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Looking for late Late 2000’s / early 2010’s sci-fi movie involving an experiment where water is turned into wine

ImI'm not too sure the exact details sadly, my. My biggest memory is that, at the end of the movie, the lead female researcher has her experiment turn water into wine in front of a priest and the movie ends. 

The premise, I believe, would have to do with a team of researchers trying to revive a man. He basically comes back to life with the ability to read minds, and his powers grow and scare the team members, except for the lead researcher. She likes the subject and takes on a motherly role, if I’m not mistaken. The subject ends up killing the rest of the team, then the final scenes occurs at the end. Been trying to find it for years.

Looking for late 2000’s early 2010’s sci-fi movie

Im not too sure the exact details sadly, my biggest memory is at the end of the movie the lead female researcher has her experiment turn water into wine in front of a priest and the movie ends. The premise I believe would have to do with a team of researchers trying to revive a man. He basically comes back to life with the ability to read minds and his powers grow and scare the team members except for the lead researcher. She likes the subject and takes on a motherly role if I’m not mistaken. The subject ends up killing the rest of the team, then the final scenes occurs at the end. Been trying to find it for years.

Late 2000’s / early 2010’s sci-fi movie involving an experiment where water is turned into wine

I'm not too sure the exact details sadly. My biggest memory is that, at the end of the movie, the lead female researcher has her experiment turn water into wine in front of a priest and the movie ends. 

The premise, I believe, would have to do with a team of researchers trying to revive a man. He basically comes back to life with the ability to read minds, and his powers grow and scare the team members, except for the lead researcher. She likes the subject and takes on a motherly role, if I’m not mistaken. The subject ends up killing the rest of the team, then the final scenes occurs at the end.

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Looking for late 2000’s early 2010’s sci-fi movie

Im not too sure the exact details sadly, my biggest memory is at the end of the movie the lead female researcher has her experiment turn water into wine in front of a priest and the movie ends. The premise I believe would have to do with a team of researchers trying to revive a man. He basically comes back to life with the ability to read minds and his powers grow and scare the team members except for the lead researcher. She likes the subject and takes on a motherly role if I’m not mistaken. The subject ends up killing the rest of the team, then the final scenes occurs at the end. Been trying to find it for years.