book, when he's searching for the hrocruxeshorcruxes, the dementors are on voldemorts side,Voldemort's side; they wouldntwouldn't willingly destroy their boss, would they.?

No. soSo the idea that the horcrux would ebebe destroyed by a dementor is ridculuosridiculous and unlikely. Unless there are rogue dementors loyal to the original ministry. soSo the entire idea that a dementor would destroy a horcrux is almost impossible. Therefore this entire question ahshas no meaning unless your asking it for educational purposes.

would a dementor be able to suck the soul out of an inanimate object like the locket, or nagini, but remeber during the book when he's searching for the hrocruxes the dementors are on voldemorts side, they wouldnt willingly destroy their boss, would they. No. so the idea that the horcrux would ebe destroyed by a dementor is ridculuos and unlikely. Unless there are rogue dementors loyal to the original ministry. so the entire idea that a dementor would destroy a horcrux is almost impossible. Therefore this entire question ahs no meaning unless your asking it for educational purposes.

A dementor might be able to suck the soul out of an inanimate object like the locket, or nagini, but remember during the book, when he's searching for the horcruxes, the dementors are on Voldemort's side; they wouldn't willingly destroy their boss, would they?

No. So the idea that the horcrux would be destroyed by a dementor is ridiculous and unlikely. Unless there are rogue dementors loyal to the original ministry. So the entire idea that a dementor would destroy a horcrux is almost impossible. Therefore this entire question has no meaning unless your asking it for educational purposes.

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would a dementor be able to suck the soul out of an inanimate object like the locket, or nagini, but remeber during the book when he's searching for the hrocruxes the dementors are on voldemorts side, they wouldnt willingly destroy their boss, would they. No. so the idea that the horcrux would ebe destroyed by a dementor is ridculuos and unlikely. Unless there are rogue dementors loyal to the original ministry. so the entire idea that a dementor would destroy a horcrux is almost impossible. Therefore this entire question ahs no meaning unless your asking it for educational purposes.