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Augments versus "natural" humans

"Whenever a group of people start believing they are better than everyone else, the results are always the same."

— Jonathan Archer, speaking to Arik Soong ("Borderland""Borderland").

Genetically-enhanced humans (Khan and his followers; Arik Soong's adopted children) oppressed unenhanced humans in the Eugenics WarsEugenics Wars and smaller-scale incidents. Soong's children even heaped scorn on one of their own number (SmikeSmike) for lacking some (but not all) of their genetic gifts.

Among humans, backlash against Augments resulted in government-sanctioned genetic discrimination that continued to limit Augments' career choices -- even their existence -- into at least the 24th Century24th Century.

Yangs versus Kohms

The two ethnic/cultural groups in "The Omega Glory""The Omega Glory"1 had a longstanding conflict. Their mutual hatred was so deeply embedded that one group, when it seized power, initially saw no problem with denying fundamental rights to the other.


The augment virusaugment virus did not affect all Klingons, and ship crews were never shown to contain a mixture of the two phenotypes. This segregation could have been voluntary2 as a face-saving measure for the afflicted, but it may also have been imposed by the purebloods.

1 The episode doesn't definitively state that Yangs and Kohms are the same species. They're just played by actors from different ethnic groups, without any alien prosthetics or makeup.

2 Dr. Antaak's idea for offering a cranial reconstructioncranial reconstruction service and Worf's reluctance to discuss the afflictionreluctance to discuss the affliction demonstrated how strongly Klingons felt about the effects of the virus.

Augments versus "natural" humans

"Whenever a group of people start believing they are better than everyone else, the results are always the same."

— Jonathan Archer, speaking to Arik Soong ("Borderland").

Genetically-enhanced humans (Khan and his followers; Arik Soong's adopted children) oppressed unenhanced humans in the Eugenics Wars and smaller-scale incidents. Soong's children even heaped scorn on one of their own number (Smike) for lacking some (but not all) of their genetic gifts.

Among humans, backlash against Augments resulted in government-sanctioned genetic discrimination that continued to limit Augments' career choices -- even their existence -- into at least the 24th Century.

Yangs versus Kohms

The two ethnic/cultural groups in "The Omega Glory"1 had a longstanding conflict. Their mutual hatred was so deeply embedded that one group, when it seized power, initially saw no problem with denying fundamental rights to the other.


The augment virus did not affect all Klingons, and ship crews were never shown to contain a mixture of the two phenotypes. This segregation could have been voluntary2 as a face-saving measure for the afflicted, but it may also have been imposed by the purebloods.

1 The episode doesn't definitively state that Yangs and Kohms are the same species. They're just played by actors from different ethnic groups, without any alien prosthetics or makeup.

2 Dr. Antaak's idea for offering a cranial reconstruction service and Worf's reluctance to discuss the affliction demonstrated how strongly Klingons felt about the effects of the virus.

Augments versus "natural" humans

"Whenever a group of people start believing they are better than everyone else, the results are always the same."

— Jonathan Archer, speaking to Arik Soong ("Borderland").

Genetically-enhanced humans (Khan and his followers; Arik Soong's adopted children) oppressed unenhanced humans in the Eugenics Wars and smaller-scale incidents. Soong's children even heaped scorn on one of their own number (Smike) for lacking some (but not all) of their genetic gifts.

Among humans, backlash against Augments resulted in government-sanctioned genetic discrimination that continued to limit Augments' career choices -- even their existence -- into at least the 24th Century.

Yangs versus Kohms

The two ethnic/cultural groups in "The Omega Glory"1 had a longstanding conflict. Their mutual hatred was so deeply embedded that one group, when it seized power, initially saw no problem with denying fundamental rights to the other.


The augment virus did not affect all Klingons, and ship crews were never shown to contain a mixture of the two phenotypes. This segregation could have been voluntary2 as a face-saving measure for the afflicted, but it may also have been imposed by the purebloods.

1 The episode doesn't definitively state that Yangs and Kohms are the same species. They're just played by actors from different ethnic groups, without any alien prosthetics or makeup.

2 Dr. Antaak's idea for offering a cranial reconstruction service and Worf's reluctance to discuss the affliction demonstrated how strongly Klingons felt about the effects of the virus.

Uncertainty whether Yangs are Kohms are the same species. And new section about Klingons.
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Augments versus "natural" humans

"Whenever a group of people start believing they are better than everyone else, the results are always the same."

— Jonathan Archer, speaking to Arik Soong ("Borderland").

Genetically-enhanced humans (Khan and his followers; Arik Soong's adopted children) oppressed unenhanced humans in the Eugenics Wars and smaller-scale incidents. Soong's children even heaped scorn on one of their own number (Smike) for lacking some (but not all) of their genetic gifts.

Among humans, backlash against Augments resulted in government-sanctioned genetic discrimination that continued to limit Augments' career choices -- even their existence -- into at least the 24th Century.

Yangs versus Kohms

The two ethnic/cultural groups in "The Omega Glory"1 had a longstanding conflict. Their mutual hatred was so deeply embedded that one group, when it seized power, initially saw no problem with denying fundamental rights to the other.


The augment virus did not affect all Klingons, and ship crews were never shown to contain a mixture of the two phenotypes. This segregation could have been voluntary2 as a face-saving measure for the afflicted, but it may also have been imposed by the purebloods.

1 The episode doesn't definitively state that Yangs and Kohms are the same species. They're just played by actors from different ethnic groups, without any alien prosthetics or makeup.

2 Dr. Antaak's idea for offering a cranial reconstruction service and Worf's reluctance to discuss the affliction demonstrated how strongly Klingons felt about the effects of the virus.

Augments versus "natural" humans

"Whenever a group of people start believing they are better than everyone else, the results are always the same."

— Jonathan Archer, speaking to Arik Soong ("Borderland").

Genetically-enhanced humans (Khan and his followers; Arik Soong's adopted children) oppressed unenhanced humans in the Eugenics Wars and smaller-scale incidents. Soong's children even heaped scorn on one of their own number (Smike) for lacking some (but not all) of their genetic gifts.

Among humans, backlash against Augments resulted in government-sanctioned genetic discrimination that continued to limit Augments' career choices -- even their existence -- into at least the 24th Century.

Yangs versus Kohms

The two ethnic/cultural groups in "The Omega Glory"1 had a longstanding conflict. Their mutual hatred was so deeply embedded that one group, when it seized power, initially saw no problem with denying fundamental rights to the other.

1 The episode doesn't definitively state that Yangs and Kohms are the same species. They're just played by actors from different ethnic groups, without any alien prosthetics or makeup.

Augments versus "natural" humans

"Whenever a group of people start believing they are better than everyone else, the results are always the same."

— Jonathan Archer, speaking to Arik Soong ("Borderland").

Genetically-enhanced humans (Khan and his followers; Arik Soong's adopted children) oppressed unenhanced humans in the Eugenics Wars and smaller-scale incidents. Soong's children even heaped scorn on one of their own number (Smike) for lacking some (but not all) of their genetic gifts.

Among humans, backlash against Augments resulted in government-sanctioned genetic discrimination that continued to limit Augments' career choices -- even their existence -- into at least the 24th Century.

Yangs versus Kohms

The two ethnic/cultural groups in "The Omega Glory"1 had a longstanding conflict. Their mutual hatred was so deeply embedded that one group, when it seized power, initially saw no problem with denying fundamental rights to the other.


The augment virus did not affect all Klingons, and ship crews were never shown to contain a mixture of the two phenotypes. This segregation could have been voluntary2 as a face-saving measure for the afflicted, but it may also have been imposed by the purebloods.

1 The episode doesn't definitively state that Yangs and Kohms are the same species. They're just played by actors from different ethnic groups, without any alien prosthetics or makeup.

2 Dr. Antaak's idea for offering a cranial reconstruction service and Worf's reluctance to discuss the affliction demonstrated how strongly Klingons felt about the effects of the virus.

Uncertainty whether Yangs are Kohms are the same species.
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Augments versus "natural" humans

"Whenever a group of people start believing they are better than everyone else, the results are always the same."

— Jonathan Archer, speaking to Arik Soong ("Borderland").

Genetically-enhanced humans (Khan and his followers; Arik Soong's adopted children) oppressed unenhanced humans in the Eugenics Wars and smaller-scale incidents. Soong's children even heaped scorn on one of their own number (Smike) for lacking some (but not all) of their genetic gifts.

Among humans, backlash against Augments resulted in government-sanctioned genetic discrimination that continued to limit Augments' career choices -- even their existence -- into at least the 24th Century.

Yangs versus Kohms

The two ethnic/cultural groups in "The Omega Glory"1 had a longstanding conflict. Their mutual hatred was so deeply embedded that one group, when it seized power, initially saw no problem with denying fundamental rights to the other.

1 The episode doesn't definitively state that Yangs and Kohms are the same species. They're just played by actors from different ethnic groups, without any alien prosthetics or makeup.

Augments versus "natural" humans

"Whenever a group of people start believing they are better than everyone else, the results are always the same."

— Jonathan Archer, speaking to Arik Soong ("Borderland").

Genetically-enhanced humans (Khan and his followers; Arik Soong's adopted children) oppressed unenhanced humans in the Eugenics Wars and smaller-scale incidents. Soong's children even heaped scorn on one of their own number (Smike) for lacking some (but not all) of their genetic gifts.

Among humans, backlash against Augments resulted in government-sanctioned genetic discrimination that continued to limit Augments' career choices -- even their existence -- into at least the 24th Century.

Yangs versus Kohms

The two ethnic/cultural groups in "The Omega Glory" had a longstanding conflict. Their mutual hatred was so deeply embedded that one group, when it seized power, initially saw no problem with denying fundamental rights to the other.

Augments versus "natural" humans

"Whenever a group of people start believing they are better than everyone else, the results are always the same."

— Jonathan Archer, speaking to Arik Soong ("Borderland").

Genetically-enhanced humans (Khan and his followers; Arik Soong's adopted children) oppressed unenhanced humans in the Eugenics Wars and smaller-scale incidents. Soong's children even heaped scorn on one of their own number (Smike) for lacking some (but not all) of their genetic gifts.

Among humans, backlash against Augments resulted in government-sanctioned genetic discrimination that continued to limit Augments' career choices -- even their existence -- into at least the 24th Century.

Yangs versus Kohms

The two ethnic/cultural groups in "The Omega Glory"1 had a longstanding conflict. Their mutual hatred was so deeply embedded that one group, when it seized power, initially saw no problem with denying fundamental rights to the other.

1 The episode doesn't definitively state that Yangs and Kohms are the same species. They're just played by actors from different ethnic groups, without any alien prosthetics or makeup.

Added Yangs versus Kohms.
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