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Post Reopened by OrangeDog, Edlothiad, TheLethalCarrot, fez, Jenayah
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I have found and posted some of themexamples but I am not sure if it isany of them are right. Which ones are correctAre there any concrete examples of Tolkien numerals?

Alphabet 1Alphabet 1
  Alphabet 2Alphabet 2
  Alphabet 3Alphabet 3

I have found and posted some of them but I am not sure if it is right. Which ones are correct?

Alphabet 1
  Alphabet 2
  Alphabet 3

I have found some examples but I am not sure if any of them are right. Are there any concrete examples of Tolkien numerals?

Alphabet 1 Alphabet 2 Alphabet 3

Post Closed as "Needs details or clarity" by Lexible, TimSparrow, Ward - Trying Codidact, DavidW, Stormblessed
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Numbers How are numbers written in the languages of The Lord of the Rings?

Reduced enormous images, corrected grammar, removed apology and gratitude
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I have found and posted some of them but I am not sure if it is right. Which one is right (I am sorry for the misunderstanding guys I am new here I don't know how things work here.. Thanks for your help) ones are correct?enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here

Alphabet 1
Alphabet 2
Alphabet 3

I have found some of them but I am not sure if it is right. Which one is right (I am sorry for the misunderstanding guys I am new here I don't know how things work here.. Thanks for your help) ?enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here

I have found and posted some of them but I am not sure if it is right. Which ones are correct?

Alphabet 1
Alphabet 2
Alphabet 3

added 115 characters in body
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removing unnecessary text in title
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edited title
added 136 characters in body
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deleted 18 characters in body; edited tags; edited title
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