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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (aka DS9) is part of the Star Trek franchise. The television series is set on a formerly-Cardassian space station at the edge of Federation territory, as opposed to on a starship. The series chronicles events that take place after Starfleet takes command of the station and relocates it near the newly discovered Bajoran wormhole that accesses the unexplored — and previously unreachable — Gamma Quadrant.

DS9 is decidedly darker and more serious than previous Star Trek offerings, with many plots revolving around politics, war, oppression, religion, and identity. The station itself serves as a center of interstellar trade and interspecies conflicts, culminating in The Dominion War. (See .) Over its run, the series slowly chips away at the idea that the United Federation of Planets is a Utopia — particularly through the plot elements of the Maquis and Section 31.

The scope of the show was broadened in later seasons by the inclusion of a vessel, the USS Defiant, which was at the disposal of the station's Starfleet personnel.

  • Questions specific to DS9 should use the tag, as well as the tag.
  • For questions that encompass the entire canon or multiple series, the tag should be used.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (aka DS9) is part of the Star Trek franchise. The television series is set on a formerly-Cardassian space station at the edge of Federation territory, as opposed to on a starship. The series chronicles events that take place after Starfleet takes command of the station and relocates it near the newly discovered Bajoran wormhole that accesses the unexplored — and previously unreachable — Gamma Quadrant.

DS9 is decidedly darker and more serious than previous Star Trek offerings, with many plots revolving around politics, war, oppression, religion, and identity. The station itself serves as a center of interstellar trade and interspecies conflicts, culminating in The Dominion War. (See .) Over its run, the series slowly chips away at the idea that the United Federation of Planets is a Utopia — particularly through the plot elements of the Maquis and Section 31.

The scope of the show was broadened in later seasons by the inclusion of a vessel, the USS Defiant, which was at the disposal of the station's Starfleet personnel.

  • Questions specific to DS9 should use the tag.
  • For questions that encompass the entire canon or multiple series, the tag should be used.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (aka DS9) is part of the Star Trek franchise. The television series is set on a formerly-Cardassian space station at the edge of Federation territory, as opposed to on a starship. The series chronicles events that take place after Starfleet takes command of the station and relocates it near the newly discovered Bajoran wormhole that accesses the unexplored — and previously unreachable — Gamma Quadrant.

DS9 is decidedly darker and more serious than previous Star Trek offerings, with many plots revolving around politics, war, oppression, religion, and identity. The station itself serves as a center of interstellar trade and interspecies conflicts, culminating in The Dominion War. (See .) Over its run, the series slowly chips away at the idea that the United Federation of Planets is a Utopia — particularly through the plot elements of the Maquis and Section 31.

The scope of the show was broadened in later seasons by the inclusion of a vessel, the USS Defiant, which was at the disposal of the station's Starfleet personnel.

  • Questions specific to DS9 should use the tag, as well as the tag.
  • For questions that encompass the entire canon or multiple series, the tag should be used.

Deep Space 9 (DS9),Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (aka DS9) is part of the Star TrekStar Trek franchise, is a TV. The television series is set on a formerly-Cardassian space station at the edge of Federation territory, as opposed to on a star shipstarship. Formerly under Cardassian control, the showThe series chronicles events that take place after the FederationStarfleet takes command of the station and relocates it near the newly discovered Bajoran wormhole that accesses the unexplored — and previously unreachable — Gamma Quadrant.

DarkerDS9 is decidedly darker and more serious than previous Star Trek seriesStar Trek offerings, with many plots revolving around politics, war, politics andoppression, religion, and identity. The station DS9itself serves as a center of interstellar trade and interspecies conflicts, culminating in The Dominion War. (See .) Over its run, the series slowly chips away at the idea that the United Federation of Planets is a Utopia — particularly through the plot elements of the Maquis and Section 31.

Questions specific to Star Trek: DS9 should useThe scope of the tag.
For questions that encompassshow was broadened in later seasons by the entire canon or multiple seriesinclusion of a vessel, the tag should be usedUSS Defiant, which was at the disposal of the station's Starfleet personnel.

  • Questions specific to DS9 should use the tag.
  • For questions that encompass the entire canon or multiple series, the tag should be used.

Deep Space 9 (DS9), part of the Star Trek franchise, is a TV series set on a space station as opposed to a star ship. Formerly under Cardassian control, the show chronicles events that take place after the Federation takes command of the station and relocates it near the newly discovered Bajoran wormhole that accesses the unexplored Gamma Quadrant.

Darker and more serious than previous Star Trek series, with many plots revolving around war, politics and religion. The station DS9 serves as a center of interstellar trade and interspecies conflicts, culminating in The Dominion War.

Questions specific to Star Trek: DS9 should use the tag.
For questions that encompass the entire canon or multiple series, the tag should be used.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (aka DS9) is part of the Star Trek franchise. The television series is set on a formerly-Cardassian space station at the edge of Federation territory, as opposed to on a starship. The series chronicles events that take place after Starfleet takes command of the station and relocates it near the newly discovered Bajoran wormhole that accesses the unexplored — and previously unreachable — Gamma Quadrant.

DS9 is decidedly darker and more serious than previous Star Trek offerings, with many plots revolving around politics, war, oppression, religion, and identity. The station itself serves as a center of interstellar trade and interspecies conflicts, culminating in The Dominion War. (See .) Over its run, the series slowly chips away at the idea that the United Federation of Planets is a Utopia — particularly through the plot elements of the Maquis and Section 31.

The scope of the show was broadened in later seasons by the inclusion of a vessel, the USS Defiant, which was at the disposal of the station's Starfleet personnel.

  • Questions specific to DS9 should use the tag.
  • For questions that encompass the entire canon or multiple series, the tag should be used.

Deep Space 9 (DS9), part of the Star Trek franchise, is a TV series set on a space station as opposed to a star ship. Formerly under Cardassian control, the show chronicles events that take place after the Federation takes command of the station and relocates it near the newly discovered Bajoran wormhole that accesses the unexplored Gamma Quadrant.

Darker and more serious than previous Star Trek series, with many plots revolving around war, politics and religion. The station DS9 serves as a center of interstellar trade and interspecies conflicts, culminating in The Dominion War.

Questions specific to Star Trek: DS9 should use the tag.
For questions that encompass the entire canon or multiple series, the tag should be used.

Deep Space 9 (DS9), part of the Star Trek franchise, is a TV series set on a space station as opposed to a star ship. Formerly under Cardassian control, the show chronicles events that take place after the Federation takes command of the station and relocates it near the newly discovered Bajoran wormhole that accesses the unexplored Gamma Quadrant.

Darker and more serious than previous Star Trek series, with many plots revolving around war, politics and religion. The station DS9 serves as a center of interstellar trade and interspecies conflicts, culminating in The Dominion War.

Deep Space 9 (DS9), part of the Star Trek franchise, is a TV series set on a space station as opposed to a star ship. Formerly under Cardassian control, the show chronicles events that take place after the Federation takes command of the station and relocates it near the newly discovered Bajoran wormhole that accesses the unexplored Gamma Quadrant.

Darker and more serious than previous Star Trek series, with many plots revolving around war, politics and religion. The station DS9 serves as a center of interstellar trade and interspecies conflicts, culminating in The Dominion War.

Questions specific to Star Trek: DS9 should use the tag.
For questions that encompass the entire canon or multiple series, the tag should be used.

Added further detail to Excerpt (space station, critical acclaim) and Wiki (themes and plots inc. Dominion war)
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Editted excerpt and moved it into tag body. Added new excerpt.
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Editted excerpt and moved it into tag body. Added new excerpt.
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