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Book from the 2000’s, 2000s YA sci-fi book, male protagonist, only one in each world who can travel between dimensions through the 4th one, everyone is him but differendifferent

I’mI'm trying to remember a YA Sci-Fi book, probably from the 2000’s2000s, about a boy who is randomly attacked by what looks like wizards and robots, but then. He is then saved by someone who looks likeappears to be an older himversion of himself and taken to another dimension which is almost identical to his own. 

He learns that these worlds are created from choices,choices; one choosechoice creates one world, and the other is the other choice creates another. Eventually, they fall into a spectrum with magic being at one extreme end and science at the other. Both extremes are trying to take over the other earthsEarths in between. theThe only one who can travel between the worlds is that world's version of himself. there's

There's the older him, a girl him, a werewolf him, and an old man him. basicallyBasically, all the himsversions of him are gathering to try to stop this conquest. theThe magic and sci fi-fi empires hate each other. atAt one point its, it's revealed that each empire is able to travel between worlds by kidnapping hundreds of versions of this one guy and using them like a battery. the one

The protagonist we follow tries to leave at one point, and has his memory wiped, but then remembers everything because of a floating ball 4th dimension sidekick character whom he befriended while walking through the 4th dimension between worlds. i

I think there are more books in the series, but iI just sawread the one.

Book from the 2000’s, YA, male protagonist, only one in each world who can travel between dimensions through the 4th one, everyone is him but differen

I’m trying to remember a YA Sci-Fi book, probably from the 2000’s, about a boy who is randomly attacked by what looks like wizards and robots, but then is saved by someone who looks like older him and taken to another dimension which is almost identical to his. He learns that these worlds are created from choices, one choose creates one world and the other is the other. Eventually they fall into a spectrum with magic being at one extreme end and science at the other. Both extremes are trying to take over the other earths in between. the only one who can travel between the worlds is that world's version of himself. there's the older him, a girl him, a werewolf him, old man him. basically all the hims are gathering to try to stop this conquest. the magic and sci fi empires hate each other. at one point its revealed that each empire is able to travel between worlds by kidnapping hundreds of versions of this one guy and using them like a battery. the one we follow tries to leave at one point, has his memory wiped, but then remembers everything because of a floating ball 4th dimension sidekick character whom he befriended while walking through the 4th dimension between worlds. i think there are more books but i just saw the one.

2000s YA sci-fi book, male protagonist, only one in each world who can travel between dimensions through the 4th one, everyone is him but different

I'm trying to remember a YA Sci-Fi book, probably from the 2000s, about a boy who is randomly attacked by what looks like wizards and robots. He is then saved by someone who appears to be an older version of himself and taken to another dimension which is almost identical to his own. 

He learns that these worlds are created from choices; one choice creates one world, and the other choice creates another. Eventually, they fall into a spectrum with magic being at one extreme end and science at the other. Both extremes are trying to take over the other Earths in between. The only one who can travel between the worlds is that world's version of himself.

There's the older him, a girl him, a werewolf him, and an old man him. Basically, all the versions of him are gathering to try to stop this conquest. The magic and sci-fi empires hate each other. At one point, it's revealed that each empire is able to travel between worlds by kidnapping hundreds of versions of this one guy and using them like a battery.

The protagonist we follow tries to leave at one point and has his memory wiped, but then remembers everything because of a floating ball 4th dimension sidekick character whom he befriended while walking through the 4th dimension between worlds.

I think there are more books in the series, but I just read the one.

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Book from the 2000’s, YA, male protagonist, only one in each world who can travel between dimensions through the 4th one, everyone is him but differen

I’m trying to remember a YA Sci-Fi book, probably from the 2000’s, about a boy who is randomly attacked by what looks like wizards and robots, but then is saved by someone who looks like older him and taken to another dimension which is almost identical to his. He learns that these worlds are created from choices, one choose creates one world and the other is the other. Eventually they fall into a spectrum with magic being at one extreme end and science at the other. Both extremes are trying to take over the other earths in between. the only one who can travel between the worlds is that world's version of himself. there's the older him, a girl him, a werewolf him, old man him. basically all the hims are gathering to try to stop this conquest. the magic and sci fi empires hate each other. at one point its revealed that each empire is able to travel between worlds by kidnapping hundreds of versions of this one guy and using them like a battery. the one we follow tries to leave at one point, has his memory wiped, but then remembers everything because of a floating ball 4th dimension sidekick character whom he befriended while walking through the 4th dimension between worlds. i think there are more books but i just saw the one.