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OK so let's actually address a few things. #1: There are actually no cannon ages for some of the Characters. Dr Crusher is 40 in the first season. (Gates Mcfadden was 38 at the time) Riker is 29.... Yes 29 in the First Season. (Which is 5 years younger then his actor)

OK so let's actually address a few things.

  1. There are actually no cannon ages for some of the Characters. Dr Crusher is 40 in the first season. (Gates Mcfadden was 38 at the time) Riker is 29.... Yes 29 in the First Season. (Which is 5 years younger then his actor)

All the characters are about the right age OTHER THEN RIKER. Which makes sense he is trying to be the youngest captain in star fleet...

AtAll the time of shootingcharacters are about the first seasonright age OTHER THEN RIKER. All the main actors whereWhich makes sense he is trying to be the following agesyoungest captain in star fleet...


But weWe can still figure out how old everyone is in the show with a little math. Riker was 29 at encounter at farpoint. Riker was born in 2335, so far point takes place around 2364.

Picard. Born:2305. Age:59. (Actor:47) Dr Crusher. Born:2324. Age:41. (Or 40 as we are told) (Actress:38) Geordi. Born:2335. Age:29. (Actor:30) Riker. Born:2335. Age:29. (Actor:34) Troy. Born:2336. Age:28. (Actress:32) Date. Born:2338. Age:26. (Actor:38) (Note: Yes.. I know that data's age means little) Worf. Born:2340. Age:24. (Actor:34) (Note: Klingons mature slightly faster then Humans, the Age of Eight being about = to the age of 12 according to Worf)

At the time of shooting the first season. All the main actors where the following ages.

  • Picard
  • Born: 2305
  • Age: 59 (Actor: 47)
  • Dr Crusher
  • Born: 2324
  • Age: 41 (Or 40 as we are told) (Actress: 38)
  • Geordi
  • Born: 2335
  • Age: 29 (Actor: 30)
  • Riker
  • Born: 2335
  • Age: 29 (Actor: 34)
  • Troi
  • Born: 2336
  • Age: 28 (Actress: 32)
  • Data
  • Born: 2338
  • Age: 26 (Actor: 38) (Yes.. I know that data's age means little)
  • Worf
  • Born: 2340
  • Age: 24 (Actor: 34) (Note: Klingons mature slightly faster then Humans, the Age of Eight being about = to the age of 12 according to Worf)

Crusher like TroyTroi got a slight head start. Doctors/Medical being commissioned at the Rank of Lt.JG not Ens.

But everyone is more or less the correct age they should be. The only outliers are actually.actually;

Riker. Who is much younger then a commander should be. Data. Who's... Actually kind of old for a Lt.Commander. Not because of his age but because his activation date means little. He was activated as more or less physically a adult. And while he did have formative years to speak of. It didn't take him as long to learn the skills he needed. But I shalk this down to him simply not choosing to join star fleet right away.

  • Riker, Who is much younger then a commander should be.
  • Data, Who's actually kind of old for a Lt.Commander. Not because of his age but because his activation date means little. He was activated as more or less physically a adult. And while he did have formative years to speak of. It didn't take him as long to learn the skills he needed. But I shalk this down to him simply not choosing to join star fleet right away.

#1: They take a Command officer position. (I.E. Be the Captain or 2nd Officer) #2: Be part of Star Fleet Medical. (Because the Doctors can be promoted for Academic and service based reasons, hence Commander Crusher not being 3rd in Command over a Lt.Commander Data) #3: Because you want to be a command officer. You see some of the Characters preparing for evaluations to move up in rank, clearly stating that its because they might want to be a Commanding officer some day.

  1. They take a Command officer position. (I.E. Be the Captain or 2nd Officer)
  2. Be part of Star Fleet Medical. (Because the Doctors can be promoted for Academic and service based reasons, hence Commander Crusher not being 3rd in Command over a Lt.Commander Data)
  3. Because you want to be a command officer. You see some of the Characters preparing for evaluations to move up in rank, clearly stating that its because they might want to be a Commanding officer some day.

OK so let's actually address a few things. #1: There are actually no cannon ages for some of the Characters. Dr Crusher is 40 in the first season. (Gates Mcfadden was 38 at the time) Riker is 29.... Yes 29 in the First Season. (Which is 5 years younger then his actor)

All the characters are about the right age OTHER THEN RIKER. Which makes sense he is trying to be the youngest captain in star fleet...

At the time of shooting the first season. All the main actors where the following ages.

But we can still figure out how old everyone is in the show with a little math. Riker was 29 at encounter at farpoint. Riker was born in 2335, so far point takes place around 2364.

Picard. Born:2305. Age:59. (Actor:47) Dr Crusher. Born:2324. Age:41. (Or 40 as we are told) (Actress:38) Geordi. Born:2335. Age:29. (Actor:30) Riker. Born:2335. Age:29. (Actor:34) Troy. Born:2336. Age:28. (Actress:32) Date. Born:2338. Age:26. (Actor:38) (Note: Yes.. I know that data's age means little) Worf. Born:2340. Age:24. (Actor:34) (Note: Klingons mature slightly faster then Humans, the Age of Eight being about = to the age of 12 according to Worf)

Crusher like Troy got a slight head start. Doctors/Medical being commissioned at the Rank of Lt.JG not Ens.

But everyone is more or less the correct age they should be. The only outliers are actually.

Riker. Who is much younger then a commander should be. Data. Who's... Actually kind of old for a Lt.Commander. Not because of his age but because his activation date means little. He was activated as more or less physically a adult. And while he did have formative years to speak of. It didn't take him as long to learn the skills he needed. But I shalk this down to him simply not choosing to join star fleet right away.

#1: They take a Command officer position. (I.E. Be the Captain or 2nd Officer) #2: Be part of Star Fleet Medical. (Because the Doctors can be promoted for Academic and service based reasons, hence Commander Crusher not being 3rd in Command over a Lt.Commander Data) #3: Because you want to be a command officer. You see some of the Characters preparing for evaluations to move up in rank, clearly stating that its because they might want to be a Commanding officer some day.

OK so let's actually address a few things.

  1. There are actually no cannon ages for some of the Characters. Dr Crusher is 40 in the first season. (Gates Mcfadden was 38 at the time) Riker is 29.... Yes 29 in the First Season. (Which is 5 years younger then his actor)

All the characters are about the right age OTHER THEN RIKER. Which makes sense he is trying to be the youngest captain in star fleet...


We can still figure out how old everyone is in the show with a little math. Riker was 29 at encounter at farpoint. Riker was born in 2335, so far point takes place around 2364.

At the time of shooting the first season. All the main actors where the following ages.

  • Picard
  • Born: 2305
  • Age: 59 (Actor: 47)
  • Dr Crusher
  • Born: 2324
  • Age: 41 (Or 40 as we are told) (Actress: 38)
  • Geordi
  • Born: 2335
  • Age: 29 (Actor: 30)
  • Riker
  • Born: 2335
  • Age: 29 (Actor: 34)
  • Troi
  • Born: 2336
  • Age: 28 (Actress: 32)
  • Data
  • Born: 2338
  • Age: 26 (Actor: 38) (Yes.. I know that data's age means little)
  • Worf
  • Born: 2340
  • Age: 24 (Actor: 34) (Note: Klingons mature slightly faster then Humans, the Age of Eight being about = to the age of 12 according to Worf)

Crusher like Troi got a slight head start. Doctors/Medical being commissioned at the Rank of Lt.JG not Ens.

But everyone is more or less the correct age they should be. The only outliers are actually;

  • Riker, Who is much younger then a commander should be.
  • Data, Who's actually kind of old for a Lt.Commander. Not because of his age but because his activation date means little. He was activated as more or less physically a adult. And while he did have formative years to speak of. It didn't take him as long to learn the skills he needed. But I shalk this down to him simply not choosing to join star fleet right away.
  1. They take a Command officer position. (I.E. Be the Captain or 2nd Officer)
  2. Be part of Star Fleet Medical. (Because the Doctors can be promoted for Academic and service based reasons, hence Commander Crusher not being 3rd in Command over a Lt.Commander Data)
  3. Because you want to be a command officer. You see some of the Characters preparing for evaluations to move up in rank, clearly stating that its because they might want to be a Commanding officer some day.
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OK so let's actually address a few things. #1: There are actually no cannon ages for some of the Characters. Dr Crusher is 40 in the first season. (Gates Mcfadden was 38 at the time) Riker is 29.... Yes 29 in the First Season. (Which is 5 years younger then his actor)

So we can all say that most of the actors are CLOSE to there characters ages. And if you consider this it actually brings up a point.

All the characters are about the right age OTHER THEN RIKER. Which makes sense he is trying to be the youngest captain in star fleet...

At the time of shooting the first season. All the main actors where the following ages.

But we can still figure out how old everyone is in the show with a little math. Riker was 29 at encounter at farpoint. Riker was born in 2335, so far point takes place around 2364.

Picard. Born:2305. Age:59. (Actor:47) Dr Crusher. Born:2324. Age:41. (Or 40 as we are told) (Actress:38) Geordi. Born:2335. Age:29. (Actor:30) Riker. Born:2335. Age:29. (Actor:34) Troy. Born:2336. Age:28. (Actress:32) Date. Born:2338. Age:26. (Actor:38) (Note: Yes.. I know that data's age means little) Worf. Born:2340. Age:24. (Actor:34) (Note: Klingons mature slightly faster then Humans, the Age of Eight being about = to the age of 12 according to Worf)

Crusher like Troy got a slight head start. Doctors/Medical being commissioned at the Rank of Lt.JG not Ens.

But everyone is more or less the correct age they should be. The only outliers are actually.

Riker. Who is much younger then a commander should be. Data. Who's... Actually kind of old for a Lt.Commander. Not because of his age but because his activation date means little. He was activated as more or less physically a adult. And while he did have formative years to speak of. It didn't take him as long to learn the skills he needed. But I shalk this down to him simply not choosing to join star fleet right away.

And it should also be pointed out that. Ranks are only available at need past Lt.Commander.

So for instance if Geordi ever wants to move past Lt.Commander he must take a position other then chief engineer of the Enterprise. (Or convince some one in star fleet they need a commander as the Chief engineer)

As a matter of point the only officers who ever most past Lt.Commander do so for one of a few reasons.

#1: They take a Command officer position. (I.E. Be the Captain or 2nd Officer) #2: Be part of Star Fleet Medical. (Because the Doctors can be promoted for Academic and service based reasons, hence Commander Crusher not being 3rd in Command over a Lt.Commander Data) #3: Because you want to be a command officer. You see some of the Characters preparing for evaluations to move up in rank, clearly stating that its because they might want to be a Commanding officer some day.

You will every now and then see a character that's a commander mentioned on the ship. But they seam to be in very technical areas and are side characters.

Simply put: They don't just make some one a Commander because they like them. The have a spot open and then fill it.